
Install Open Social and Drupal 9 with Composer on Pantheon using CI.

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Drupal 9 with Pantheon's Build Tools and CircleCI Orb

Read more about Drupal 9 with Pantheon's Build Tools and CircleCI Orb on

Open Social Project

Read more about Open Social, the team and the process in featured case study and visit the dedicated project website on or follow @OpenSocialHQ on Twitter.

Before You Begin

Be sure that you:

  • Are familiar with your operating system's command line.
  • Are using a Unix-based system (Linux or Mac OS X). Windows commands may vary slightly.
  • Have created a Pantheon account: Pantheon accounts are always free for development.
  • Have an SSH key generated:, added to your Pantheon dashboard, and loaded in to your local SSH agent.
  • You have Install and configure Git and Composer on your local computer.
    • Composer:, the package manager for PHP, installed on your machine.

    • Mac users can use Homebrew: to install both Git and Composer, along with their required dependencies:

      brew install git composer

Install Terminus

A command-line interface that allows you to control your Pantheon account and sites. Virtually anything you can do in your Pantheon Dashboard, you can script with Terminus. It can also make remote Drush calls on your environments without having Drush installed locally, eliminating incompatibility issues between locally and remotely installed versions of Drush. As you have a Composer-based site, Terminus will use the version of Drush it finds in vendor/bin/drush when running Drush commands on the platform.

  • If you don't have it yet installed on your system, refer to this document to install terminus.

  • Generate a Pantheon Machine Token in the Pantheon dashboard by clicking User Dashboard > Account > Machine Tokens. Use the Machine Token to authenticate Terminus:

    terminus auth:login --machine-token=‹machine-token›
  • Verify your session after installation:

    terminus site:list

    If your Pantheon site is on the list, installation and authentication were successful!

  • Install the Terminus Build Tools:

    terminus self:plugin:install terminus-build-tools-plugin

Access Tokens

The Build Tools plugin will prompt you to create access tokens for the services you use as an alternative to a password. Access tokens are stored as environment variables. Access token requirements vary by service. Read below for specific access token requirements.

  • GitHub: The GitHub token checks for the following scopes:
    • repo (required)
    • delete-repo (optional)
    • workflow (required if using Github Actions instead of CircleCi)
  • CircleCI: No scopes are configurable for this token.

Install your Open Social site on Pantheon

To create a copy of this repository including a separate GitHub repo, a CircleCI configuration, and a Pantheon sandbox with OpenSocial, run this command. Be sure to replace machine-name-for-new-site with a machine name of your choice and optional-pantheon-organization-name with your Pantheon organization name. Note that having a Pantheon organization is optinal and not required.

terminus build:project:create "SalifT/opensocial-drops-9:dev-master" machine-name-for-new-site --stability=dev --team='optional-pantheon-organization-name'

After that command completes, verify that Open Social with Drupal 9 has been installed in the Pantheon Dev environment by visiting it in your browser. this command will get you a one-time log in link to the dev environment. Be sure to replace machine-name-for-new-site with the machine name you chose above.

terminus drush -- user-login

Install optional modules

If you were to install in a browser using the installer page at /core/install.php, during the walk-through, open social would suggest selecting optional modules to install. However, this is not the case in this scenario. Your site is already installed and only the recommended modules have been installed for now. And you can install the optional modules with terminus

Install optional modules with terminus

Ensure that your site is in SFTP mode, and then run:

terminus drush -- pm-enable module_machine_name -y

Replace module_machine_name with the machine name of the module you want to install. At the time of writing this, here is in the table below the list of the modules suggested by OpenSocial 11.2.2 during the installation in a browser at core/install.php

