
Wizzaq RestBundle

Installs: 3

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


0.1.0 2024-01-20 15:43 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-20 18:49:56 UTC


Rest bundle what you always looked for.


ProcessForm argument

Wraps typical form handling to more clean code of action.


# config/packages/wizzaq_rest.yaml
   use_resolvers: true # set to false to completely disable resolvers

Simple example

Simple example of typical controller.


namespace App\Controller;

use App\Form\Filter\MyEntityFilterType;
use App\Form\Dto\Filter\MyEntityFilter;
use App\Repository\MyEntityRepository;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Attribute\Route;
use Wizzaq\RestBundle\Attribute\ProcessForm;

class MyEntityController extends AbstractController
   #[Route('/my-entity', methods: 'GET')]
   public function list(
       #[ProcessForm(MyEntityFilterType::class, mapEntity: false, throwOnNotValid: false)] ?MyEntityFilter $filter = null,
       MyEntityRepository $repository
   ): Response {
       return $this->json(['list' => $repository->list($filter ?? new MyEntityFilter())]);

   #[Route('/my-entity', methods: 'POST')]
   #[Route('/my-entity/{id}', methods: 'PUT')]
   public function edit(
       #[ProcessForm(MyEntityType::class)] MyEntity $entity,
       EntityManagerInterface $em
   ): Response {
       // $entity is processed by form and validated
       // Wizzaq\RestBundle\Exception\FormValidationException will be thrown if validation failed

       return new JsonResponse(['id' => $entity->getId()]);


All options

A number of options are available on the ProcessForm attribute to control behavior:

form: string (required)

Form type class name to process

#[Route('/my-entity/{id}', methods: 'PUT')]
public function edit(
   #[ProcessForm(form: MyEntityType::class)] MyEntity $entity,
   EntityManagerInterface $em
): Response {
   // $entity is processed by form and validated
   // Wizzaq\RestBundle\Exception\FormValidationException will be thrown if validation failed

   return new JsonResponse(['id' => $entity->getId()]);

mapEntity: null|bool (default: null)

If not null, then strictly notify ProcessFormResolver use or not EntityValueResolver to resolve value before process by form.
If false, then null will be used as initial value to create form.
If null, then ProcessFormResolver will try to guess it. Can be useful if action supports create and edit at once.

⚠️ We recommend you always specify this option explicitly.

#[Route('/my-entity/{id}', methods: 'PUT')]
public function edit(
   #[ProcessForm(form: MyEntityType::class, mapEntity: true)] MyEntity $entity,
   EntityManagerInterface $em
): Response {
   // $entity is processed by form and validated
   // Wizzaq\RestBundle\Exception\FormValidationException will be thrown if validation failed

   return new JsonResponse(['id' => $entity->getId()]);

submit: bool (default false)

If true, then $form->submit($data, false) (yes, with $clearMissing = false) will we used instead of default $form->handleRequest($request)

#[Route('/my-entity', methods: 'GET')]
public function list(
    #[ProcessForm(MyEntityFilterType::class, submit: true)] ?MyEntityFilter $filter = null,
    MyEntityRepository $repository
): Response {
    return $this->json(['list' => $repository->list($filter ?? new MyEntityFilter())]);

throwOnNotValid: bool (default true)

By default ProcessFormResolver throwing FormValidationException if validation failing.

Set throwOnNotValid to false if you want to process not valid form inside action.

Processed form available by

use Wizzaq\RestBundle\Config\RestConfig;

#[Route('/my-entity/{id}', methods: ['GET', 'POST'])]
public function edit(
   #[ProcessForm(form: MyEntityType::class, throwOnNotValid: false)] ?MyEntity $entity = null,
   Request $request,
   RestConfig $restConfig,
   EntityManagerInterface $em
): Response {
   if (null === $entity) {
           'Entity not found!'

       return new RedirectResponse('/my-entity');

   $form = $restConfig->processedForm($request);

   if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
       // do some stuff here

       return new RedirectResponse('/my-entity');

   return $this->render('my_entity/edit.html.twig', [
       'form' => $form,
Inherited from MapEntity:


If an id option is configured and matches a route parameter, then the resolver will find by the primary key


Configures the properties and values to use with the findOneBy() method: the key is the route placeholder name and the value is the Doctrine property name


Configures the properties that should be used in the findOneBy() method by excluding one or more properties so that not all are used


If true, then when findOneBy() is used, any values that are null will not be used for the query.


By default, the EntityValueResolver uses the default object manager, but you can configure this


If true, forces Doctrine to always fetch the entity from the database instead of cache.


If true, the ProcessFormResolver will not try to replace the argument.


By default ProcessFormResolver will be used to resolve argument, but you can configure this

How it works.

ProcessForm argument extends MapEntity and using EntityValueResolver to find existing entity exactly as described in their doc.

After ProcessFormResolver creating form with parameters:

  • with object (or null) returned from EntityValueResolver as $data
  • current method of form will be replaced with actual method from $request, if method is not GET

and processing it according defined options.

