Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
PSR7 body parser middleware
9 506 1
PSR7 cache headers management middleware
35 0
Doctrine2 utility repositories
356 3
Doctrine2 CouchDB ODM utility entity repositories
6 0
Doctrine2 managers builder
1 938 0
Doctrine2 MongoDB ODM utility entity repositories
3 0
Doctrine2 ORM utility entity repositories
25 0
easy-coding-standard configuration
6 228 0
GPS coordinates manipulation
32 0
HTTP aware exceptions
5 457 2
Effortless maintenance management for PSR7
23 3
PSR7 aware json-api integration
2 049 1
Base for mapping support
6 564 2
Negotiation middleware
2 634 0
PHP_CodeSniffer custom sniffs
6 693 0
php-cs-fixer configuration
555 0
Custom fixers for PHP CS Fixer
6 703 0
PHPStan configuration
5 337 0
Swoole with PSR-15
36 0
PSR7 session management middleware
76 2
Slim Framework BooBoo middleware
25 1
Slim Framework controller creator
36 813 25
Slim-Doctrine managers integration
3 582 16
Slim Framework Doctrine middleware
681 6
Slim HTTP exceptions and exception handling
10 204 5
Slim Framework PHP-DI container integration
26 471 16
Slim framework routing
4 609 21
Slim Framework session handler middleware
28 1
A PSR7 aware cURL client
14 804 3
Unified push notification services abstraction
174 1
Zend Developer Tools additional collectors
14 0
Zend Framework maintenance module
3 005 5