
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
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A PHP microserive template

v0.1.2 2018-02-16 17:10 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-15 18:48:51 UTC




This is PHP 7 based microservice template that can greatly speed up building of microservices.

Technology Stack

  • PHP 7.1
  • MySQL 5.7 / PerconaDB 5.7
  • Memcached
  • Slim Framework v3

How to use it

This is effectively a starter template. You can make changes in the src and the routes folder and have your microservice up and running in a few minutes (depending on what you're trying to do, of course).

Understanding the Structure

The template uses a variety of composer packages. The list is available in composer.json. Many of these are optional - look in src/Model to see which ones may be used.

The src Folder

This starts with namespace definition. The example has a namespace called Book. Inside our namespace, we have:

  1. Entities - These are Doctrine entities - we're using Doctrine as an ORM here - so you can create and manage your schema with these.
  2. Models - These contain any business logic you need to apply incoming our outgoing data.
  3. Helpers - Any generic classes to help you do stuff can go here - if you're not using any third party composer packages.

The routes folder

This contains your microservice routes. It comes with versioned folders and the file within is self explanatory. We don't have controllers on purpose - they make you think like a monolith. A routes file will likely force you into a microservice mindset.

Create a Project with this template


composer create-project --stability dev meezaan/microservice-template project-name

Other stuff - the below documentation is not yet complete. Stay tuned.

This template comes packaged with several different tools (via composer). Using all of them is optional. You can choose to use them or remove them as you wish. You can even add your own. Below are some useful commands and links to documentation for the tools used:

See composer.json to add / remove packages as you need them.


Generate Entities (getters and setters) vendor/bin/doctrine orm:generate-entities src/

Generate Proxies vendor/bin/doctrine orm:generate-proxies

Update vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:update

Create vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create


vendor/bin/behat -dl



PHP Mess Detector

Run the following to see your options and run a report

vendor/bin/phpmd src/

PHP Code Sinffer

To see issues:

vendor/bin/phpcs src/

To autofix per PSR-2:

vendor/bin/phpcbf src/

Generate PHP docs

vendor/bin/apigen generate src/ --destination docs/php

ApiDocJS API Documentation

This requires npm. To install:

npm install apidoc -g

To run:

apidoc -i routes/ -o docs/api/

To Do

Add docs about artifacts produced.

Feature Toggling / flagging