
There is no license information available for the latest version (dev-main) of this package.


Storage backend related tools monorepo

Packages included in this repo:

Package name Description
keboola/php-datatypes datatype definitions, validation and SQL statement generation
keboola/php-table-backend-utils Common stuff for table backends (Snowflake, Synapse, Redshift, Exasol, Teradata, BigQuery) shared between apps.
keboola/php-db-import-export Load/Import CSV, Load/Import CSV, Unload/Export, supports: S3,ABS,GCS, Snowflake, Synapse, Teradata, Exasol, BigQuery
keboola/php-storage-driver-common Keboola high level common storage backend driver

Adding new repository

If you want to add a new repository to monorep, please follow the instructions.

Provisioning of resources

Some libraries need to install backend drivers that are stored on S3 for this purpose we create a cloudformation template. This cloudformation template is managed manually on the corresponding AWS stack for CI. When adding a new library to the monorepo, we can use the base role for building and use as in main.yml on line 32, or add the new role to the cloudformation template and assign the necessary resources to it.

        name: Configure AWS Credentials
        uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
          role-to-assume: ${{ env.AWS_CREDENTIALS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
          aws-region: ${{ env.AWS_CREDENTIALS_REGION }}

How to use monorepo and packages

We maintaining the monorepo with the symplify/monorepo-builder.

To download drivers stored on S3 use AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY (Export them or use --build-arg option in docker compose build command) from the AWS account "Dev - Main Legacy" -> create user namesurname-kbc-drivers-download and add policy "DriversDownload").

The base docker service is dev To install dependencies use:

docker compose build dev
docker compose run dev composer install

docker compose run dev vendor/bin/monorepo-builder

The individual package services in the monorepo are then prefixed with the word dev-. So if we want to install composer for example for the php-table-backend-utils package we use the command:

docker compose build dev-php-table-backend-utils
docker compose run dev-php-table-backend-utils composer install

and run for example unit tests like this:

docker compose run dev-php-table-backend-utils composer tests-unit

By separating the packages and installing each of them separately when we run the previous command. Because the other packages in monorep are installed from, so individual customizations are not shared between packages.

For example, php-table-backend-utils required on php-datypes, but if I make a change to php-datatypes and call docker compose run dev-php-table-backend-utils composer tests-unit the changes will not be reflected in the php-table-backend-utils tests.

Running tests locally

To be able to run tests to include all changes and packages requested via composer we can use global phpunit.

docker compose run dev vendor/bin/phpunit packages/php-table-backend-utils/tests/Unit/

However, by creating a new CLI interpreter in PHPStorm we will achieve that the changes will be reflected in the whole monorepo.

So for each lib we will create our own interpreter. Also add env variables for each interpreter separately when creating a new interpreter.

For example for lib php-table-backend-utils as seen in the picture.

Cli interpreter in phpstorm

  1. Then you need to configure Test Framework in PHP->Test Frameworks
  2. Click on + and select PHPUnit by Remote Interpreter PHPUnit by Remote Interpreter
  3. And in path to script select the path to keboola/storage-backend/vendor/autoload.php Path to autoload
  4. Click ok


If you want to release a new version of a package, you need to

  • merge the PR to main
  • on main branch create and push tag <package>/<newVersion>. So e.g. php-datatypes/7.7.0 if you want to release php-datatypes in version 7.7.0