
Symfony based WordPress boilerplate with modern development tools, easier configuration, and an improved folder structure

1.1.0 2023-08-26 13:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-11-26 16:22:37 UTC


ModernWP is an enhanced WordPress boilerplate based on the pure Symfony Framework and Roots Bedrock.

ModernWP is created for WordPress-based projects that need better structure and tooling. You can use almost everything from Symfony and WordPress at the same time.

This boilerplate could be used for migrating big codebase from classic heavy WordPress-style projects to modern approaches without significant breaking loss of backward compatibility.


  • Symfony-driven structure project
  • Easier configuration
  • All benefits from the modern framework-based solution
  • Roots Bedrock inside


  • PHP >= 8.1
  • MySQL/MariaDB (due WordPress dependency)


  • composer create-project blacktrs/modern-wp ./project
  • cd ./project
  • composer install
  • yarn install
  • Configure DATABASE_URL in .env
  • Configure other needed env variables or yaml configs


  • Copy docker-compose.dist.yml to docker-compose.yml
  • Edit docker-compose.yml if needed
  • Run docker-compose up -d --build

Potential docker issues

  • If causes HTTP Error 500 after bin/console cache:clear remove var directory and recreate it with chmod 0777

Local environment

  • Open https://localhost

Custom hostname

  • Change NGINX_HOST with yours in docker-compose.yml
  • Add entry your_host.local to /etc/hosts


  • Install mkcert
  • Run mkcert -install

By default, https works for localhost

If needed to generate specific SSL certificate for your custom hostname run following command

mkcert \
  -cert-file docker/cert/main.crt \
  -key-file docker/cert/main.key \
  • Change your_host.local with desired hostname
  • Update docker-compose.yml



By default, configuration should be considered in confing/**.yaml files.

The all configuration parameters in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE will be converted to php const, so WordPress can read it as configuration constant.

For example, following parameters will be converted to PHP constant WP_DEBUG with true value. More examples could be found in config/packages/app.yaml

  WP_DEBUG: true

Controller types

You can use 2 types of controllers:

  • Rest API
  • Template pages

Rest API Controllers

  • Every Rest API Controller will be available by the address
  • api prefix can be changed in /config/packages/app.yml in parameter app.apiPrefix

Basically any non-template controller will be interpreted as Rest API controller. Examples could be found in src/Controller/Rest directory

Template Controllers

  • Every template controller will refer to the WordPress page address.
  • To declare template controller, the path parameter of Route() attribute should contain specific template name

For example, if needed controller for any page with a post-type page then declaring the route will look:

#[Route(path: 'page.php', name: 'some_page')]
public function page(): Response
    return new Response('my page');

It is possible to declare a route for any WordPress template

More examples could be found in src/Controller/Frontent directory

More documentation about controllers in symfony documentation


By default, templates should be in twig format and stored int templates directory. More details in symfony documentation


Declarations of the new handlers for WordPress actions and filters are recommended to add in Kernel::registerHooks() method

It is also recommended to use as a handler for every hook separate invokable service classes. To prevent Kernel class bloating it is better to store hook declarations as groups in the different classes.


Plugins can be added from the WordPress admin dashboard or as Composer packages

Working with database

For convenient work with the database it is better to use Doctrine ORM

Out-of-the-box in src/Entity are generated set of entities for default WP tables.

Boilerplate extending

To achieve deeper configuration please edit following files:

  • config/bootstrap.php - bootstrap configuration
  • public/app/mu-plugins/register-application-config.php - boilerplate WordPress loader
  • public/app/themes/site-default/*- default WP theme

Frontend assets

It is recommended to use Symfony Encore and Symfony Asset bundles to build and use frontend assets.

Compiled assets better to store in public directory (e.g. public/build)
