
Dead code detector to find unused PHP code via PHPStan extension. Can automatically remove dead PHP code. Supports libraries like Symfony, Doctrine, PHPUnit etc. Detects dead cycles. Can detect dead code that is tested.

Installs: 47 477

Dependents: 6

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 191

Watchers: 4

Forks: 10

Open Issues: 7



PHPStan extension to find unused PHP code in your project with ease!


  • โœ… PHPStan extension
  • โ™ป๏ธ Dead cycles detection
  • ๐Ÿ”— Transitive dead member detection
  • ๐Ÿงช Dead tested code detection
  • ๐Ÿงน Automatic removal of unused code
  • ๐Ÿ“š Popular libraries support
  • โœจ Customizable usage providers


composer require --dev shipmonk/dead-code-detector

Use official extension-installer or just load the rules:

# phpstan.neon.dist
    - vendor/shipmonk/dead-code-detector/rules.neon

Supported libraries:


  • Calls made by DIC over your services!
  • #[AsEventListener] attribute
  • #[AsController] attribute
  • #[AsCommand] attribute
  • #[Required] attribute
  • #[Route] attributes
  • EventSubscriberInterface::getSubscribedEvents
  • onKernelResponse, onKernelRequest, etc
  • !php const references in config yamls


  • #[AsEntityListener] attribute
  • Doctrine\ORM\Events::* events
  • Doctrine\Common\EventSubscriber methods
  • lifecycle event attributes #[PreFlush], #[PostLoad], ...


  • data provider methods
  • testXxx methods
  • annotations like @test, @before, @afterClass etc
  • attributes like #[Test], #[Before], #[AfterClass] etc


  • constructor calls for DIC services (rules, extensions, ...)


  • handleXxx, renderXxx, actionXxx, injectXxx, createComponentXxx
  • SmartObject magic calls for @property annotations

All those libraries are autoenabled when found within your composer dependencies. If you want to force enable/disable some of them, you can:

                enabled: true

Generic usage providers:


  • Any constant or method accessed via ReflectionClass is detected as used
    • e.g. $reflection->getConstructor(), $reflection->getConstant('NAME'), $reflection->getMethods(), ...


  • Any overridden method that originates in vendor is not reported as dead
    • e.g. implementing Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::log is automatically considered used

Those providers are enabled by default, but you can disable them if needed.

Excluding usages in tests:

  • By default, all usages within scanned paths can mark members as used
  • But that might not be desirable if class declared in src is only used in tests
  • You can exclude those usages by enabling tests usage excluder:
                enabled: true
                devPaths: # optional, autodetects from autoload-dev sections of composer.json when omitted
                    - %currentWorkingDirectory%/tests


  • If your application does some magic calls unknown to this library, you can implement your own usage provider.
  • Just tag it with shipmonk.deadCode.memberUsageProvider and implement ShipMonk\PHPStan\DeadCode\Provider\MemberUsageProvider
        class: App\ApiOutputUsageProvider
            - shipmonk.deadCode.memberUsageProvider


The interface & tag changed in 0.7. If you are using PHPStan 1.x, those were used differently.

Reflection-based customization:

  • For simple reflection usecases, you can just extend ShipMonk\PHPStan\DeadCode\Provider\ReflectionBasedMemberUsageProvider:
use ReflectionMethod;
use ShipMonk\PHPStan\DeadCode\Provider\ReflectionBasedMemberUsageProvider;

class ApiOutputUsageProvider extends ReflectionBasedMemberUsageProvider

    public function shouldMarkMethodAsUsed(ReflectionMethod $method): bool
        // all methods from our ApiOutput interface are called automatically (e.g. during serialization)
        return $method->getDeclaringClass()->implementsInterface(ApiOutput::class);


AST-based customization:

  • For more complex usecases that are deducible only from AST (e.g. serialization calls), you just stick with raw MemberUsageProvider interface:
use ReflectionMethod;
use ShipMonk\PHPStan\DeadCode\Graph\ClassMethodRef;
use ShipMonk\PHPStan\DeadCode\Graph\ClassMethodUsage;
use ShipMonk\PHPStan\DeadCode\Provider\MemberUsageProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Serializer\SerializerInterface;

class DeserializationUsageProvider implements MemberUsageProvider

     * @return list<ClassMemberUsage>
    public function getUsages(Node $node, Scope $scope): array
        if (!$node instanceof MethodCall) {
            return [];

        if (
            // our deserialization calls constructor
            $scope->getType($node->var)->getObjectClassNames() === [SerializerInterface::class] &&
            $node->name->toString() === 'deserialize'
        ) {
            $secondArgument = $node->getArgs()[1]->value;
            $serializedClass = $scope->getType($secondArgument)->getConstantStrings()[0];

            // record the method it was called from (needed for proper transitive dead code elimination)
            $originRef = $this->getOriginMethodRef($scope);

            // record the hidden constructor call
            $constructorRef = new ClassMethodRef($serializedClass->getValue(), '__construct', false);

            return [new ClassMethodUsage($originRef, $constructorRef)];

        return [];

    private function getOriginMethodRef(Scope $scope): ?ClassMethodRef
        return new ClassMethodRef(


Excluding usages:

You can exclude any usage based on custom logic, just implement MemberUsageExcluder and register it with shipmonk.deadCode.memberUsageExcluder tag:

use ShipMonk\PHPStan\DeadCode\Excluder\MemberUsageExcluder;

class MyUsageExcluder implements MemberUsageExcluder

    public function shouldExclude(ClassMemberUsage $usage, Node $node, Scope $scope): bool
        // ...

