
Symfony edition for api development




Api uses OAuth2 authentication. To authenticate your request add "Authorization" header with value "Bearer access_token"


User 1
password: 123

User 2
password: 123

Access Tokens: Access_Token_For_Artur, Access_Token_For_Kirill

Basic concepts

This bundle provides ready to use action classes for standard REST API operations such as create, update, delete, list and transit. It uses class per action approach, so each action type has it's own class. Also this bundle utilizes concept of having many services (i.e. class instances) per one action class.

Imagine we have 3 endpoints that provide a list of resources.

GET /resource1
GET /resource2
GET /resource3

Each of these endpoints has same business logic and can be covered by the same code. We have to query database, apply some filters, pagination and sorting. Then we have to prepare result data, serialize it and send back to the client. The only difference here is that we have different resource entity repository for each endpoint. Also these almost same endpoints can have different values for some parameters such as available filters, default page size, etc. So the idea is to have unified parametrized list action class, and instantiate it three times with different arguments. For more flexibility in parametrization we use Symfony OptionResolver component. So each action class has a set of options to configure concrete endpoint.

Under the hood

This bundle consist of next components:

  1. Resource metadata factory
  2. Serializer extension with next features
  • expand of entity relations on demand
  • access control per field during serialization
  1. Event listeners that handle frequent use cases in api development
  • json decoder that populates HttpFoundation request object's request parameter bag with passed data
  • exception listener that formats errors
  1. Error factory
  2. Base class for voters that vote on concrete resource entity
  3. Action classes

Action classes

Create operation

List action

Get list of items.
Object type: collection
HTTP method: GET


1 Add service. Example:

# config/services.yml

        parent: core.action.abstract
        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\ListAction
            - MyProject\MyBundle\Entity\Сountry
            - ['setOptions', 
                    'default_per_page' : 15,
                    'pagerfanta_fetch_join_collection' : true,
                    'pagerfanta_use_output_walkers' : true,
                    'serialization_groups': ['default', 'custom-group'],
                    'filters' : ['query', 'order-by', 'name', 'language'],  
                    'preset_filters' : {availableForUser: '__USER__', order-by: 'createdAt|desc'},

arguments: ... - required arguments to the Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\ListAction class constructor
- MyProject\MyBundle\Entity\Сountry - entity class (required)
['setOptions', ...] - array of options

2 Add service to routing. Example:

# config/routing.yml
   path: /country
   methods: GET
   defaults: { _controller: }

Available Options

Option Type Default value Description
default_per_page integer 20 Results per page (Pagination)
pagerfanta_fetch_join_collection boolean false Whether the query joins a collection join collection (Pagination)
pagerfanta_use_output_walkers boolean null Whether the query joins a collection join collection (Pagination)
serialization_groups array ['default'] One can serialize properties that belong to chosen groups only
serialization_check_access boolean true Check user access during serialization
filters array [] Filtering results (More information)
preset_filters array [] Preset filters and values. String value __USER__ can be used as alias for the current authorized user.


Query filter
Available text search in some fields (LIKE). Supports wildcards (*suffix, prefix*, *middle*)
To add fields you need to edit the createHandlers() method in the entity repository.
Add a filter using 'filters': ['query'] option.

# YourBundle\Repository\CountryRepository.php

class CountryRepository extends EntityRepository implements FilterableRepositoryInterface
    use ApiRepositoryTrait;
     * @inheritdoc
    protected function createHandlers()
        return [
            new SearchHandler([
               '', // use the dot for fields of related entities
               'president_full_name' => ['president.firstName', 'president.lastName'] //use array to concatenate fields

Sample query with filter: GET /country?query=*nglish

You can specify particular fields you want to search in (from list you passed to SearchHandler).

