
Setono example plugin for Sylius.

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dev-master / 1.0.x-dev 2024-06-17 11:10 UTC


Sylius Order Edit Plugin

Latest Version Software License Build Status Code Coverage Mutation testing

Edit orders inside your admin interface.

Important (read before using)

Editing orders is a big thing and can have a lot of implications. Before you use this plugin, there are some things you should check and/or be aware of:

  1. State machine: Right now this plugin only works if you use the Winzou State Machine as your Sylius state machine. You can check this by running php bin/console debug:container sylius.resource_controller.state_machine. The class should be Sylius\Bundle\ResourceBundle\Controller\StateMachine.

  2. Flow: The flow of editing an order looks like this:

    1. You press edit in the order overview.
    2. You edit the order and click Save changes.
    3. The order is now transitioned to the cart state.
    4. The sylius.order_processing.order_processor service is run.
    5. The order is transitioned to the new state.
    6. The order is saved

    You can see this flow implemented in the \Setono\SyliusOrderEditPlugin\Controller\ResourceUpdateHandler class.

What does this mean for you?

First of all, check your state machine implementation. If you don't use the Winzou State Machine, you can't use this plugin.

Secondly, when transitioning the order from new to cart and back again, the callbacks on the state machine are triggered. This plugin handles the callbacks added by Sylius, but if you've made any custom callbacks, you need to make sure they are compatible with this flow.


