shopsys / framework
Core of Shopsys Platform - open source framework for building large, scalable, fast-growing e-commerce projects based on Symfony
- php: ^8.3
- ext-amqp: *
- ext-bcmath: *
- ext-ctype: *
- ext-curl: *
- ext-dom: *
- ext-fileinfo: *
- ext-filter: *
- ext-gd: *
- ext-iconv: *
- ext-intl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- ext-openssl: *
- ext-pdo: *
- ext-pdo_pgsql: *
- ext-redis: *
- ext-xml: *
- arvenil/ninja-mutex: ^0.6
- barryvdh/elfinder-flysystem-driver: ^0.5
- becklyn/ordered-form-bundle: ^1.4
- commerceguys/intl: ^2.0.0
- composer/composer: ^2.2.12
- defuse/php-encryption: ^2.2.1
- doctrine/annotations: ^1.6
- doctrine/cache: ^1.7
- doctrine/collections: ^1.5
- doctrine/common: ^3.2.2
- doctrine/data-fixtures: ^1.3
- doctrine/dbal: ^3.8.5
- doctrine/doctrine-bundle: ^2.5.7
- doctrine/doctrine-fixtures-bundle: ^3.0.2
- doctrine/orm: ^2.11.2
- doctrine/persistence: ^3.3.3
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch: ^7.6.1
- endroid/qr-code: ^6.0
- fakerphp/faker: ^1.19.0
- friendsofsymfony/ckeditor-bundle: ^2.1
- gedmo/doctrine-extensions: ^3.5
- gopay/payments-sdk-php: ^1.7
- gordalina/cachetool: ^9.2
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.5
- helios-ag/fm-elfinder-bundle: ^12.2
- heureka/overeno-zakazniky: ^4.0.1
- jms/metadata: ^2.6.1
- jms/translation-bundle: ^2.2.1
- knplabs/knp-menu-bundle: ^3.2
- league/csv: ^9.6
- league/flysystem: ^3.11
- league/iso3166: ^4.2.1
- litipk/php-bignumbers: ^0.8.6
- nette/utils: ^4.0
- nikic/php-parser: ^5.1
- phar-io/version: ^3.0
- phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock: ^5.3.0
- presta/sitemap-bundle: ^4.1
- prezent/doctrine-translatable: ^3.3.0
- prezent/doctrine-translatable-bundle: ^1.4
- psr/log: ^2.0
- ramsey/uuid: ^4.3.1
- roave/better-reflection: ^6.37
- scheb/2fa-bundle: ^7.6.0
- scheb/2fa-email: ^7.6.0
- scheb/2fa-google-authenticator: ^7.6.0
- shopsys/form-types-bundle: 16.0.0
- shopsys/jsformvalidator-bundle: ^2.0.0
- shopsys/migrations: 16.0.0
- shopsys/plugin-interface: 16.0.0
- snc/redis-bundle: ^4.8.0
- spatie/opening-hours: ^4.0
- stof/doctrine-extensions-bundle: ^1.3.0
- symfony-cmf/routing: ^3.0.3
- symfony-cmf/routing-bundle: ^3.0.3
- symfony/amqp-messenger: ^6.4
- symfony/css-selector: ^6.4
- symfony/doctrine-messenger: ^6.4
- symfony/dom-crawler: ^6.4
- symfony/error-handler: ^6.4
- symfony/event-dispatcher: ^6.4
- symfony/html-sanitizer: ^6.1.0
- symfony/http-client: ^6.4
- symfony/mailer: ^6.4
- symfony/messenger: ^6.4
- symfony/monolog-bundle: ^3.5.0
- symfony/polyfill-php80: ^1.24.0
- symfony/property-info: ^6.4
- symfony/proxy-manager-bridge: ^6.4
- symfony/rate-limiter: ^6.4
- symfony/security-bundle: ^6.4
- symfony/service-contracts: ^2.5.2
- tracy/tracy: ^2.4.13
- twig/twig: ^3.14.0
- webmozart/assert: ^1.4
Requires (Dev)
- php-mock/php-mock-phpunit: ^2.7
- phpstan/phpstan: ^1.11.7
- phpstan/phpstan-doctrine: ^1.4.8.