GET /country?query[term]=*Charles*&query[fields]=president_full_name,

One may add the property name and sort order to the request (pattern: 'field|order') to sort. Example: 'order-by': 'createdAt|desc'

Filter by properties
Such filtering by entity is available:

  • exact matching (Example: GET /country?status=false);
  • using comparison operators (!=, <=, <> etc.) and *, 'is_null_value', is_not_null_value (Example: GET /country?status=!=true )

To change the filtering logic by association entities or existing filters, one may to make changes to the getPathAliases() method in the entity repository. Example:

# YourBundle\Repository\CountryRepository.php

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityRepository;
use Requestum\ApiBundle\Repository\ApiRepositoryTrait;
use Requestum\ApiBundle\Repository\FilterableRepositoryInterface;

class CountryRepository extends EntityRepository implements FilterableRepositoryInterface
    use ApiRepositoryTrait;

     * @return array
    protected function getPathAliases()
        return [
            'city' => '[cities][id]',  

Custom filter
To create custom filters one need:
1 Add new Handler. Example:

# YourBundle\Filter\CustomFilteHandler

use Requestum\ApiBundle\Filter\Handler\AbstractHandler;

class CustomFilteHandler extends AbstractHandler
    public function handle(QueryBuilder $builder, $filter, $value)
      ... // Some filter logic
    protected function getFilterKey()
        return 'customFilterName'; // filter name

2 Add handler to item repository. Example:

# YourBundle\Repository\CountryRepository.php

class CountryRepository extends EntityRepository implements FilterableRepositoryInterface
    use ApiRepositoryTrait;
     * @inheritdoc
    protected function createHandlers()
        return [
            new CustomFilterHandler()

3 Add custom filter to service. Example:

        parent: core.action.abstract
        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\ListAction
            - MyProject\MyBundle\Entity\Country
            - ['setOptions', [{'filters': ['customFilterName']}]]

Additional functionality


Pagerfanta is used for pagination and works with DoctrineORM query objects only.
ApiBundle pagination configured with default options pagerfanta_fetch_join_collection = false and pagerfanta_use_output_walkers = null (This setting can be changed in options).
One use pagination add page={int} and per-page={int} to the request.
Example: GET /country?page=1&per-page=15

Count only

To get the count of query results only one may add count-only to the request attributes. Add to routing configuration as an example:

# config/routing.yml
    path: /country
    methods: GET
            count-only: true


One can use the related entity references instead of full value in the response (can be expanded on demand) by adding annotation @Reference to entity property, for example:

# YouBundle\Entity\Country.php;
use Requestum\ApiBundle\Rest\Metadata;

class Country
     * @ORM\OneToMany
     * @Reference
    protected $cities;

Add expand to the request for expand reference. For multiple references expansion according fields should be separated be commas(NB: no spaces needs here!). One use the point for expand the field in associated entity.

// GET /country?expand=cities&name=Australia
    total: 1,
                id: 1,
                name: 'Australia',
                language: 'English',
                population: 25103900,               
                status: true,
                createdAt: "2018-03-22T10:49:07+00:00",
                            id: 11,
                            name: 'Sydney',
                            districts: [112, 113],
                            population: 25103900,
                            isCapital: false,
                            createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00"
                            id: 12,
                            name: 'Melbourne',
                            districts: [122],
                            population: 4850740,
                            isCapital: false,
                            createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00"
                            id: 13,
                            name: 'Brisbane',
                            districts: [131, 132],
                            population: 2408223,
                            isCapital: false,
                            createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00"

// GET /country?name=Australia
    total: 1,
            id: 1,
            name: 'Australia',
            language: 'English',
            population: 25103900,               
            status: true,
            createdAt: "2018-03-22T10:49:07+00:00",
                [11, 12, 13] 

