
A library that helps you write web applications in Hack

0.7.4 2017-01-26 21:15 UTC


This is a library that helps you write web applications in Hack.

Packagist Build Status


You can install this library using Composer:

$ composer require appertly/labrys
  • The master branch (version 0.x) of this project requires HHVM 3.12 and has a few dependencies.


Releases of this library will conform to Semantic Versioning.

Our code is intended to comply with PSR-1, PSR-2, and PSR-4. If you find any issues related to standards compliance, please send a pull request!

The Big Idea

Really, Labrys is the glue between several micro libraries.

In addition to several helper classes, the Big Deal here is a mechanism to declare modules.

The Labrys\System class has three dependency containers: one for configuration properties, one for back-end objects and one for front-end objects. Modules can register objects in these containers.

More details coming soon! In the meantime, please browse the code or check out the API documentation.