
PHP opinionated framework

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 02:33:21 UTC




The PHP library used by app-UI

You can install the library through Composer

  "require": {
    "bbn/bbn": "dev/master"

A library targeted at Single Page Applications that includes:

  • An MVC framework
  • A powerful ORM supporting database structure analysis and lots of return methods
  • An options' class on which most app-UI features are based
  • API classes for integrating external services (Virtualmin, Cloudmin, Github, Gitlab, Payments...)
  • A History class allowing to store each change done in the database and revert them
  • Files, Images, and PDF files manipulation classes
  • Filesystems explorator
  • An automated task management system
  • A universal caching system
  • HTML generation classes
  • Users and groups management classes
  • Parsers for PHP, Javascript and VueJS components
  • Specific classes for app-UI features such as:
    • Notes
    • Medias
    • Chat
    • Clipboard
    • Content Management System
    • Dashboard
    • Databases management system
    • Databases synchronization system
    • I.D.E.
    • Automated mailings
    • Internationalization
    • Masking system for letters and texts
    • A notification system
    • Data's observers
    • Passwords management
    • Planning and events management
    • Project management system
    • A statistics system
    • A general project and workflow management system
    • Static methods for manipulating all kind of data and other useful functions
  • And many other features!

The bbn framework works with a router and some configuration files. An installer will be released in 2022.

There is still a huge amount of work on code review, translation and documentation ahead.

Any help is welcome!

Typical installation structure:

  • app-ui/
    • data/
    • src/
      • cfg/
        • environments.yml
        • settings.yml
        • custom2.php
      • cli/
      • components/
      • lib/
      • locale/
      • mvc/
        • css/
        • html/
        • js/
        • model/
        • private/
        • public/
      • plugins/
    • router.php
  • public_html/
    • .htaccess
    • index.php

By default the BBN framework returns a HTML document if there is no POST, and a JSON object otherwise.

The bbn-js and bbn-vue libraries are intimately related with this framework, and deal with its I/O.

They catch each local link clicked, send them as a POST request, then deal with the response.

The JSON object returned by clicking a link typically holds the following properties:

Name Description
content a HTML string, which will be injected into a container
title will be the new page's title, that will be prepended to the website's general title
css a CSS string which will be put as a <style/> tag in the same container
script a javascript function which will either return:
- A function that will receive the container as argument and will be executed after the content injection
- An object that will be treated as a VueJS anonymous component inside the router component
data An object of data, accessible by the javascript

Life cycle of a typical request

The redirection

➡️ Call to (which does not exist)
➡️ An .htaccess file rewrites all the not found files to an index.php file
➡️ The index file chdir in the app folder src/ which should be outside of the public root
➡️ It then includes the router which should be in the src/ directory (as a symlink towards vendor)

The routing

➡️ It recognizes the predefined configuration in which it stands through the hostname and app_path definitions from src/cfg/environment.yml
➡️ It defines constants and initializes autoload
➡️ It instantiates different classes depending on the configuration
➡️ It creates the MVC class, which will look for the right controller:

  • It looks into src/mvc/public/ for a controller corresponding to the path just/testing:
    • If it is a landing page (no POST) the file should be: src/mvc/public/just/testing/index.php
    • Otherwise the file should be: src/mvc/public/just/testing.php
  • while it doesn't find the file it goes backward in the directories:
    • If it is a landing page (no POST) it looks for: src/mvc/public/just/index.php and finally src/mvc/public/index.php
    • Otherwise it looks for: src/mvc/public/just.php then returns a 404 if it doesn't find it

The execution

➡️ An optional file src/custom1.php is included with an object $bbn available with property mvc
➡️ If we are not in CLI mode a session is started
➡️ Still not in CLI mode an optional file src/custom2.php is included with an object $bbn available with property mvc, user and session depending on the configuration
➡️ The MVC includes the controller

The output

➡️ The output buffer becomes the content property of the response object
➡️ An optional file src/custom3.php is included with an object $bbn available with the new property obj which will be the output
➡️ If it is a landing page (no POST) the property content will be returned with HTML headers
➡️ Otherwise the object mvc->obj will be returned encoded with JSON headers
➡️ If there is no content in obj but there is file or image the response will be dealt accordingly with the corresponding headers

A few examples


use bbn\X;

/** @var bbn\Db $db */

// Returns an array with fields, cols and keys props which will give you all information about a table
// Simple query
X::adump($db->getRows("SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE status = ?", $var));
// Same query
  "my_table", // table
  [], // all columns
  ["status" => $var] // WHERE

// More arguments
  "my_table", // table
  ["field1", "field2"], // columns
  [["id", "<", 25], ["name", "LIKE", "tri%"]], // WHERE
  ["date" => DESC, "name"], // ORDER
  50, // LIMIT
  20 // START

