
A set of coding guidelines for TYPO3 projects and extensions

1.0.0 2022-03-22 22:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:30:10 UTC



As this is a composer package, execute composer req --dev svenpetersen/typo3-coding-standards in your composer project.

Setting up the TYPO3 rulesets as boilerplate

Our coding standards files can set this up for you. Run

composer exec svenpet-typo3-coding-standards project


composer exec svenpet-typo3-coding-standards extension

or if you want to update the rules, add force option to the end.

Have a look at the newly created files in your root folder:

  • .editorconfig
  • .php-cs-fixer.php
  • phpcpd.phar
  • phpstan.neon
  • typoscript-lint.yml
  • .gitlab-ci.yml


Kopiere diesen Code in die scripts Sektion der composer.json. Danach kannst du alle codechecks ganz einfach mit composer ci:test ausführen.


"ci:test": [
"ci:test:php": [
"ci:test:phpunit": [
"ci:php:cs-fixer": [
    "php-cs-fixer fix packages -v --dry-run --using-cache no --diff",
"ci:php:stan": [
    "phpstan analyse --no-progress"
"ci:php:phpmd": [
    "phpmd ./packages html codesize --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-codesize.html",
    "phpmd ./packages html cleancode --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-codesize.html",
    "phpmd ./packages html naming --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-naming.html",
    "phpmd ./packages html design --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-design.html",
    "phpmd ./packages html unusedcode --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-unusedcode.html",
    "phpmd ./packages html controversial --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-controversial.html"
"ci:php:copypastedetector": [
    "php phpcpd.phar --fuzzy ./packages/*"
"ci:test:debugoutput": [
    "chmod +x ./ && sh ./"
"ci:test:functional": [
    "phpunit -c Tests/Functional/phpunit.xml"
"ci:test:unit": [
    "phpunit -c Tests/Unit/phpunit.xml"
"ci:lint:typoscript": [
    "typoscript-lint --ansi -n --fail-on-warnings -vvv"
"fix:php:cs-fixer": [
    "php-cs-fixer fix -v --using-cache no"


"ci:test": [
"ci:test:php": [
"ci:test:phpunit": [
"ci:php:cs-fixer": [
    "php-cs-fixer fix Classes -v --dry-run --using-cache no --diff",
    "php-cs-fixer fix Tests -v --dry-run --using-cache no --diff"
"ci:php:stan": [
    "phpstan analyse --no-progress"
"ci:php:phpmd": [
    "phpmd ./Classes html codesize --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-codesize.html",
    "phpmd ./Classes html cleancode --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-codesize.html",
    "phpmd ./Classes html naming --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-naming.html",
    "phpmd ./Classes html design --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-design.html",
    "phpmd ./Classes html unusedcode --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-unusedcode.html",
    "phpmd ./Classes html controversial --ignore-violations-on-exit --reportfile ./phpmd-controversial.html"
"ci:php:copypastedetector": [
    "php phpcpd.phar --fuzzy ./Classes/*"
"ci:test:debugoutput": [
    "chmod +x ./ && sh ./"
"ci:test:functional": [
    "phpunit -c Tests/Functional/phpunit.xml"
"ci:test:unit": [
    "phpunit -c Tests/Unit/phpunit.xml"
"ci:lint:typoscript": [
    "typoscript-lint --ansi -n --fail-on-warnings -vvv"
"fix:php:cs-fixer": [
    "php-cs-fixer fix -v --using-cache no"

PHP-CS-Fixer rules

Making sure your PHP files apply to the same rules.


The offical .editorconfig of the typo3/coding-standards package. Used by the TYPO3 core.

phpstan config

Config for the PHP Static Analyser "PHPStan"

php copy-paste-detector

The executable PHAR file of the Copy & Paste Detector

typoscript-lint config

Config file for the TypoScipt linter "typoscript-lint" by Martin Helmich.

Checks the source code for usages of debugging output like die(), var_dump(), DebuggerUtility::var_dump(), console.log() etc. Calls to debugging functions should not be commited or deployed.