
This is a package to manage async export in Backpack for Laravel

4.1.2 2025-02-24 10:45 UTC


Social Card of Laravel Backpack Async Export

Laravel Backpack Async Export

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This is a package to manage async export and import in Backpack for Laravel

Demo of Laravel Backpack Async Export

Demo of Laravel Backpack Async Export


You can install the package via composer:

composer require thomascombe/backpack-async-export
Version PHP Laravel Backpack
1.x 7.4 - ^8.0 ^8.0 - ^9.0 - ^10.0 4.1.* - ~5.0
2.x ^8.1 ^9.0 - ^10.0 ~5.5 - ~6.0
3.x ^8.1 ^10.0 ~6.0
4.x ^8.2 ^11.0 ~6.0

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\BackpackAsyncExportServiceProvider" --tag="backpack-async-export-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\BackpackAsyncExportServiceProvider" --tag="backpack-async-export-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'feature_enabled' => [
        'export' => true,
        'import' => true,
    'user_model' => 'App\Models\User',
    'import_export_model' => Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Models\ImportExport::class,
    'admin_export_route' => 'export',
    'admin_import_route' => 'import',
    'export_memory_limit' => '2048M',
    'disk' => 'local',

Usage for export

Add export item in menu

php artisan backpack:add-sidebar-content "<li class='nav-item'><a class='nav-link' href='{{ backpack_url('export') }}'><i class='nav-icon la la-file-export'></i> <span>Export</span></a></li>"
# or 
php artisan backpack:add-menu-content "<x-backpack::menu-item title='Export' icon='la la-file-export' :link=\"backpack_url('export')\" />"

Create you export class

php artisan make:export UserExport --model=App/Models/User

For all details, have a look at Laravel Excel Package.

You can make your export class extends our LaravelExcel abstract.

Create your controller

php artisan backpack:crud {ModelName}

Your controller need to implement interface

use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Http\Controllers\Admin\Interfaces\ExportableCrud;

class {Name}CrudController extends CrudController implements ExportableCrud {}

Use awesome trait

use \Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Http\Controllers\Admin\Traits\HasExportButton;

Call method to add buttons

public function setup()
    // ...

Add method to your CRUD controller

use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Enums\ActionType;
use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Enums\ImportExportStatus;
use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Models\ImportExport;

public function getExport(): ImportExport
    return ImportExport::create([
        ImportExport::COLUMN_USER_ID => backpack_user()->id,
        ImportExport::COLUMN_ACTION_TYPE => ActionType::Export,
        ImportExport::COLUMN_STATUS => ImportExportStatus::Created,
        ImportExport::COLUMN_FILENAME => sprintf('export/users_%s.xlsx', now()->toIso8601String()),
        ImportExport::COLUMN_EXPORT_TYPE => UserExport::class,

public function getExportParameters(): array
    return [];

Simple csv export

It may sometimes be necessary to export large amounts of data. PhpSpreadsheet (used behind the hood by this package) does not always offer the best performance. In this case, it is recommended to use the low-level functions of PHP, such as fputcsv.

This package has an abstract class SimpleCsv which can be extended to use this export mode. Of course, it is more limited and only allows you to define a query, headers and a mapping between the model and the data table to be exported.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder as EloquentBuilder;
use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Exports\SimpleCsv;

class UserExport extends SimpleCsv
    public function query(): EloquentBuilder
        return User::query();

    public function headings(): array
        return [

     * @param User $user
     * @return array
    public function map($user): array
        return [

Usage for import

Add import item in menu

php artisan backpack:add-sidebar-content "<li class='nav-item'><a class='nav-link' href='{{ backpack_url('import') }}'><i class='nav-icon la la-file-import'></i> <span>Import</span></a></li>"

Create you import class

php artisan make:import UserImport --model=App/Models/User

For all details, have a look at Laravel Excel Package

Create your controller

php artisan backpack:crud {Name}CrudController

Your controller need to implement interface

use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Http\Controllers\Admin\Interfaces\ImportableCrud;

class {Name}CrudController extends CrudController implements ImportableCrud {}

Use awesome trait

use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Http\Controllers\Admin\Traits\HasImportButton;

Call method to add buttons

public function setup()
    // ...

Add method to your CRUD controller

use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Enums\ActionType;
use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Enums\ImportExportStatus;
use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Models\ImportExport;

public function getImport(): ImportExport
    return ImportExport::create([
        ImportExport::COLUMN_USER_ID => backpack_user()->id,
        ImportExport::COLUMN_ACTION_TYPE => ActionType::Import->value,
        ImportExport::COLUMN_STATUS => ImportExportStatus::Created,
        ImportExport::COLUMN_FILENAME => '',
        ImportExport::COLUMN_EXPORT_TYPE => UserImport::class,

public function getImportParameters(): array
    return [
        'private' => [
            'hint' => 'CSV file required',
            'mimetypes' => ['text/csv', 'application/csv'],

Need more?

Override ImportExport model

You can override ImportExport model using config : import_export_model.
Your model class need to implement \Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Models\ImportExport.

class ImportExport extends \Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Models\ImportExport

Update export name

Package allow to change export name with interface on your export class: Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Exports\ExportWithName

namespace App\Exports;

use Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Exports\ExportWithName;

class UserExport implements ExportWithName
    public static function getName(): string
        return 'My export name';

Demo with custom name of Laravel Backpack Async Export

Multi export by CRUD?

You can easily have multi export on save CRUD.
Your CRUD controller need to implement Thomascombe\BackpackAsyncExport\Http\Controllers\Admin\Interfaces\MultiExportableCrud interface.

public function getAvailableExports(): array
    return [
        'default' => null,
        'all' => 'All',

Array keys: key for query params and dynamic method name
Array values: Export name (display in CRUD button)

For each new export you have to add news methods:

public function getExport*All*(): ImportExport
    return ImportExport::create(...);

public function getExport*All*Parameters(): array
    return [...];


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.