
There is no license information available for the latest version (0.6.0) of this package.

A framework for building asynchronous applications with Amp and Annotated Container.

0.6.0 2016-03-20 21:53 UTC


GitHub license GitHub release

Labrador is still in heavy development. A 1.0.0-alpha release is near but the API is still highly volatile and subject to change!

Labrador is a microframework built on-top of Amphp and Annotated Container. It offers a non-traditional way of writing small-to-medium sized applications in PHP. Among its many features includes:

  • Everything in pure PHP. Have a fully-featured web server up with php app.php
  • Declarative approach to dependency injection
  • Comprehensive, secure solution for handling configuration
  • Asynchronous by default
  • Robust, data-rich event system for knowing when things happen
  • An easy-to-use HTTP and routing layer

If you're looking for a more complete skeleton to get started with writing Labrador-powered apps, you should check out labrador-kennel/web-app; it is a skeleton for a complete app, including Docker setup, database, and templating.


Use Composer to install the library.

composer require labrador-kennel/framework


This is a step-by-step guide to the code you'll need to implement to get this framework serving HTTP requests. This is not meant to be a comprehensive guide on how to deploy in production, but how to get up and running on your local machine.

Step 1: Logging

A critical step that MUST be completed, otherwise your application will not start up. To satisfy this requirement you must implement a Labrador\Logging\LoggerFactory and mark it as a service to be managed by the dependency injection container. Somewhere in your src/ directory, or some other directory that is autoloaded and scaned by Annotated Container, write some code that resembles the following:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

namespace App;

use Amp\Log\StreamHandler;
use Cspray\AnnotatedContainer\Attribute\Service;
use Labrador\Logging\LoggerFactory;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use function Amp\ByteStream\getStdout;

final class MyLoggerFactory implements LoggerFactory {

    public function createLogger() : LoggerInterface{
        return new Logger(
            [new StreamHandler(getStdout())],
            [new PsrLogMessageProcessor()]


This is a minimal setup that could be applicable if your app is running in a Docker container. It will stream log output to stdout using Amp-provided mechanisms. It is important to use a Monolog handler provided by Amp, to avoid blocking I/O operations.

Again, this is a highly important step that you MUST complete. If you get an error from your dependency injection container stating that a LoggerFactory cannot be instantiated, completing this step is your resolution.

TODO: Determine and document precise steps would need to result in a running app