// The full way 
  'tables'  => ["my_table_name", "my_table_name2"],
  'fields'  => ["field1", "field2"], // all columns
  'where'   => [
    'logic'      => 'OR',
    'conditions' => [
      'user'       => 'admin',
      'conditions' => [
        'logic'      => 'AND',
        'conditions' => [ // Mixed mode allowed in filters
            'field'    => 'my_date',
            'operator' => '<',
            'exp'      => 'NOW()'
          ["id", "<", 25]
          'name' => 'tri%'
  'join'    => [
      'table' => 'my_table3',
      'on' => [
          'field' => 'my_table3.uid',
          'exp'   => 'my_table.uid_table3' // Operator is = by default
  'order'    => ["date" => DESC, "name"], // ORDER
  'group_by' => [''],
  'limit'    => 50,
  'start'    => 20


use bbn\X;
/** @var bbn\Mvc\Controller $ctrl */

// the/path/to/the/controller

// The corresponding (= same path) model

// Another model to which we send data
X::adump($ctrl->getModel('another/model', ['some' => 'data']));

  // HTML view with same path (in html)
  // with data sent to js
  $ctrl->getView('another/view', 'js', ['my_data' => 'my_value']), 
  // encapsulated in a script tag
  $ctrl->getJs('another/view', ['my_data' => 'my_value']), 
  // compiles and returns the Less code from the same path (in css)
  // The post data
  // The get data 
  // The files array (revisited)
  // an array of each bit of the path which are not part of (=after) the controller 
  // an associative array that will be sent to the model if nothiung else is sent
  // Adds properties to $ctrl->data
  $ctrl->addData(['my' => 'var']) 
  // Moves the request to another controller
  // Includes another controller
  $ctrl->add('another/controller', ['some' => 'data']), 
  // Includes a private controller (unaccessible through URL)
  $ctrl->add('another/controller', [], true),
  // timer will be a property of the $ctrl->inc property, also available in the subsequent models
  $ctrl->addInc('timer', new bbn\Util\Timer()) 

// The most useful functions:

// Fetches for everything related to the current controller (model, html, js, css) and combines the results into a single object ($ctrl->obj). That's the typical function for showing a page
$ctrl->combo("My page title");

// Transform all input (get, post, files) data into a single data array
// Fetches the corresponding model with this data
// and returns its result as an object.
// Typically used for write operations.

// The second parameter allows the javascript to access the model's data
$ctrl->combo("My page title", true);

// Here the second parameter is the data sent to javascript
$ctrl->combo("My page title", ['my' => 'data']);


Accessing the data through javascript

If the anonymous function returns a function, the data will be its second argument
(() => {
  return (container, data) => {
    if (data && data.success && data.color) { = '#' + data.color;
If the anonymous function returns an object, the data will reside in the source property
(() => {
  return {
    computed: {
      realColor() {
        return '#' + this.source.color

The HTML views are server-rendered and therefore can by default access all the data

Example of an HTML view
<div style="color: #{{color}}">Hello world</div>
Example of a PHP view
<div style="color: #<?= $color ?>"><?= _("Hello world") ?></div>


The option system is built in a database with a table having the following structure:

Name Description
id is the primary key
id_parent has a constraint to id. It is nullable but all options but one (the root) should have it set
text Is a string which should be the title of the option
code is a varchar which forms a unique key associated with id_parent, so 2 same codes can't co-exist with a same parent, except if they are NULL
num is the position of the option among its siblings, if the parent option is orderable
id_alias has also a constraint on id but is never mandatory. It is a reference to another option
value (JSON) is whatever properties the option will hold; when you get an option you won't see value but all the properties you will get which are not in the aforementioned columns come from value
cfg (JSON) is the configuration of the option defines how the children, or the whole tree below, will be fetched and displayed. The properties can be:
- show_code The code matters
- show_alias The alias might matter
- show_value The value contains stuff and thre is no schema
- orderable If true the num will be used for the options' order
- schema An array of object describing the different properties held in value
- language A language set so the options can be translated
- children Allows the option to have children
- inheritance Sets if these rules apply to children, children + grand-children, or all lineage
- permissions True if the options below should have a permission
- default The default value among the children
- scfg A similar configuration object to apply to grand-children

The code system allows us to find an option just by its codes path.
For example the sequence of codes permissions, ide, appui targets:

  • in the option which has code appui whose parent is the root
  • in the option which has code ide
  • the option which has code permissions

The order is reversed to go from the most precise to the most general when in fact the sequence is:
root ➡️ appui ➡️ ide ➡️ permissions

use bbn\X;
/** @var bbn\Appui\Option $option */

// Returns the option ID from its code sequence
X::adump($option->fromCode('permissions', 'ide', 'appui')); 
// The whole option with the same arguments (which work for all fetching functions)
X::adump($option->option('permissions', 'ide', 'appui')); 

// It works also with the ID:
$id_option = $option->fromCode('permissions', 'ide', 'appui');
// ID is a 32 hex value, so a code shouldn't look like one
// If the last parameter is an ID, it will take this ID as the root
X::adump($option->option('test', 'page', $id_option));
// Is the same as
X::adump($option->option('test', 'page', 'permissions', 'ide', 'appui'));

// Then you can fetch options (i.e. the children of an option) in many different ways
  // Only the IDs, in the right order if orderable
  // Only the IDs, text, and code if applicable
  // All the option properties (but cfg)
  // Same as options but with an items property holding the lineage
  // Same as fullOptions but with an items property holding the lineage
  // Returns the code: permissions
  // Returns the text
  // You can insert whaever you like
  $option->add(['id_parent' => $id_option, 'text' => 'Hello', 'myProp' => 'myValue'])