Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
The Illuminate Auth package.
22 579 597 99
The Illuminate Broadcasting package.
22 022 010 69
The Illuminate Bus package.
32 501 699 59
The Illuminate Cache package.
28 264 848 134
The Illuminate Collections package.
42 630 590 250
The Illuminate Conditionable package.
20 067 370 78
The Illuminate Config package.
33 855 522 114
The Illuminate Console package.
34 467 143 128
The Illuminate Container package.
60 076 150 321
The Illuminate Contracts package.
89 485 197 686
The Illuminate Cookie package.
3 435 125 24
The Illuminate Database package.
40 912 488 2 904
The Illuminate Encryption package.
24 235 042 93
The Illuminate Events package.
42 234 664 145
63 751 21