
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

This is my package laravel-delegator

v1.0.1 2023-03-26 18:10 UTC


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Similar to spatie/laravel-multitenancy, however this package doesn't limit you to a single model class, or "tenant".
You can have a database model like App\Models\TeamDatabase or App\Models\AppDatabase that dynamically sets some config values (and any other action) when changed for the request, for example. And/or You can also do stuff when switching users, or when switching teams, etc.

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require inmanturbo/laravel-delegator

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="delegator-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

     * The connection name to reach the delegator database
    'delegator_database_connection_name' => null,

    'candidates' => [

        // 'team' => [

        //     /*
        //     * This class is responsible for determining which candidate should be current
        //     * for the given request.
        //     *
        //     * This class must implement the `Inmanturbo\Delegator\CandidateFinder\Contracts\CandidateFinder` interface.
        //     *
        //     */
        //     'candidate_finder' => null,

        //     /*
        //     * These fields are used by candidates:artisan command to match one or more tenant
        //     */
        //     'candidate_artisan_search_fields' => [
        //         'id',
        //     ],

        //     /*
        //     * These tasks will be performed when switching candidates.
        //     *
        //     * A valid task is any class that implements the `Inmanturbo\Delegator\Tasks\Contractstractstracts\SwitchCandidateTask` interface.
        //     */
        //     'switch_candidate_tasks' => [
        //         \Inmanturbo\Delegator\Tasks\SwitchCandidateConfigTask::class,
        //     ],

        //     /*
        //     * This class is the model used for storing configuration on candidates.
        //     *
        //     * It must implemement the `Inmanturbo\Delegator\Models\Contracts\CandidateModel` interface.
        //     */
        //     'model' => \App\Models\Team::class,

        //     /*
        //     * The connection name to reach the candidate database.
        //     *
        //     * Set to `null` to use the default connection.
        //     */
        //     'candidate_database_connection_name' => null,

        //     /*
        //     * This key will be used to bind the current candidate in the container.
        //     */
        //     'current_candidate_container_key' => 'currentTeam',

        //     /*
        //     * You can customize some of the behavior of this package by using your own custom action.
        //     * Your custom action should always extend the default one.
        //     */
        //     'actions' => [
        //         'make_current_action' => \Inmanturbo\Delegator\Actions\MakeCandidateCurrentAction::class,
        //         'forget_current_action' => \Inmanturbo\Delegator\Actions\ForgetCandidateCurrentAction::class,
        //         'migrate_action' => \Inmanturbo\Delegator\Actions\MigrateCandidateAction::class,
        //     ],
        // ],


First publish the config then uncomment the first candidate in the candidates array and fill in your correct values.

You can use any model that implements the Inmanturbo\Delegator\Models\Contracts\CandidateModel interface.

You can use the trait Inmanturbo\Delegator\Models\Concerns\HasCandidateMethods, or write your own methods to satisfy the interface.

Making a candidate Current

$candidate = App\Models\Team::first(); // <-- must be a configured candidate `model` which implements


The above will execute the config('') which will call makeCurrent() on all of the tasks listed under config('')

You can use these tasks to change or set config keys and values, start a lawn mower, etc.

Calling makeCurrent() on another instance of the model of the same class will first execute config('') which calls forgetCurrent() on all of the same tasks.

You can do this with as many model classes as you want by adding their configurations to the candidates array in the delegator config file.
Each class will be tracked seperately, so you can have multiple current models of different types, but only one at a time of each type.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.