
v1.3.1 2020-05-04 19:38 UTC


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Symfony service and console command that does a simple reverse engineer of MySQL tables into entity classes.

Join the entity-generator channel on iDimensionz's Community Slack to ask questions, share tips and meet others using this software.


  • Add the following to registerBundles() in your kernel:
    new iDimensionz\EntityGeneratorBundle\EntityGeneratorBundle(),
  • Add the following to services.yml:
         class: iDimensionz\EntityGeneratorBundle\Provider\MysqlColumnDefinitionProvider
         class: iDimensionz\EntityGeneratorBundle\Service\EntityCreatorService
         arguments: ["@idimensionz.mysql_column_definition_provider", "@twig"]
         class: iDimensionz\EntityGeneratorBundle\Command\GenerateEntityCommand
         arguments: ["@idimensionz.entity_creator_service", ~]
  • Add "%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/idimensionz/entity-generator-bundle/templates" to your twig.paths in config.yml.
  • Profit!

How to Run the Console Command

The console command take 3 parameters:

  • schema-name
  • table-name
  • entity-class-name

Here's an example of how you would create an entity class for the COLUMNS table in the MySQL information_schema database:

bin/console idimensionz:generate:entity --schema-name=information_schema --table-name=PROFILING --entity-class-name=Profiling

The command will output the class code to the screen where you can copy and paste it into your favorite IDE.

Note: If using PhpStorm, you can easily generate getters and setters with PHP 7 parameter and return value type-hinting as well as doc blocks.


We'd like to implement the following improvements. Feel free to submit a PR if you want to help out with these.

  1. Add twig blocks to the template to make it easier to customize certain sections.
  2. Add the ability to specify a bundle where the entity file would be created.