
GSB Clustered Caching


TYPO3 12

GSB 11 Extension gsb_clustered_caching

This extension adds three features

  • Clearing caches when asked for, by means of a middleware
  • Asking for caches clears when caches are cleared
  • A command to clear caches based on the current version


It is part of the Government Side Builder 11.

Learn more about the GSB 11.


The best way to install this extension is to start with the GSB Sitepackage Kickstarter extension.

Quick installation without GSB Sitepackage Kickstarter

In a composer-based TYPO3 installation you can install the extension EXT:gsb_clustered_caching via composer:

composer config -g gitlab-domains && \
composer config -g repositories.gsb-clustered-caching vcs
composer require itzbund/gsb-clustered-caching

In TYPO3 installations above version 11.5 the extension will be automatically installed. You do not have to activate it manually.


You have to configure $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTENSIONS']['gsb_clustered_caching']['serviceBroadcaster'] to a proper value, e.g.


This is a combination of this extension listening to the the /gsb-clustered-caching/ endpoint and the service-broadcaster configuration.


This extension works without manual action. This is described here.


This extension provides a command that will trigger a cache flush if a system state change has been identified. A state change can be identified by

  • providing a version argument
  • the composer state
typo3 gsbclusteredcaching:flushCacheOnStateChange [version] [-g groups]

There is one argument (the version) and an optional option (--groups or -g) that defines which cache groups should be flushed.


As with TYPO3, we encourage you to join the project by submitting changes. Development of the GSB 11 happens mainly in the GSB 11 TYPO3 extension repositories.

To get started, have a look at our detailed contribution walkthrough.