
Webmapp laravel wm-package


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You can install the package via composer:

composer require wm/wm-package

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="wm-package-migrations"
php artisan migrate

Available migrations are:

  • create_jobs_table, for default laravel job with an extra column
  • create_hoqu_caller_jobs, HoquCallerJob model table, necessary for processor/caller instances

You can publish the config file with :

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="wm-package-config"

This is the contents of the published config file :

return [
    'hoqu_url' => env('HOQU_URL', 'https://hoqu2.webmapp.it'),
    'hoqu_register_username' => env('HOQU_REGISTER_USERNAME'),
    'hoqu_register_password' => env('HOQU_REGISTER_PASSWORD ')


use Wm\WmPackage\Facades\HoquClient;
/** Start store call to hoqu (1)**/
HoquClient::store(['name' => 'test','input' => '{ ... }' ]);
/** It logins (to retrieve a token) as an user that can create processors/callers on hoqu **/
/** Register a new processor/caller on hoqu **/


You can update the package via composer:

composer update wm/wm-package


composer test


If you need this package on full laravel instance you have to add this repository as submodule in the root path of Laravel with git submodule add {git repo}, then add a new composer path repository in the laravel composer.json file:

"repositories": [
            "type": "path",
            "url": "./wm-package"

at last you can install the package with compose require wm/wm-package


These tools are used to test the stand alone instance of wm-package: https://packages.tools/

Execute these commands to runs tests:

./vendor/bin/testbench migrate It migrates workbench tables on a sqlite database located in a vendor folder. Phpunit will use this database as tests memory support.

./vendor/bin/pest To run tests.

If an evaluation of testbench env I suggest to use the config() function (eg: config('database.connections.sqlite')) with the testbench implementation of tinker ./vendor/bin/testbench tinker, it is also useful to understand which things are loaded on the testbench env.

Testbench reference: https://packages.tools/testbench.html Workbench reference: https://packages.tools/workbench.html

Also a simple php docker container is available to run tests, you can start it using docker compose up -d and enter inside with docker compose exec -it php bash or directly docker compose exec -it php ./vendor/bin/pest (check permissions on files before run it, if you have problems use the -u param on exec command with the id of the user who owns project files and directories, to check your current user id you can use the command id).


We use git flow to add features to this repo. Please create a new feature then push it and ask a pull request via github interface from your feature branch to develop.

Run ./vendor/bin/phpstan before push to evaluate errors


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.





Default private/public routes (powered by Sanctum )

  • public routes
    • POST /login : consente la login tramite parametri email e password in formato x-www-form-urlencoded
  • private routes
    • POST /logout consente la logout tramite Bearer token
    • GET /user restituisce i dettagli dell'utente loggato tramite Bearer token

Artisan commands

  • hoqu:register-user. Create a new user on Hoqu instance based on credetials provided in .env file. Options:
    • --R|role: required, the role of this instance: "caller" , "processor" or "caller,processor"
    • --endpoint=false : the endpoint of this instance, default is APP_URL in .env file
  • hoqu:store. Performs a call to Hoqu to store a job, saves a new HoquCallerModel in the database with the hoqu response. Options:
    • --class : required, the class that will execute job on processor}
    • --featureId : required, the feature id to update after completed job}
    • --field : required, the field to update after completed job}
    • --input : required, the input to send to processor}
  • db:upload_db_aws. Uploads the given sql file and the last-dump of the database to AWS. only from production Arguments:
    • dumpname? : the name of the sql zip file to upload
  • db:download. download a dump.sql from server in storage/app/database folder. Has no arguments:


JWT verrĂ  installato automaticamente come dipendenza. Gli utenti dovranno solo:

  1. Eseguire composer require wm/wm-package
  2. Pubblicare la configurazione JWT con php artisan vendor:publish --tag="wm-package-jwt-config"
  3. Configurare le variabili d'ambiente JWT nel file .env utilizzando il comando php artisan jwt:secret

Il pacchetto JWT sarĂ  gestito come dipendenza del wm-package invece che dover essere installato separatamente nell'applicazione principale.