Request example


Response example

    total: 2,
                id: 1,
                name: 'Australia',
                language: 'English',
                population: 25103900,               
                status: true,
                createdAt: "2018-03-22T10:49:07+00:00",
                            id: 11,
                            name: 'Sydney',
                            districts: [112, 113],
                            population: 25103900,
                            isCapital: false,
                            createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00"
                            id: 12,
                            name: 'Melbourne',
                            districts: [122],
                            population: 4850740,
                            isCapital: false,
                            createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00"
                            id: 13,
                            name: 'Brisbane',
                            districts: [131, 132],
                            population: 2408223,
                            isCapital: false,
                            createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00"
                id: 2,
                name: 'Spain',
                language: 'Spanish',
                population: 46700000,               
                status: false,
                createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00",
                            id: 21,
                            name: 'Madrid',
                            districts: [212],
                            population: 3165235,
                            isCapital: true,
                            createdAt: "2018-03-24T10:49:07+00:00"
                            id: 22,
                            name: 'Barcelona',
                            districts: [224],
                            population: 1602386,
                            isCapital: false,
                            createdAt: "2018-03-24T10:49:07+00:00"
                            id: 23,
                            name: 'Valencia',
                            districts: [231, 232],
                            population: 786424,
                            isCapital: false,
                            createdAt: "2018-03-24T10:49:07+00:00"

Fetch action

Get single item by identifier.
Object type: item
HTTP method: GET


1 Add service. Example:

# config/services.yml

        parent: core.action.abstract
        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\FetchAction
            - MyProject\MyBundle\Entity\Сountry
            - ['setOptions', 
                    'serialization_groups':['full_post', 'default'],
                    'fetch_field': 'email' 

arguments: ... - required arguments to the Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\FetchAction class constructor
- MyProject\MyBundle\Entity\Сountry - entity class (required)
['setOptions', ...] - array of options

2 Add service to routing. Example:

# config/routing.yml
   path: /country/{id}
   methods: GET
   defaults: { _controller: }

Available Options

Option Type Default value Description
serialization_groups array ['default'] One can serialize properties that belong to chosen groups only
serialization_check_access boolean true Check user access during serialization
fetch_field string/array 'id' Possibility to use one (string) or more (array) property of entity as an unique identifier
access_attribute string 'fetch' Access attribute for check user permissions (More information)

Access attribute

Symfony Voters are used for check the user's access permissions. AccessDecisionManager will receive value of access_attribute as $attribute and entity as subject.
Bundle provides the base class AbstractEntityVoter, which checks the user in the session depending on the received parameter $userRequired (optional, true by default). It easy to use with the following settings for access_decision_manager:

# config/security.yml
    strategy: unanimous
    allow_if_all_abstain: true

Also the bundle has a OwnerVoter class that working with [update, delete] attributes. It uses the Symfony PropertyAccess Component for check the current user's relationship (is the owner) to the subject entity. The relationships checked by $propertyPath which is passed to the constructor for OwnerVoter class.
One can create custom voters based on the AbstractEntityVoter class. Example:

1 Add new voter:

# YourBundle\Security\Entity\CustomVoter.php

use Requestum\ApiBundle\Security\Authorization\AbstractEntityVoter;

class CustomVoter extends AbstractEntityVoter
     * @param string $attribute
     * @param object $entity
     * @param UserInterface|null $user
     protected function voteOnEntity($attribute, $entity, UserInterface $user = null);
        // some logic

2 Add new voter to services:

# config/services.yml

        class: YourBundle\Security\Entity\CustomVoter
        arguments: [[fetch, create, update, delete], YourBundle\Entity\Country, true]
            - { name: security.voter }

arguments: ... - arguments to the custom voter class constructor
[fetch, create, update, delete] - array of access attributes (required)
YourBundle\Entity\Country - entity class (required)
true - required user flag (optional, true by default)

3 Add 'access_attribute' to service config for set attributes to check user permissions (as needed).
'access_attribute' : 'fetch' by default.

Additional functionality


One can use the related entity references instead of full value in the response. See Expand in ListAction

Request example


Response example

    id: 1,
    name: 'Australia',
    language: 'English',
    population: 25103900,               
    status: true,
    createdAt: "2018-03-22T10:49:07+00:00",
                id: 11,
                name: 'Sydney',
                districts: [112, 113],
                population: 25103900,
                isCapital: false,
                createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00"
                id: 12,
                name: 'Melbourne',
                districts: [122],
                population: 4850740,
                isCapital: false,
                createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00"
                id: 13,
                name: 'Brisbane',
                districts: [131, 132],
                population: 2408223,
                isCapital: false,
                createdAt: "2018-03-23T10:49:07+00:00"

Abstract Form Action Class

This is an abstract class that is the parent for the Create and Update Actions. Can be used to inherit and to create another custom actions.

