pi / user
Api base authentication and user management module via laminas and pi
2024-11-16 07:24 UTC
- php: ^8.3
- ext-ctype: *
- ext-curl: *
- ext-fileinfo: *
- ext-gd: *
- ext-intl: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- ext-mongodb: *
- ext-pdo: *
- ext-redis: *
- ext-soap: *
- ext-spl: *
- ext-zip: *
- ext-zlib: *
- lib-curl: *
- aws/aws-sdk-php: *
- doctrine/doctrine-mongo-odm-module: *
- doctrine/mongodb-odm-bundle: *
- endroid/qr-code: *
- firebase/php-jwt: *
- google/auth: *
- google/recaptcha: *
- hybridauth/hybridauth: *
- imagine/imagine: *
- laminas/laminas-authentication: *
- laminas/laminas-cache: *
- laminas/laminas-cache-storage-adapter-redis: *
- laminas/laminas-cli: *
- laminas/laminas-code: *
- laminas/laminas-component-installer: *
- laminas/laminas-config: *
- laminas/laminas-db: *
- laminas/laminas-development-mode: *
- laminas/laminas-diactoros: *
- laminas/laminas-diagnostics: *
- laminas/laminas-escaper: *
- laminas/laminas-eventmanager: *
- laminas/laminas-file: *
- laminas/laminas-http: *
- laminas/laminas-i18n: *
- laminas/laminas-inputfilter: *
- laminas/laminas-json: *
- laminas/laminas-log: *
- laminas/laminas-math: *
- laminas/laminas-mvc: *
- laminas/laminas-mvc-form: *
- laminas/laminas-mvc-i18n: *
- laminas/laminas-mvc-middleware: *
- laminas/laminas-mvc-plugins: *
- laminas/laminas-permissions-rbac: *
- laminas/laminas-serializer: *
- laminas/laminas-server: *
- laminas/laminas-skeleton-installer: *
- laminas/laminas-soap: *
- laminas/laminas-uri: *
- lm-commons/lmc-cors: *
- mongodb/mongodb: *
- phpmailer/phpmailer: *
- phpoffice/phppresentation: *
- phpoffice/phpspreadsheet: *
- phpoffice/phpword: *
- phpseclib/phpseclib: *
- robthree/twofactorauth: *
- smalot/pdfparser: *
- triagens/arangodb: *
- ext-apc: for opcode cache and system persistent data
- ext-discount: for Markdown text parsing
- ext-intl: for i18n features
Api base authentication and user management via laminas and pi engine
1. Important note
This is the first stable version of the user module, you can install it on production projects now, we will work on improvement and testing this module in the next weeks
2. Installation
Follow the below steps to install the module via composer
Step 1
Run the following to install this library:
$ composer require pi/user
Step 2
Edit config\modules.config.php
and add 'User'
end of array, for example like this
return [
'User', // Add this line
Step 3
Edit composer.json
and add this line
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"User\\": "vendor/pi/user/src/"
Step 4
Run composer dump-autoload
Step 5
Open data/schema.sql
and create tablas in your database
3. List of TODO tasks for this module
- Rbac Authorization
- Admin handler: profile section (add, edit, list, password, view)
- Admin handler: Role section (add, edit, list)
- Admin handler: Permission section (add, edit, list)
- Handler (as web service) for check email, mobile, identity and password validation in registration
- Handler (as web service) for check strong password
- Write test cases and make test
- Write documents, (in-file, extra)
- Move Role and Permission sections from user module to core module