
Your content driven static site generator.

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-26 00:09:03 UTC


Cecil's logo, created by Cécile Ricordeau

Cecil, a simple and powerful content-driven static site generator.

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Cecil is a CLI application that merges plain text files (written in Markdown), images and Twig templates to generate a static website.

📄 Documentation | 💻 Demo | 🐛 Issue tracker | 💬 Discussion

Cecil CLI animated demo

Quick Start

Read the Quick Start documentation page.

Create and deploy a blog site:
Deploy to Netlify Deploy with Vercel


  • No database, no server, no dependency: performance and security
  • Your pages are stored in Markdown flat files with a YAML front matter
  • Powered by Twig, a flexible template engine, with themes support
  • Pagination, sitemap, redirections, robots.txt, taxonomies, RSS are generated automatically
  • Handles and optimizes assets for you
  • Download one file and run it
  • Easy to deploy


Download cecil.phar from your browser or from your terminal:

curl -LO https://cecil.app/cecil.phar

Then install the binary globally:

mv cecil.phar /usr/local/bin/cecil
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cecil


PHP 8.1+ is required.


  • Get help: cecil help
  • Create a new website: cecil new:site
  • Preview your website: cecil serve


See Contributing.

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

npx all-contributors add
npx all-contributors generate


studio cecilliestudio cecillie        Vercel Vercel


Cecil is a free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.

Cecil © Arnaud Ligny
Logo © Cécile Ricordeau