Available Options

Option Type Description Default Values
http_method string HTTP method POST
success_status_code integer Status that is returned after execution 200
return_entity boolean Result entity in response true
form_options array options that will be used in building form []
before_save_events array Before submit events (events that throws before the flush) []
after_save_events array After submit events (events that throws after the flush) []

Create Action

Action to create a new object. This is a subclass that inherits from AbstractFormAction class.

There are two required parameters: Entity class and FormType Class. Example:

# src/AppBundle/Resources/config/services.yml


        parent: core.action.abstract
        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\CreateAction
            - AppBundle\Entity\User
            - AppBundle\Form\User\UserType

Available Options

Option Type Description Default Values
http_method string HTTP method POST
success_status_code integer Status that is returned after execution 201
return_entity boolean Result entity in response true
form_options array options that will be used in building form []
before_save_events array Before submit events (events that throws before the flush) []
after_save_events array After submit events (events that throws after the flush) []
access_attribute string Access Attribute create

Event listeners

By default Create and Update actions throws such events: 'action.before_save', 'action.after_save'. You can dispatch this events, or throw another events using such options as: before_save_events and after_save_events.

You can create listeners that will respond to event occuring before and after submit the request. You need to configure it in services.yml file:

        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\EventListener\UserBeforeSaveListener
        arguments: ["@security.token_storage"]
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: action.before_save_user, method: onBeforeSaveUser }

        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\EventListener\UserAfterSaveListener
        arguments: ["@security.token_storage"]
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: action.after_save_user, method: onAfterSaveUser }

Then you need to specify this listeners in create action configuration:

        parent: core.action.abstract
        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\CreateAction
            - AppBundle\Entity\User
            - AppBundle\Form\User\UserType
            - ['setOptions', [{'before_save_events': ['action.before_save_user'], 'after_save_events': ['action.after_save_user']}]]

Update Action

Action to update an existing object. This is a subclass that inherits from AbstractFormAction class.

There are two required parameters: Entity class and FormType Class. Example:

# src/AppBundle/Resources/config/services.yml


        parent: core.action.abstract
        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\UpdateAction
            - AppBundle\Entity\User
            - AppBundle\Form\User\UserType

Available Options

Option Type Description Default Values
http_method string HTTP method PATCH
success_status_code integer Status that is returned after execution 200
return_entity boolean Result entity in response true
form_options array options that will be used in building form []
before_save_events array Before submit events (events that throws before the flush) []
after_save_events array After submit events (events that throws after the flush) []
access_attribute string Access Attribute update

Update action has the same available features and options as a create action. (see "Create Action")

Delete Action

Action to delete an existing object

There is one required parameter: Entity class. Example:

# src/AppBundle/Resources/config/services.yml


        parent: core.action.abstract
        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\DeleteAction
            - AppBundle\Entity\User

Available Options

Option Type Description Default Values
fetch_field string The field that is the entity identifier (id by default) id
before_delete_events array Before delete events []
access_attribute string Access Attribute delete

Event listeners

By default Delete action throws a such event: 'action.before_delete'. You can dispatch this event, or throw another events using such an option: before_delete_events.

You can create listeners that will respond to event occuring before delete the entity. You need to configure it in services.yml file:

        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\EventListener\UserBeforeDeleteListener
            - { name: kernel.event_listener, event: action.before_delete_user, method: onBeforeDeleteUser }

Then you need to specify this listeners in delete action configuration:

        parent: core.action.abstract
        class: Requestum\ApiBundle\Action\DeleteAction
            - AppBundle\Entity\User
            - ['setOptions', [{'before_delete_events': ['action.before_delete_user'] }]]