
Twig components extension

0.6.1 2024-10-01 12:57 UTC


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This is a PHP package for automatically create Twig components as tags. This is highly inspired from Laravel Blade Components.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require performing/twig-components


This package should work anywhere where Twig is available.

use Performing\TwigComponents\Configuration;

/** @var \Twig\Environment $twig */
    ->setTemplatesPath('/relative/directory/to/components') // default is 'components'
    ->setTemplatesExtension('twig') // default is 'twig'

To enable the package just pass your Twig environment object to the function and specify your components folder relative to your Twig templates folder.

Configuration for Craft CMS

In Craft CMS you should do something like this:

// Module.php
if (Craft::$app->request->getIsSiteRequest()) {    
        function (Event $event) {
            $twig = Craft::$app->getView()->getTwig();

The if statement ensure you don't get 'Unable to register extension "..." as extensions have already been initialized' as error.

Configuration for Symfony

In Symfony you can do something like this:

# services.yml
        decorates: 'twig.configurator.environment'
        arguments: ['@My\Namespace\TwigEnvironmentConfigurator.inner']
// TwigEnvironmentConfigurator.php
use Symfony\Bundle\TwigBundle\DependencyInjection\Configurator\EnvironmentConfigurator;
use Twig\Environment;
use Performing\TwigComponents\Configuration;

final class TwigEnvironmentConfigurator
    public function __construct(
        private EnvironmentConfigurator $decorated
    ) {}

    public function configure(Environment $environment) : void

Configuration for October CMS / Winter CMS

In October CMS and Winter CMS you need to hook into event inside your plugin's boot method in order to access Twig instance.
Then you can use your plugin hint path to choose a views subfolder as components' folder.

public function boot(): void
    Event::Listen('', function ($controller, $url, $page) {
        $twig = $controller->getTwig();
            ->setTemplatesPath('namespace.pluginname::components', hint: true)
            ->useGlobalContext() // use this to keep Twig context from CMS

All features, like subfolders are supported. For example <x-forms.input></x-forms.input> will refer to plugins/namespace/pluginname/views/forms/input.twig.


Components are just Twig templates in a folder of your choice (e.g. /components) and can be used anywhere in your Twig templates:

{# /components/button.twig #}
    {{ slot }}

The slot variable is any content you will add between the opening and the close tag.

To reach a component you need to use the dedicated tag x followed by : and the filename of your component without extension:

{# /index.twig #}
{% x:button %}
    <strong>Click me</strong>
{% endx %}

It will render:

    <strong>Click me</strong>

Custom tags

The same behaviour can be obtained with a special HTML syntax.

{# /index.twig #}
<x-button class="text-white">
    <strong>Click me</strong>


You can also pass any params like you would using an include. The benefit is that you will have the powerful attributes variable to merge attributes or to change your component behaviour.

{# /components/button.twig #}
<button {{ attributes.merge({class: 'rounded px-4'}) }}>
    {{ slot }}

{# /index.twig #}
{% x:button with {class: 'text-white'} %}
    <strong>Click me</strong>
{% endx %}

{# Rendered #}
<button class="text-white rounded px-4">
    <strong>Click me</strong>

With custom tags you can pass any attribute to the component in different ways. To interprate the content as Twig you need to prepend the attribute name with a :, but it works also in other ways.

    :any="'evaluate' ~ 'twig'"
    other="{{'this' ~ 'works' ~ 'too'}}" 
    another="or this"
    this="{{'this' ~ 'does'}}{{'not work'}}"


To reach components in subfolders you can use dot-notation syntax.

{# /components/button/primary.twig #}
    {{ slot }}

{# /index.twig #}
{% x:button.primary %}
    <strong>Click me</strong>
{% endx %}

Named slots

In case of use of multiple slots you can name them.

{# /components/card.twig #}
<div {{ attributes.class('bg-white shadow p-3 rounded') }}>
    <h2 {{ title.attributes.class('font-bold') }}>
        {{ title }}
        {{ body }}

Use with standard syntax:

{# /index.twig #}
{% x:card %}
    {% slot:title with {class: 'text-2xl'} %}Title{% endslot %}
    {% slot:body %}Body{% endslot %}
{% endx %}

Use with custom tags syntax:

{# /index.twig #}
    <x-slot name="title" class="text-2xl">Title</x-slot>
    <x-slot name="body">Body</x-slot>

Twig namespaces

In addition to the specified directory, you can also reference components from a Twig namespace by prepending the component name with <namespace>:.

// register namespace with Twig templates loader
$loader->addPath(__DIR__ . '/some/other/dir', 'ns');

Use with standard syntax:

{% x:ns:button with {class: 'bg-blue-600'} %}
    <strong>Click me</strong>
{% endx %}

Use with custom tags syntax:

<x-ns:button class="bg-blue-600">
    <strong>Click me</strong>

Dynamic components

Sometimes you may need to render a component but not know which component should be rendered until runtime.
In this situation, you may use the built-in dynamic-component to render the component based on a runtime value or variable:

{% set componentName = 'button' %}
<x-dynamic-component :component="componentName" class="bg-blue-600">
    <strong>Click me</strong>


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.