
A PSR-15 middleware to manage Gitlab hooks.

v1.0.1 2019-09-10 10:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 22:20:36 UTC


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Gitlab hook PSR-15 middleware

This package is a PSR-15 Middleware to receive events sent by a Gitlab webhook and send them to a listener.

It's possible to use directly the hookReceiver to build the event object, but you could check the Gitlab authentification.

How does it work

The middleware checks the header named X-GITLAB-TOKEN and builds an event object. The object is dispatched to a listener that you must implement.

The middleware takes care of unserializing the payload and provides you with nice PHP objects instead of raw JSON data. It's possible to get the initial array payload with the getPayload() function.

Your listener will receive all events. If you want to listen on a specific event type, you must check the object type.

Event List:

Scope Hook Header Object
Project Push Hook Push Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\Push
Project Tag Push Hook Tag Push Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\TagPush
Project Note Hook Note Hook Not implemented
Project Pipeline Hook Pipeline Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\Pipeline
Project Build Hook Build Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\Build
Group Project created System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\ProjectCreate
Group Project destroyed System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\ProjectDestroy
Group Project renamed System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\ProjectRename
Group Project transferred System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\ProjectTrasnfer
Group New Team Member System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\TeamMemberAdd
Group Team Member Removed System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\TeamMemberRemove
Group User created System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\UserCreate
Group User removed System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\UserDestroy
Group User failed login System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\UserFailedLogin
Group User renamed System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\UserRename
Group Key added System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\KeyCreate
Group Key removed System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\KeyDestroy
Group Group created System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\GroupCreate
Group Group removed System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\GroupDestroy
Group Group renamed System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\GroupRename
Group New Group Member System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\UserGroupAdd
Group Group Member Removed System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\UserGroupRemove
Group Push events System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\Push
Group Tag events System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\Tag
Group Merge request events System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\MergeRequest
Group Repository Update events System Hook TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\RepositoryUpdate


Listener implementation

namespace Test;

class Listener implements HookListenerInterface {
     * @param \TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\EventInterface $event
     public function onEvent(EventInterface $event) {
         // Compute Push event
         if($event instanceof TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\Push::class) {
             // Display before
             echo $event->getBefore();
             // Display the project name
             echo $event->getProject()->getName();
         // Compute MergeRequest event
         if($event instanceof TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\Model\MergeRequest::class) {
             // Display target branch (this is in object_attributes)
             echo $event->getTargetBranch();
             // Get initial payload

Use without middleware

// Create your listener
$listener = new Test\Listerner();

// Register your listener in the main HookReceiver instance
$hookReceiver = new TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\HookReceiver([$listener]);

// Call handler function to execute check
// $payload is array (json_decode) of data send by Gitlab webhook
// $header is the result of HTTP_X_GITLAB_TOKEN header 
$hookReceiver->handle($payload, $header);

Use a middleware

// Create your listener
$listener = new Test\Listerner();

// Register your listener in the main HookReceiver instance
$hookReceiver = new TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\HookReceiver([$listener]);

// Create a PSR-3 logger
$logger = new Psr\Log\NullLogger(); 

// Inject hookReceiver in Gitlab middleware
// You must inject this middleware in the middleware pipe of your favorite framework.
// See your framework documentation on how to do that.
$middleware = new TheCodingMachine\GitlabHook\GitlabHookMiddleware($hookReceiver, 'secret', $logger);