Module name Description module_machine_name
dynamic page cache (recommended) Caches parts of the page dynamically for any user. dynamic_page_cache
Inline Form Errors (recommended) Places error messages adjacent to form inputs, for improved usability and accessibility. inline_form_errors
Anonymous page cache (recommended) Cache page for anonymous users. Enable this if you do not have a web server to do this for you. page_cache
private file system (recommended) Use the private file system for uploaded files. Enforces the use of Private Files for content, posts and file uploads (highly recommended!). More info: social_file_private
Policies Management Provides site managers the ability to create policies (e.g. GPDR or Terms & Agreements) that users may/should agree to during registration. social_gdpr
GraphQL API Enables the GraphQL API for Open Social. - This is disabled for new platforms as it's experimental. When Open Social defaults to API-first and this module is no longer experimental this can be marked as a default optional (or even required) module. social_graphql
Open Social help links (recommended) Adds Open Social Links to the main menu. social_lets_connect_contact
Open Social usage data (recommended) Shares usage data to the Open Social team. This helps us prioritise issues and new features making Open Social better. social_lets_connect_usage
Activity filter tag Allows you to filter content by tag in a activity blocks. social_activity_filter
Album content type Allows you to organise media in an album like structure. social_album
Book content type Allows you to organise content in a book like structure. social_book
Comment Attachment Allows users to attach files to comments they place. social_comment_upload
Content List Blocks Allows the creation of custom lists of content on dashboards and landing pages. social_content_block
Content Abuse Reporting Gives users the option to report content to site managers that doesn't fit the community guidelines. social_content_report
Embed Media in Content Will automatically render previews of links to content on popular websites such as YouTube, Twitter, Vimeo, etc. social_embed
Event Add To Calendar Provides the ability to add Open Social events to the third party calendars social_event_addtocal
Anonymous Event Enrolments Allows users to enroll in events without creating an account in the community. social_event_an_enroll
Event Enrolments Export Allows users to export event enrollees for their events as comma separated value (csv) files. social_event_enrolments_export
Event Organisers Allows users to add organisers to events besides the creator of the event itself. social_event_managers
Event Enroll Limit Allows event creators to set limits to the number of people that can enroll. social_event_max_enroll
Event types Allows events to be organised by event types. social_event_type
Follow User Provides "Follow User" flag type and related functionality. social_follow_user
Footer Provides block based on the "Powered by Drupal" block from Drupal core. social_footer
Group Default Routes Allows group managers to set the default pages on a group for member and non-members. social_group_default_route
flexible groups (recommended) Adds the flexible group type which allows users to create groups and choose the method of joining a group and its content visibility. social_group_flexible_group
Secret groups Adds the secret group type which allows users to create groups that are not shown on the platform unless you're a member. social_group_secret
Landing Pages Provides content managers the ability to create landing pages. Landing pages can be used for external users or as guides for authenticated users. social_landing_page
Private Messages Allows users to send eachother private messages. social_private_message
Profile Fields Settings Allows a Site Manager to control what fields are available on a profile. social_profile_fields
Profile Organization Tag Allows Site Managers to add a special tag to the user that will indicate that this is a trusted user to other users. social_profile_organization_tag
Profile Previewer Allows you to see profile details in a modal window on the hover of the user picture or name. social_profile_preview
Profile Privacy Settings Allows a Site Manager to control the visibility of profile fields. social_profile_privacy
Social sharing Will add share links for social media sites to public content. social_sharing
Content Tagging Allows adding tags to content. Tags can be used in search, content overviews and dashboards. social_tagging
User Export Provides the ability to export user data as comma separated values (CSV) files. social_user_export
Data Policy Create data policies and track user agreements as well as informing users. data_policy

Install multiple modules at once:

terminus drush -- pm-enable module_machine_name_1 module_machine_name_2 module_machine_name_3 -y

Run this command to install all the optional modules: Be sure to replace machine-name-for-new-site with the machine name of your site. Feel free to remove from the command the modle_machine_name of the optional modules you don't want to install.

terminus drush -- pm-enable dynamic_page_cache inline_form_errors page_cache social_file_private social_gdpr social_graphql social_lets_connect_contact social_lets_connect_usage social_activity_filter social_album social_album social_book social_comment_upload social_content_block social_content_report social_embed social_event_addtocal social_event_an_enroll social_event_an_enroll social_event_enrolments_export social_event_managers social_event_max_enroll social_event_type social_follow_user social_footer social_group_default_route social_group_flexible_group social_group_secret social_landing_page social_private_message social_profile_fields social_profile_organization_tag social_profile_preview social_profile_privacy social_sharing social_tagging social_user_export data_policy -y

Adding demo content

Install the social demo module.

Module name Description module_machine_name
Social Demo Generate demo content and users social_demo
terminus drush -- pm-enable social_demo -y

After this you might want to clear the cache of your remote drush app on the dev environment.

terminus drush -- cc drush

Run drush cache rebuild.

terminus drush -- cr

Check to see if the social-demo commands are available to Drush by running the command below. At the time of this writing, Open Social 11.2.2 supports Drush version 10 which is also supported by Pantheon. At the time you are reading, Drush version could be 11 or other. Note that the commands' syntaxes can slightly differ depending on your drush version.

terminus drush

You should see under social-demo the following commands in the list of the drush^10 available commands:

Commands Description
social-demo:add (sda) Create demo content.
social-demo:generate (sdg) Generate demo content.
social-demo:remove (sdr) Remove demo content

To add content use the following terminus drush command:

terminus drush demo-content:add file user group topic event event_enrollment comment post like

The order (e.g. file -> user -> group) is important because the content is dependent on each other.

To remove the content use the following command:

terminus drush demo-content:remove file user group topic event event_enrollment comment post like

More social-demo Commands' usage with terminus drush

Generates demo content for users and topics from the EEA profile:

terminus drush social-demo:add user topic --profile=EEA

Removes demo content for users and topics from the EEA profile:

terminus drush social-demo:remove user topic --profile=EEA

Generates 100 demo users and 2000 topics:

terminus drush social-demo:generate user:100 topic:2000 event:500 group:100

Development workflow

Use the Pantheon Build Tools integration Guide to develop your project using Github, CircleCI, and Multidev/Dev environments to have a really nice development workflow. Next, deploy to the Pantheon Test and Live environments. When pull requests are created on your GitHub repo they will generate Multidev environments on Pantheon that clone the database and files from the Live environment. Be sure to replace machine-name-for-new-site with the machine name you chose above.

terminus env:deploy machine-name-for-new-site.test
terminus env:deploy

The Power of Terminus and Drush

This guide has just scratched the surface of what can be done with Terminus and Drush. While Terminus provides the power to manage most its aspects, tools like Drush give you the power to manage the inner workings of your powered Open Social site on Pantheon. Now you're ready to take the sandbox site, you've setup and explore on your own to see what else is possible.

See Also and more on