
Get started developing apps quickly for the upcoach platform with this package.

v1.3.0 2023-09-13 06:26 UTC


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This package provides a starting point for developing applications for the upcoach platform. It contains useful components, such as an API client, request validation, and webhook controllers, to help you get started smoothly.


Installation and Webhook Management

To use this package with upcoach, you will need to provide an Installation URL and a Webhook URL in the upcoach developer portal. This package provides two endpoints in the routes/api.php file to handle these URLs automatically:

  • POST /api/upcoach-install
  • POST /api/upcoach-webhooks:

To set up your application, use the following URLs:

  • https://your-application-address.com/api/upcoach-install for the Installation URL.
  • https://your-application-address.com/api/upcoach-webhooks for the Webhook URL.

Middleware for upcoach Requests

To validate incoming requests from upcoach, you can use the Upcoach\UpstartForLaravel\Http\Middleware\EnsureUpcoachRequestIsValid middleware. This middleware will validate the signature of the request, and if it is valid, it will add the installation to the request object.

API Client

Once the app is installed, an installation request is initiated that includes an API token. This token is saved in the database through the installation model, along with other relevant information. You can utilize this token to access the required API endpoints (scoped to the installed organization) when querying the upcoach API.

Here's how you can use the provided upcoach API client:

$installation = Upcoach\UpstartForLaravel\Models\Installation::query()

Or if you are using the Upcoach\UpstartForLaravel\Http\Middleware\EnsureUpcoachRequestIsValid middleware, you can access the installation via the request object:

$installation = $request->installation;

Then you can use the upcoach API client to query the API:

$client =  app(Upcoach\UpstartForLaravel\Api\Client::class, [$installation]);
$programInfo = $client->getProgramInfo($programId);

Getting Started

To get started with this package, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Sign up for the upcoach developer program on the upcoach developer portal.
  • Create a new application on the developer portal.
  • Install the package using the following command:
composer require upcoach/upstart-for-laravel
  • Publish the configuration and migration files by running this command:
php artisan upstart-for-laravel:install
  • Configure your Laravel application by adding the following details to your .env file:

You can find these details in the developer information section of your application on the developer portal.


  • Complete the Getting Started steps above.
  • Create a new block on the developer portal.
  • Create a new route in your application to handle the block.
  • Add the Upcoach\UpstartForLaravel\Http\Middleware\EnsureUpcoachRequestIsValid middleware to the route.
Route::group(['middleware' => [EnsureUpcoachRequestIsValid::class]], function () {
    Route::get('/your-block-connector-path', YourBlockController::class);
  • Create a new controller for the route.
class YourBlockController extends Controller
    public function __invoke(Request $request)
         * Parameters coming from the upcoach
         * app_id
         * organization_id
         * program_id
         * block_id
         * program_block_id
         * user_id
         * user_role

        // You can access the installation via the request object.
        $installation = $request->installation;

        // You can use the installation to query the upcoach API if needed.
        $client = app(Upcoach\UpstartForLaravel\Api\Client::class, [$installation]);
        $programInfo = $client->getProgramInfo($request->program_id);

        // Your code here.

Developer Mode & Testing

This package provides features to help you test your application without having to install it on the upcoach app.

Enabling Developer Mode

  • To enable developer mode, you can set the UPCOACH_DEVELOPER_MODE environment variable. When developer mode is enabled, the Client class is replaced with FakeClient, and API calls are mocked. For more information, refer to the Upcoach\UpstartForLaravel\Mocks\FakeClient class.

Simulating upcoach Requests

  • You can use the upstart:simulate artisan command to simulate upcoach requests. This command supports interactive mode, where you can answer the questions directly in the console. Run the following command to start the interactive mode:
php artisan upstart:simulate

Alternatively, you can simulate a request directly by providing the required options. Here's an example:

php artisan upstart:simulate --type=block --url=your-block-connector-path

You can also provide a payload for overriding the default payload parameters:

php artisan upstart:simulate --type=block --url=your-block-connector-path --payload='{"o": "custom-organization-id"}'

This command is also useful for testing settings pages:

php artisan upstart:simulate --type=settings --url=your-settings-page

After running the upstart:simulate command, it will display the URL that you can open in your browser to simulate the request. Additionally, it will output the full command, including all payload parameters, which you can use directly from the console for subsequent requests without having to answer the questions and obtain the same URL.


CSRF Token Mismatch

If you are getting a CSRF Token Mismatch error in the upcoach app, you can fix it by adding the following code to the app/Http/Middleware/VerifyCsrfToken.php file:

     * Create a new "XSRF-TOKEN" cookie that contains the CSRF token.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
     * @param  array  $config
     * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Cookie
    protected function newCookie($request, $config)
        return new Cookie(
            name: 'XSRF-TOKEN',
            value: $request->session()->token(),
            expire: $this->availableAt(60 * $config['lifetime']),
            path: $config['path'],
            domain: $config['domain'],
            secure: true,
            httpOnly: false,
            raw: false,
            sameSite: Cookie::SAMESITE_NONE

This will set the SameSite attribute of the CSRF cookie to None and set the Secure attribute to true. This will allow the upcoach app to send the CSRF cookie to your application. Otherwise, the upcoach app will not be able to send the CSRF cookie to your application in the iframe due to the SameSite attribute being set to Lax by default.


composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.