Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
The Illuminate Filesystem package.
46 673 292 158
The Illuminate Hashing package.
23 694 048 65
The Illuminate Http package.
28 250 904 125
The Illuminate Log package.
19 026 065 63
The Illuminate Macroable package.
43 164 026 70
The Illuminate Mail package.
8 287 928 65
The Illuminate Notifications package.
2 321 611 51
The Illuminate Pagination package.
25 935 596 119
The Illuminate Pipeline package.
34 658 682 92
The Illuminate Process package.
213 986 45
The Illuminate Queue package.
25 248 764 211
The Illuminate Redis package.
11 339 294 90
178 689 17
The Illuminate Routing package.
6 509 044 135
The Illuminate Session package.
29 304 245 101