
OpenTelemetry integration for laravel


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OpenTelemetry is a collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs. Use it to instrument, generate, collect, and export telemetry data (metrics, logs, and traces) to help you analyze your software’s performance and behavior.

This package allow to integrate OpenTelemetry in a Laravel application.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require keepsuit/laravel-opentelemetry

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\LaravelOpenTelemetryServiceProvider" --tag="opentelemetry-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:


use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Instrumentation;

return [
     * Service name
    'service_name' => env('OTEL_SERVICE_NAME', \Illuminate\Support\Str::slug(env('APP_NAME', 'laravel-app'))),

     * Comma separated list of propagators to use.
     * Supports any otel propagator, for example: "tracecontext", "baggage", "b3", "b3multi", "none"
    'propagators' => env('OTEL_PROPAGATORS', 'tracecontext'),

     * OpenTelemetry Traces configuration
    'traces' => [
         * Traces exporter
         * This should be the key of one of the exporters defined in the exporters section
        'exporter' => env('OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER', 'otlp'),

         * Traces sampler
        'sampler' => [
             * Wraps the sampler in a parent based sampler
            'parent' => env('OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_PARENT', true),

             * Sampler type
             * Supported values: "always_on", "always_off", "traceidratio"
            'type' => env('OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_TYPE', 'always_on'),

            'args' => [
                 * Sampling ratio for traceidratio sampler
                'ratio' => env('OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_TRACEIDRATIO_RATIO', 0.05),

     * OpenTelemetry logs configuration
    'logs' => [
         * Logs exporter
         * This should be the key of one of the exporters defined in the exporters section
         * Supported drivers: "otlp", "console", "null"
        'exporter' => env('OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER', 'otlp'),

         * Inject active trace id in log context
         * When using the OpenTelemetry logger, the trace id is always injected in the exported log record.
         * This option allows to inject the trace id in the log context for other loggers.
        'inject_trace_id' => true,

         * Context field name for trace id
        'trace_id_field' => 'traceid',

     * OpenTelemetry exporters
     * Here you can configure exports used by traces and logs.
     * If you want to use the same protocol with different endpoints,
     * you can copy the exporter with a different and change the endpoint
     * Supported drivers: "otlp", "zipkin", "console", "null"
    'exporters' => [
        'otlp' => [
            'driver' => 'otlp',
            'endpoint' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT', 'http://localhost:4318'),
            // Supported: "grpc", "http/protobuf", "http/json"
            'protocol' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL', 'http/protobuf'),
            'traces_timeout' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TRACES_TIMEOUT', env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TIMEOUT', 10000)),
            'metrics_timeout' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_METRICS_TIMEOUT', env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TIMEOUT', 10000)),
            'logs_timeout' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_LOGS_TIMEOUT', env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_TIMEOUT', 10000)),
            'max_retries' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_MAX_RETRIES', 3),

        'zipkin' => [
            'driver' => 'zipkin',
            'endpoint' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_ENDPOINT', 'http://localhost:9411'),
            'timeout' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_TIMEOUT', 10000),
            'max_retries' => env('OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_MAX_RETRIES', 3),

     * List of instrumentation used for application tracing
    'instrumentation' => [
        Instrumentation\HttpServerInstrumentation::class => [
            'enabled' => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_SERVER', true),
            'excluded_paths' => [],
            'allowed_headers' => [],
            'sensitive_headers' => [],

        Instrumentation\HttpClientInstrumentation::class => [
            'enabled' => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_CLIENT', true),
            'allowed_headers' => [],
            'sensitive_headers' => [],

        Instrumentation\QueryInstrumentation::class => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_QUERY', true),

        Instrumentation\RedisInstrumentation::class => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_REDIS', true),

        Instrumentation\QueueInstrumentation::class => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_QUEUE', true),

        Instrumentation\CacheInstrumentation::class => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_CACHE', true),

        Instrumentation\EventInstrumentation::class => [
            'enabled' => env('OTEL_INSTRUMENTATION_EVENT', true),
            'ignored' => [],


This package provides a set of integrations to automatically trace common operations in a Laravel application. You can disable or customize each integration in the config file in the instrumentations section.