- phpstan/phpstan-phpunit: ^1.4.0
- phpstan/phpstan-symfony: ^1.4.6
- phpunit/phpunit: ^11.2.1
- psr/event-dispatcher: ^1.0.0
- shopsys/coding-standards: 16.0.0
- sspooky13/yaml-standards: ^9.0
- symfony/var-dumper: ^6.4
- ext-pgsql: Required for dumping the Postgres database in shopsys:database:dump command
- 17.0.x-dev
- 16.0.x-dev
- v16.0.0
- 15.0.x-dev
- v15.0.0
- 14.0.x-dev
- v14.0.1
- v14.0.0
- 13.0.x-dev
- v13.0.0
- 12.1.x-dev
- 12.0.x-dev
- v12.0.0
- v11.1.0
- dev-master / 11.0.x-dev
- v11.0.0
- 10.0.x-dev
- v10.0.5
- v10.0.4
- v10.0.3
- v10.0.2
- v10.0.1
- v10.0.0
- 9.1.x-dev
- v9.1.3
- v9.1.2
- v9.1.1
- v9.1.0
- 9.0.x-dev
- v9.0.4
- v9.0.3
- v9.0.2
- v9.0.1
- v9.0.0
- 8.1.x-dev
- v8.1.2
- v8.1.1
- v8.1.0
- 8.0.x-dev
- v8.0.0
- 7.3.x-dev
- v7.3.7
- v7.3.6
- v7.3.5
- v7.3.4
- v7.3.3
- v7.3.2
- v7.3.1
- v7.3.0
- 7.2.x-dev
- v7.2.2
- v7.2.1
- v7.2.0
- 7.1.x-dev
- v7.1.1
- v7.1.0
- 7.0.x-dev
- v7.0.1
- v7.0.0
- v7.0.0-beta6
- v7.0.0-beta5
- v7.0.0-beta4
- v7.0.0-beta3
- v7.0.0-beta2
- v7.0.0-beta1
- v7.0.0-alpha6
- v7.0.0-alpha5
- v7.0.0-alpha4
- v7.0.0-alpha3
- v7.0.0-alpha2
- v7.0.0-alpha1
- dev-alpha
- dev-tl-convertim-backend
- dev-pt-yaml-standards-vol-2
- dev-mg-split-repo
- dev-rc-12-0-0
- dev-tl-fix-failing-12-0-builds
- dev-mg-js-translations-fix
- dev-rc-11-1-0
- dev-mg-deployment
- dev-mg-remove-manifests
- dev-mg-project-cold-fusion
- dev-tl-fix-project-base
- dev-rc-11-0-0
- dev-rk-fw-uprage-from-10-to-11-part-2
- dev-rk-fw-uprage-from-10-to-11-part-3
- dev-rc-10-0-5
- dev-rc-v9-1-3
- dev-rk-fw-1019-api-query-name-in-symfony-profiler
- dev-rc-10-0-4
- dev-rc-10-0-3
- dev-rk-fw-uprage-from-10-to-11-part-1
- dev-mg-release-lock
- dev-rc-10-0-2
- dev-mg-remove-twig-extension
- dev-mg-fw-933-remove-rootdir
- dev-rc-10-0-1
- dev-rc-10-0-0
- dev-mg-upgrade-php8
- dev-mg-remove-be-api-integration
- dev-rv-fw-847-migrations-tests
- dev-rv-fw-837-doctrine-upgrade
- dev-mg-improve-entity-extension
- dev-rv-fw-810-fix-actions
- dev-rc-v9-1-2
- dev-mg-fix-phpstan-packages
- dev-mg-force-proxy-manager-version
- dev-mg-update-node
- dev-origin/tl-phpstan-all-packages
- dev-rc-v7-3-7
- dev-mg-allow-dependency
- dev-tl-release-9-1-1
- dev-tl-remove-package-builder
- dev-ds-coding-standards-allow-symfony-5-higher
- dev-tl-github-actions-for-packages
- dev-mg-update-helios-elfinder
- dev-ds-fix-ecs
- dev-tp-allow-coding-standards-for-symfony5
- dev-rc-v9-1-0
- dev-tl-fix-docker-limits
- dev-rc-v7-3-6
- dev-rc-v9-0-4
- dev-mg-php74-only
- dev-rc-v9-0-3
- dev-ds-more-coding-standards
- dev-rc-v7-3-5
- dev-ds-ecs-path-fix
- dev-rc-v9-0-2
- dev-ds-eof-new-line
- dev-tl-fix-phpstan
- dev-ds-phpstan-lvl-5
- dev-rc-v9-0-1
- dev-ds-fixed-framework-standaards
- dev-tl-add-psr-14
- dev-rc-v7-3-4
- dev-rc-v8-1-2
- dev-rc-v9-0-0
- dev-tl-fix-current-customer-user
- dev-vitek-rostislav-patch-3
