
Aspect Oriented Programming library for laravel framework, and lumen

0.0.2 2021-08-02 04:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:47:53 UTC


Origin source can be found here

added serviceProvider

'providers' => [
    // added AspectServiceProvider 
    // added Artisan Command

for Lumen

Add App\Providers\LumenAspectServiceProvider to your bootstrap/app.php file.


publish aspect module class

$ php artisan ytake:aspect-module-publish

more command options [--help]

publish configure

  • basic
$ php artisan vendor:publish
  • use tag option
$ php artisan vendor:publish --tag=aspect
  • use provider
$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bssd\LaravelAspect\AspectServiceProvider"

register aspect module


        'modules' => [
            // append modules
            // \App\Modules\CacheableModule::class,

use classes property

namespace App\Modules;

use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Modules\CacheableModule as PackageCacheableModule;

 * Class CacheableModule
class CacheableModule extends PackageCacheableModule
    /** @var array */
    protected $classes = [


namespace YourApplication\Services;

use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\Cacheable;

class SampleService
     * @Cacheable(cacheName="testing1",key={"#id"})
    public function action($id) 
        return $this;


  • Must use a service container
  • Classes must be non-final
  • Methods must be public

for Lumen

override Bssd\LaravelAspect\AspectServiceProvider

use Bssd\LaravelAspect\AspectManager;
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\AnnotationManager;
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\AspectServiceProvider as AspectProvider;

 * Class AspectServiceProvider
final class AspectServiceProvider extends AspectProvider
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function register()
        $this->app->singleton('aspect.manager', function ($app) {
            $annotationConfiguration = new AnnotationConfiguration(
            // register annotation
            return new AspectManager($app);



if ($app->runningInConsole()) {

Cache Clear Command

$ php artisan ytake:aspect-clear-cache

PreCompile Command

$ php artisan ytake:aspect-compile



for database transaction(illuminate/database)

you must use the TransactionalModule

  • option
params description
value (or array) database connection
expect expect exception
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\Transactional;

 * @Transactional("master")
public function save(array $params)
    return $this->eloquent->save($params);

Multiple Transaction

use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\Transactional;

 * @Transactional({"master", "second_master"})
public function save(array $params)

Exception Rollback

use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\Transactional;

 * @Transactional(expect="\QueryException")
public function save(array $params)

Multiple Exception Rollback

use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\Transactional;

 * @Transactional(expect={"\QueryException", "\RuntimeException"})
public function save(array $params)


for cache(illuminate/cache)

you must use the CacheableModule

  • option
params description
key cache key
cacheName cache name(merge cache key)
driver Accessing Cache Driver(store)
lifetime cache lifetime (default: 120min)
tags Storing Tagged Cache Items
negative(bool) for null value (default: false)
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\Cacheable;

 * @Cacheable(cacheName="testing1",key={"#id","#value"})
 * @param $id
 * @param $value
 * @return mixed
public function namedMultipleKey($id, $value)
    return $id;


for cache(illuminate/cache) / remove cache

you must use the CacheEvictModule

  • option
params description
key cache key
cacheName cache name(merge cache key)
driver Accessing Cache Driver(store)
tags Storing Tagged Cache Items
allEntries flush(default:false)
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\CacheEvict;

 * @CacheEvict(cacheName="testing",tags={"testing1"},allEntries=true)
 * @return null
public function removeCache()
    return null;


for cache(illuminate/cache) / cache put

you must use the CachePutModule

  • option
params description
key cache key
cacheName cache name(merge cache key)
driver Accessing Cache Driver(store)
lifetime cache lifetime (default: 120min)
tags Storing Tagged Cache Items
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\CachePut;

 * @CachePut(cacheName={"testing1"},tags="testing1")
public function throwExceptionCache()
    return 'testing';

@Loggable / @LogExceptions

for logger(illuminate/log, monolog)

you must use the LoggableModule / LogExceptionsModule

  • option
params description
value log level (default: \Monolog\Logger::INFO) should Monolog Constants
skipResult method result output to log
name log name prefix(default: Loggable)
driver logger driver or channel name - default using LOG_CHANNEL (.env settings)
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\Loggable;

class AspectLoggable
     * @Loggable
     * @param null $id
     * @return null
    public function normalLog($id = null)
        return $id;


