
FSi Admin Bundle. Admin generator for Symfony.

Installs: 43 937

Dependents: 7

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 59

Watchers: 10

Forks: 23

Open Issues: 11


4.0.4 2024-08-02 08:54 UTC


FSi Admin Bundle is a complete solution that provides mechanisms to generate an admin panel for any Symfony2 (and 3) based application.

Important - the bundle is not integrated with Symfony's security component. By default the path /admin is not protected and you need to secure it on your own. It's recommended to use FSiAdminSecurityBundle

Build Status: Build Status - Master Build Status - 3.1 Build Status - 3.0 Build Status - 2.1 Build Status - 2.0 Build Status - 1.0

Latest Stable Version

Code quality: SensioLabsInsight



  • Column types: text, number, money, date, datetime, boolean, action
  • Extension system that allows you to create your own custom column types
  • Sorting, ordering, filtering, pagination, batch actions, custom actions
  • Doctrine ORM\ODM support, with possibility to create data sets from query builder
  • Manually positioning entities on lists (based on https://github.com/gedmo/doctrine-extensions)
  • Manipulating tree structures like lists (based on https://github.com/gedmo/doctrine-extensions)
  • Inline editing at list level
  • Fully integrated with Symfony's Form component
  • Fully integrated with FSi's ResourceRepositoryBundle
  • Fully translatable
  • Every single part can be easily overwritten
  • Customizable through a powerful event system
  • Bootstrap 3 design (easy to change and adapt to your needs)
  • ... and many, many more ;)


FSi AdminBundle, unlike other open source tools for generating admin panels, is built on top of components designed to do only one thing at once. That's why our AdminBundle is flexible and fully extendable.

Below is a full list of components, tools and bundles used during the creation of FSiAdminBundle:


Because a few tests require Javascript in order to pass, it's recommended to use the Vagrant virtual machine. All you need to do is go to the vagrant folder in the project and start the pre-configured VM there:

$ cd vagrant
$ vagrant up

Then log into the VM and run Behat/PHPSpec suites from the project's root directory:

$ cd /var/www/admin-bundle/
$ bin/behat
$ bin/phpspec