- dev-tp-js-fixes
- dev-tg-grunt-webpack
- dev-rv-eur-on-first-domain
- dev-tp-symfony4
- dev-tp-update-composer
- dev-rc-v7-3-3
- dev-ds-easier-elastic-extensebility
- dev-rc-v8-1-1
- dev-tp-npm-link
- dev-rc-v8-1-0
- dev-mg-weird-flex-but-ok
- dev-ds-fix-project-base-dependency
- dev-ds-fix-sed-macos
- dev-mg-graphql-categories
- dev-tl-rv-datafixtures-refactoring
- dev-ds-kubernetes-simplify
- dev-ds-kubernetes-simplify-test
- dev-rv-phpstan-lvl4
- dev-rv-extended-classes-fixer
- dev-ds-test-install-script-automatically
- dev-rc-8-0-0
- dev-ss-api-import-products
- dev-do-version-lock
- dev-rc-v7-3-0
- dev-ss-api-separated-from-default-project-base
- dev-do-elastic-structure-deploy
- dev-ph-redis-clients
- dev-tl-united-non-bc-break-service-injections
- dev-mg-fix-k8s-https
- dev-ph-price-calculation
- dev-tl-fix-tests-bc-break
- dev-tl-removed-tests-bc-break
- dev-ss-tl-api-products
- dev-bb-multidomain-sitemap
- dev-tl-end-support-php-71
- dev-ph-phing-test
- dev-do-mg-mail-attachments
- dev-bb-initcontainer-owner-fix
- dev-bb-flysystem-volume-driver
- dev-do-phpstan-upgrade
- dev-rv-read-model-bck
- dev-mg-elastic-filtering
- dev-jg-redis-cache
- dev-jg-form-ordering
- dev-rv-upgrade-ecs
- dev-bb-ecs-hotfix
- dev-rv-better-php-doc-parser-config
- dev-do-fixtures-project-base
- dev-sspooky13-pt-yaml-standards
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-24 14:25:59 UTC
This repository is part of Shopsys Platform - a scalable ecommerce framework for fast-growing ecommerce sites created and maintained by in-house developers or outsourcing agencies.
Shopsys/framework package is part of Shopsys Platform environment and it stands out as a core of Shopsys Platform projects. This repository is READ-ONLY and it is maintained by monorepo shopsys/shopsys.
For more information about project, please see shopsys/shopsys readme.
This repository is maintained by shopsys/shopsys monorepo, information about changes is in monorepo
How to Start New Project
For the purposes of building the new project use our shopsys/project-base, which is fully ready as the base for building your Shopsys Platform based project.
For more detailed instructions, follow the Installation Guide.
For documentation of Shopsys Platform itself see Shopsys Platform Knowledge Base.
Documentation of the specific project built on Shopsys Platform should be in Project Documentation.
Thank you for your contributions to Shopsys Platform Package. Together we are making Shopsys Platform better.
This repository is READ-ONLY. If you want to report issues and/or send pull requests, please use the main Shopsys repository.
Please, check our Contribution Guide before contributing.
What to do when you are in troubles or need some help? The best way is to join our Slack.
If you want to report issues, please use the main Shopsys repository.