
A library for handling translations

1.1.0 2024-08-01 12:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-14 08:34:17 UTC


This components serves to provide a way of creating translatable objects for multiple languages. There are two main concepts governing this idea - a translatable and a translation. A translatable is an object whose data is stored in a collection of translation objects, each per a separate locale. Each of these has a separate configuration object, where all the necessary information about the relation between the two is stored. These are TranslatableConfiguration and TranslationConfiguration and can be retrieved via ConfigurationResolver.

The lifecycle of a translatable object is handled by a set of dedicated classes in the Entity directory and these are TranslationLoader, TranslationUpdater and TranslationCleaner. They will:

  • set the current locale for the translatable object,
  • load data from a translation (if one exists),
  • create a new translation or update the existing one,
  • remove empty translation objects.

However they will not work on their own and need to be hooked up to whatever storage mechanism you are using (ORM, ODM etc.) through a subscriber(s). Currently there is out-of-the-box integration only for Doctrine / Symfony combination.

What can be a translatable field?

When it comes to storage, mapping/configuration for all of the below should be included in the translation entity files, not the translatable.

By default

  • scalar values (string, integer, float),
  • objects (though their storage will probably need to be handled through some integration),
  • WebFile objects from fsi/files component will work and be persisted/removed along with the translation entity,

with Doctrine

  • embeddables (also nested), although embeddables themselves cannot have translations due to not having an identifier,
  • one-to-one relations,
  • collection relations,

Example entities

Let us consider an example of a translatable Article entity with ArticleTranslation translation:


namespace Tests\Entity;

use DateTimeImmutable;
use FSi\Component\Translatable\Integration\Doctrine\ORM\ProxyTrait;

class Article
    use ProxyTrait;

    private ?int $id = null;
    private ?string $locale = null;
    private ?DateTimeImmutable $publicationDate = null;
    private ?string $title = null;
    private ?string $description = null;

    // getters and setters will probably be required for whatever
    // mechanism you use for modifying the object, though are not
    // required by the component itself


namespace Tests\Entity;

class ArticleTranslation
    private ?int $id = null;
    private ?string $locale = null;
    private ?string $title = null;
    private ?string $description = null;
    private ?Article $article;

    // getters and setters are not required

As you can see, they are almost a mirror of each other, aside for the $publicationDate field in the translatable and $article field in the translation. That is because $publicationDate is not translatable field (it is stored directly in the translatable object) and $article serves as a way to bind the translation to the translatable. Both fields have the locale field: the translatable stores the current locale and the translation has the locale it was created for.

In order for the component to recognize these objects as the translatable-translation duo, you will need to define their configurations. When using Symfony, this can be achieved as simply as this:

            localeField: locale # this can be skipped for a default value of locale
            fields: [title, description]
            disabledAutoTranslationsUpdate: false # optional and false by default
                localeField: locale # also can be skipped
                class: Tests\FSi\ArticleTranslation
                relationField: article


  • Both objects need to have the same fields present. It is not possible to map translatable fields to different fields in the translation entity.
  • Translation objects cannot have required constructor arguments.

If you want to create your configuration manually, you will need to provide the ConfigurationResolver with a collection of TranslatableConfiguration objects with the necessary data.

Usage (Doctrine + Symfony)

Unless you load your bundles and configuartion directly in the Kernel class, you will need to load the Translatable bundle in the config/bundles.php:

return [
    // Doctrine and Symfony bundles
    FSi\Component\Translatable\Integration\Symfony\TranslatableBundle::class => ['all' => true]

and then add a config/packages/fsi_translatable.yaml file:

        # configuration for specific entities, see above for an example

You can of course load the configuration manually through PHP, but XML configuration is not supported at the moment.

After that the component will mostly behave automatically. When creating a new translatable object with any of the translatable fields filled, the current locale (via LocaleProvider object) will be fetched, a new instance of translation will be created and then the relevant contents of the translatable object will be copied into it. On subsequent loading of the translatable object, the data will be loaded back from the stored translation. Any modifications to the translatable fields in the translatable object will update the existing translation automatically. Should the locale provided by the LocaleProvider be different, a new translation will be created.

If for some reason you need to fetch single/all translation objects directly, you can do so via the TranslationProvider.

If a translatable object is removed, all the translations will be cleared throught Doctrine's entity manager (via TranslationManager), so anysubscribers listening on the translation entity's lifecycle events will be fired as well.


  • If you have translatable collection fields, you need to initialize them in the translation object's constructor.

Locale fetching and persisting

The LocaleProvider implementation for Symfony will try to fetch the locale from three sources:

  1. It will check the for a persisted locale (more on that later).
  2. Failing to find one, it will fetch a current Request object from a RequestStack and retrieve the locale from that.
  3. Should there be no current Request (this will be the case for console commands and some test environments), it will return the default locale from the FrameworkBundle.

If you want to manually set the locale that is returned from the LocaleProvider, calling the LocaleProvider::saveLocale() method will persist it in the service until the next request. You can allso manually call the LocaleProvider::resetSavedLocale() to clear it.

Disabling automatic translations updates

If you prefer creating translations manually and do not want them overwritten with contents of the translatable entity, you can set the disableAutoTranslationsUpdate option in it's configuration to true. This will prevent any creation or update of translations during the flush operation, but will still populate the translatable entity with contents of a translation entity, if one exists for the current locale.