
A general starter kit for laravel apps using jumpgate additions.



  • PHP 8+
  • Node 15+
  • npm 15+

Basic Installation

cd <project dir>
git clone git@github.com:JumpGateio/JumpGate.git ./
composer install
php artisan jumpgate:setup

At this point, your site will display the JumpGate home page using bootstrap 4.

  1. Set up your database in the .env file
  2. Set up your preferences in config/jumpgate/users.php.
  3. Run php artisan jumpgate:database --users.
  4. Run php artisan jumpgate:telescope if you want telescope monitoring on the site.
    1. Telescope Docs
  5. Run php artisan jumpgate:events if you want to broadcast events using echo.
    1. Laravel Websockets Docs

Telescope & Websockets

Telescope and laravel websockets are not assumed to be installed, but there are pieces of it be default for ease of use.

  • config/telescope.php & config/websockets.php
    • These files are included with jumpgate by default.
    • They have sensible settings for a normal jumpgate app.
    • Delete them freely if you don't want either package.
  • app/Http/Composers/Menu.php
    • In the generateRightMenu() method, there is a commented out link for telescope and websockets.
    • If you install one of the packages, uncomment its entry there..
    • If you chose not to use one, you can freely remove that block.