rinvex/countries dependents (47) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Country & state helper for Laravel.

  • PHP


    CoreShop - Pimcore eCommerce

  • PHP


    Rinvex Addresses is a polymorphic Laravel package, for addressbook management. You can add addresses to any eloquent model with ease.


  • PHP


    Specify the language a discussion is written in & sort by language

  • PHP


    A free open source CRM built as a package for laravel projects

  • PHP


    Rinvex Statistics is a lightweight, yet detailed package for tracking and recording user visits across your Laravel application. With only one simple query per request, important data is being stored, and later a cronjob crush numbers to extract meaningful stories from within the haystack.


  • PHP


    Rinvex Auth is a powerful authentication, authorization and verification package built on top of Laravel. It provides developers with Role Based Access Control, TwoFactor Authentication, Social Authentication, compatible with Laravel’s standard API and fully featured all-in-one solution out of the box.


  • PHP


    Cortex Auth is a frontend layer for the powerful authentication, authorization and verification package rinvex/laravel-auth on top of Laravel. It has all required controllers, views, routes, and other required assets to run a fully functional user management system with complete dashboard out of the box.

  • PHP


    Rinvex Tenants is a contextually intelligent polymorphic Laravel package, for single db multi-tenancy. You can completely isolate tenants data with ease using the same database, with full power and control over what data to be centrally shared, and what to be tenant related and therefore isolated from others.

  • Blade


    Cortex Tenants is a frontend layer for the contextually intelligent polymorphic Laravel package, for single db multi-tenancy. You can completely isolate tenants data with ease using the same database, with full power and control over what data to be centrally shared, and what to be tenant related and therefore isolated from others.

  • PHP


    Rinvex Auth is a powerful authentication, authorization and verification package built on top of Laravel. It provides developers with Role Based Access Control, TwoFactor Authentication, Social Authentication, compatible with Laravel’s standard API and fully featured all-in-one solution out of the box.

  • PHP


    yii2-widget address-form

  • PHP


    CoreShop - Core Bundle (Glue Bundle)

  • PHP


    Rinvex Contacts is a polymorphic Laravel package, for contact management system. You can add contacts to any eloquent model with ease.


  • PHP


    Laravel Addressable is a Laravel package to manage addresses that belong to your models. You can add addresses to any eloquent model with ease.