Provided tracing integrations

Http server requests

Http server requests are automatically traced by injecting \Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Support\HttpServer\TraceRequestMiddleware::class to the global middlewares. You can disable it by setting OT_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_SERVER to false or removing the HttpServerInstrumentation::class from the config file.

Configuration options:

  • excluded_paths: list of paths to exclude from tracing
  • allowed_headers: list of headers to include in the trace
  • sensitive_headers: list of headers with sensitive data to hide in the trace

Http client

To trace an outgoing http request call the withTrace method on the request builder.


You can disable it by setting OT_INSTRUMENTATION_HTTP_CLIENT to false or removing the HttpClientInstrumentation::class from the config file.

Configuration options:

  • allowed_headers: list of headers to include in the trace
  • sensitive_headers: list of headers with sensitive data to hide in the trace


Database queries are automatically traced. You can disable it by setting OT_INSTRUMENTATION_QUERY to false or removing the QueryInstrumentation::class from the config file.


Redis commands are automatically traced. You can disable it by setting OT_INSTRUMENTATION_REDIS to false or removing the RedisInstrumentation::class from the config file.

Queue jobs

Queue jobs are automatically traced. It will automatically create a parent span with kind PRODUCER when a job is dispatched and a child span with kind CONSUMER when the job is executed. You can disable it by setting OT_INSTRUMENTATION_QUEUE to false or removing the QueueInstrumentation::class from the config file.

Logs context

When starting a trace with provided instrumentation, the trace id is automatically injected in the log context. This allows to correlate logs with traces.

If you are starting the root trace manually, you should call Tracer::updateLogContext() to inject the trace id in the log context.


When using the OpenTelemetry logs driver (otlp), the trace id is automatically injected in the log context without the need to call Tracer::updateLogContext().

Manual traces

Spans can be manually created with the newSpan method on the Tracer facade. This method returns a SpanBuilder instance that can be used to customize and start the span.

The simplest way to create a custom trace is with measure method:

use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Tracer;

Tracer::newSpan('my custom trace')->measure(function () {
    // do something

Alternatively you can manage the span manually:

use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Tracer;

$span = Tracer::newSpan('my custom trace')->start();

// do something


With measure the span is automatically set to active (so it will be used as parent for new spans). With start you have to manually set the span as active:

use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Tracer;

$span = Tracer::newSpan('my custom trace')->start();
$scope = $span->activate()

// do something


Other utility methods are available on the Tracer facade:

use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Tracer;

Tracer::traceId(); // get the active trace id
Tracer::activeSpan(); // get the active span
Tracer::activeScope(); // get the active scope
Tracer::currentContext(); // get the current trace context (useful for advanced use cases)
Tracer::propagationHeaders(); // get the propagation headers required to propagate the trace to other services
Tracer::extractContextFromPropagationHeaders(array $headers); // extract the trace context from propagation headers


This package provides a custom log channel that allows to process logs with OpenTelemetry instrumentation. This packages injects a log channel named otlp that can be used to send logs to OpenTelemetry using laravel default log system.

// config/logging.php
'channels' => [
    // injected channel config, you can override it adding an `otlp` channel in your config
    'otlp' => [
        'driver' => 'monolog',
        'handler' => \Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Support\OpenTelemetryMonologHandler::class,
        'level' => 'debug',

As an alternative, you can use the Logger facade to send logs directly to OpenTelemetry:

use Keepsuit\LaravelOpenTelemetry\Facades\Logger;

Logger::emergency('my log message');
Logger::alert('my log message');
Logger::critical('my log message');
Logger::error('my log message');
Logger::warning('my log message');
Logger::notice('my log message');
Logger::info('my log message');
Logger::debug('my log message');


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.