
Admin generator for Symfony applications

Fund package maintenance!

Installs: 11 159 199

Dependents: 118

Suggesters: 7

Security: 0

Stars: 4 014

Watchers: 103

Forks: 1 017

Open Issues: 548


v4.10.5 2024-07-18 18:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-22 17:28:04 UTC


EasyAdmin is a fast, beautiful and modern admin generator for Symfony applications.

EasyAdmin, a fast, beautiful and modern admin generator for Symfony applications


EasyAdmin 4 requires PHP 8.0.2 or higher and Symfony 5.4 or higher. Run the following command to install it in your application:

$ composer require easycorp/easyadmin-bundle



Demo Application

easyadmin-demo is a complete Symfony application that showcases EasyAdmin features. It's based on the Symfony Demo project.

Dev Environment

EasyAdmin ships a DDEV environment, which allows you to run EasyAdmin in a Symfony Framework project providing example entities and CRUD Controllers.


Using the environment:

  • Checkout the EasyAdmin git repository and switch in the project directory
  • Perform ddev setup which starts and provisions the web container
  • EasyAdmin is available under the URL: https://easy-admin-bundle.ddev.site
  • To (re-)build frontend assets perform ddev build-assets


This software is published under the MIT License