If form valid it returns processed data from form.

if not, then it throws FormValidationException or returns found object if throwOnNotValid is false


While developing an API we all have main listener to decode payload from JSON and put it back into request to process like:

public function onRequest(RequestEvent $event): void
    $request = $event->getRequest();

    if ('' === $request->getContent()) {

    if ('json' !== $request->getContentTypeFormat()) {

    try {
    } catch (JsonException $e) {
        throw new BadRequestHttpException('Unable to parse request.', $e);

or you decoding it every time in actions 🤔

Now you can use WizzaqRestBundle to automate it by two ways:

⚠️ Protocols handling enabled by default config

  1. Simple add _rest: true to route default options in config/routes.yaml:

      resource: ../src/Controller/Api/
      type: attribute
      prefix: /api
      defaults: { _rest: true }
  2. Use Rest argument. Can be applied to class or method:

     namespace App\Controller;
     use App\Form\Filter\MyEntityFilterType;
     use App\Form\Dto\Filter\MyEntityFilter;
     use App\Repository\MyEntityRepository;
     use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
     use Symfony\Bridge\Twig\Attribute\Template;
     use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
     use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
     use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException;
     use Symfony\Component\Routing\Attribute\Route;
     use Wizzaq\RestBundle\Attribute\ProcessForm;
     use Wizzaq\RestBundle\Attribute\Rest;
     use Wizzaq\RestBundle\Exception\FormValidationException;
     class MyEntityController extends AbstractController
         #[Route('/my-entity', methods: 'GET')]
         #[Rest(responseSerializationGroups: 'default')]
         public function list(
             #[ProcessForm(form: MyEntityFilterType::class, throwOnNotValid: false)] ?MyEntityFilter $filter = null,
             MyEntityRepository $repository
         ): array {
             return ['list' => $repository->list($filter ?? new MyEntityFilter())];
         #[Route('/my-entity/{id}', name: 'app.my_entity.get_or_update', methods: ['GET', 'POST'])]
         #[Route('/api/my-entity/{id}', name: 'api.my_entity.get_or_update', methods: ['GET', 'POST'])]
         #[Rest(routes: 'api.my_entity.get_or_update', responseSection: 'entity', responseSerializationGroups: ['with_related', 'default'])]
         public function edit(
             #[ProcessForm(MyEntityType::class, throwOnNotValid: false)] MyEntity $entity,
             Request $request,
             RestConfig $restConfig,
             EntityManagerInterface $em
         ): array {
             $form = $restConfig->processedForm($request);
             if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
                 // do some stuff here
                 return $restConfig->isRest($request) ? ['entity' => $entity] : new RedirectResponse('/my-entity');
             } elseif ($form->isSubmitted() && !$form->isValid() && $restConfig->isRest($request)) {
                 throw new FormValidationException($form);
             return [
                 'form' => $form,
                 'entity' => $entity,

Configuration options

Full configuration options:
# config/packages/wizzaq_rest.yaml
    use_protocols: true # set to false to completely disable `ProtocolListener`

    default_protocol: null # uses first defined protocol by default

    protocols: # available protocols
        rest: true # only one simple protocol defined by bundle right now ^_^

    default_response_section: null # if not null, then only defined section of returned result will be used as response for rest route

    serializer: null # serializer service id (autoselect by default from jms_serializer/serializer)
Rest argument options

routes: null|string|array

Apply only to defined routes

protocol: ?string

Protocol name to use

responseSection: ?string

Only defined section of returned result will be used as response

responseSerializationGroups: null|string|array

Pass defined serialization groups to serializer when serialize response by protocol

Create own protocol

If you want to create you own protocol just implement Wizzaq\RestBundle\Protocol\NamedProtocolInterface and it will be tagged as protocol by autoconfiguration

namespace App\Protocol;

use Wizzaq\RestBundle\Config\RestConfig;
use Wizzaq\RestBundle\Protocol\NamedProtocolInterface;
use Wizzaq\RestBundle\Protocol\RestProtocol;

class MyProtocol extends RestProtocol implements NamedProtocolInterface
    public function __construct(RestConfig $restConfig, bool $debug = false, $serializer = null) 
        parent::__construct($restConfig, $debug, $serializer);
    public function getProtocolName(): string
        return 'my_rest';
    public function processResponse($response, Request $request): Response
        return parent::processResponse(['success' => true, 'data' => $response], $request);

Or implement Wizzaq\RestBundle\Protocol\ProtocolInterface and tag service manually with alias attribute:

# config/services.yaml
            - { name: 'wizzaq_rest.protocol', alias: 'my_rest' }

Then you can disable unnecessary default protocol:

# config/packages/wizzaq_rest.yaml
    default_protocol: 'my_rest' # not nessesary if you have only one protocol
        rest: false



Lost CircularReferenceHandler for Symfony Serializer.

# config/packages/framework.yaml
        circular_reference_handler: 'wizzaq_rest.serializer.circular_reference_handler'