# phpstan.neon.dist
        class: App\MyUsageExcluder
            - shipmonk.deadCode.memberUsageExcluder

The same interface is used for exclusion of test-only usages, see above.

Dead cycles & transitively dead methods

  • This library automatically detects dead cycles and transitively dead methods (methods that are only called from dead methods)
  • By default, it reports only the first dead method in the subtree and the rest as a tip:
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Line   src/App/Facade/UserFacade.php
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26     Unused App\Facade\UserFacade::updateUserAddress
         ๐Ÿชช  shipmonk.deadMethod
         ๐Ÿ’ก Thus App\Entity\User::updateAddress is transitively also unused
         ๐Ÿ’ก Thus App\Entity\Address::setPostalCode is transitively also unused
         ๐Ÿ’ก Thus App\Entity\Address::setCountry is transitively also unused
         ๐Ÿ’ก Thus App\Entity\Address::setStreet is transitively also unused
         ๐Ÿ’ก Thus App\Entity\Address::MAX_STREET_CHARS is transitively also unused
 ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • If you want to report all dead methods individually, you can enable it in your phpstan.neon.dist:
        reportTransitivelyDeadMethodAsSeparateError: true

Automatic removal of dead code

  • If you are sure that the reported methods are dead, you can automatically remove them by running PHPStan with removeDeadCode error format:
vendor/bin/phpstan analyse --error-format removeDeadCode
class UserFacade
-    public const TRANSITIVELY_DEAD = 1;
-    public function deadMethod(): void
-    {
-        echo self::TRANSITIVELY_DEAD;
-    }
  • If you are excluding tests usages (see above), this will not cause the related tests to be removed alongside.

Calls over unknown types

  • In order to prevent false positives, we support even calls over unknown types (e.g. $unknown->method()) by marking all methods named method as used
    • Such behaviour might not be desired for strictly typed codebases, because e.g. single new $unknown() will mark all constructors as used
    • Thus, you can disable this feature in your phpstan.neon.dist:
  • The same applies to constant fetches over unknown types (e.g. $unknown::CONSTANT)
        trackMixedAccess: false
  • If you want to check how many of those cases are present in your codebase, you can run PHPStan analysis with -vvv and you will see some diagnostics:
Found 2 usages over unknown type:
 โ€ข setCountry method, for example in App\Entity\User::updateAddress
 โ€ข setStreet method, for example in App\Entity\User::updateAddress

Comparison with tomasvotruba/unused-public

  • You can see detailed comparison PR
  • Basically, their analysis is less precise and less flexible. Mainly:
    • It cannot detect dead constructors
    • It does not properly detect calls within inheritance hierarchy
    • It does not offer any custom adjustments of used methods
    • It has almost no built-in library extensions
    • It ignores trait methods
    • Is lacks many minor features like class-string calls, dynamic method calls, array callbacks, nullsafe call chains etc
    • It cannot detect dead cycles nor transitively dead methods
    • It has no built-in dead code removal


  • Methods of anonymous classes are never reported as dead (PHPStan limitation)
  • Abstract trait methods are never reported as dead
  • Most magic methods (e.g. __get, __set etc) are never reported as dead
    • Only supported are: __construct, __clone

Other problematic cases:


  • For symfony apps & PHPStan extensions, we simplify the detection by assuming all DIC classes have used constructor.
  • For other apps, you may get false-positives if services are created magically.
    • To avoid those, you can easily disable constructor analysis with single ignore:
        - '#^Unused .*?::__construct$#'

Private constructors:

  • Those are never reported as dead as those are often used to deny class instantiation

Interface methods:

  • If you never call interface method over the interface, but only over its implementors, it gets reported as dead
  • But you may want to keep the interface method to force some unification across implementors
    • The easiest way to ignore it is via custom MemberUsageProvider:
use ShipMonk\PHPStan\DeadCode\Provider\ReflectionBasedMemberUsageProvider;

class IgnoreDeadInterfaceUsageProvider extends ReflectionBasedMemberUsageProvider
    public function shouldMarkMethodAsUsed(ReflectionMethod $method): bool
        return $method->getDeclaringClass()->isInterface();

Future scope:

  • Dead class property detection
  • Dead class detection


  • Check your code by composer check
  • Autofix coding-style by composer fix:cs
  • All functionality must be tested

Supported PHP versions

  • PHP 7.4 - 8.4