[2015-12-23 08:15:30] testing.INFO: Loggable:__Test\AspectLoggable.normalLog {"args":{"id":1},"result":1,"time":0.000259876251221}

About @LogExceptions

Also, take a look at @Loggable. This annotation does the same, but also logs non-exceptional situations.

use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\LogExceptions;

class AspectLoggable
     * @LogExceptions
     * @param null $id
     * @return null
    public function dispatchLogExceptions()
        return $this->__toString();

About @QueryLog

for database query logger(illuminate/log, monolog, illuminate/database)

use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\QueryLog;
use Illuminate\Database\ConnectionResolverInterface;

 * Class AspectQueryLog
class AspectQueryLog
    /** @var ConnectionResolverInterface */
    protected $db;

     * @param ConnectionResolverInterface $db
    public function __construct(ConnectionResolverInterface $db)
        $this->db = $db;

     * @QueryLog
    public function multipleDatabaseAppendRecord()
        $this->db->connection()->statement('CREATE TABLE tests (test varchar(255) NOT NULL)');
        $this->db->connection('testing_second')->statement('CREATE TABLE tests (test varchar(255) NOT NULL)');
        $this->db->connection()->table("tests")->insert(['test' => 'testing']);
        $this->db->connection('testing_second')->table("tests")->insert(['test' => 'testing second']);
testing.INFO: QueryLog:AspectQueryLog.multipleDatabaseAppendRecord {"queries":[{"query":"CREATE TABLE tests (test varchar(255) NOT NULL)","bindings":[],"time":0.58,"connectionName":"testing"},{"query":"CREATE TABLE tests (test varchar(255) NOT NULL)","bindings":[],"time":0.31,"connectionName":"testing_second"} ...


The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization.

you must use the PostConstructModule

use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\PostConstruct;

class Something
    protected $abstract;
    protected $counter = 0;
    public function __construct(ExampleInterface $abstract)
        $this->abstract = $abstract;
     * @PostConstruct
    public function init()
        $this->counter += 1;
     * @return int
    public function returning()
        return $this->counter;

The method MUST NOT have any parameters


Retry the method in case of exception.

you must use the RetryOnFailureModule.

  • option
params description
attempts (int) How many times to retry. (default: 0)
delay (int) Delay between attempts. (default: 0 / sleep(0) )
types (array) When to retry (in case of what exception types). (default: <\Exception::class> )
ignore (string) Exception types to ignore. (default: \Exception )
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\RetryOnFailure;

class ExampleRetryOnFailure
    /** @var int */
    public $counter = 0;

     * @RetryOnFailure(
     *     types={
     *         LogicException::class,
     *     },
     *     attempts=3,
     *     ignore=Exception::class
     * )
    public function ignoreException()
        $this->counter += 1;
        throw new \Exception;


Annotation for a Message Queue(illuminate/queue. illuminate/bus).

you must use the MessageDrivenModule.

  • option
params description
value (Delayed) \Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\LazyQueue or \Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\EagerQueue (default: EagerQueue)
onQueue (string) To specify the queue. (default: null) )
mappedName (string) queue connection. (default: null/ default queue driver)
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\EagerQueue;
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\LazyQueue;
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\Loggable;
use Bssd\LaravelAspect\Annotation\MessageDriven;

 * Class AspectMessageDriven
class AspectMessageDriven
     * @Loggable
     * @MessageDriven(
     *     @LazyQueue(3),
     *     onQueue="message"
     * )
     * @return void
    public function exec($param)
        echo $param;

     * @MessageDriven(
     *     @EagerQueue
     * )
     * @param string $message
    public function eagerExec($message)

     * @Loggable(name="Queued")
     * @param string $message
     * @return string
    public function logWith($message)
        return "Hello $message";


Handle Class Bssd\LaravelAspect\Queue\LazyMessage


Handle Class Bssd\LaravelAspect\Queue\EagerMessage

Ignore Annotations

use config/ytake-laravel-aspect.php file

default: LaravelCollective/annotations

    'annotation' => [
        'ignores' => [
            // global Ignored Annotations

Append Custom Annotations

    'annotation' => [
        'ignores' => [
            // global Ignored Annotations
        'custom' => [
            // etc...

for testing

use none driver

<env name="ASPECT_DRIVER" value="none"/>