
Quickly mount a Content Management System on top of Filament on Laravel. Chose your front stack, or go Headless.

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This package brings CMS features to Laravel, based on top of Filament, as a drop-in replacement for Wordpress. It is designed to be used with a front-end stack of your choice, or as a headless CMS. The package brings pre-defined resources to manage your content, settings pages, and a set of SEO tools to help you optimize your content for search engines.

While the package helps you defining your models Resources, It also comes with a predefined panel so you can also quickly get up and running.

Features :

  • Page/Post/Model management :
    • Status
    • Slug
    • Excerpt
    • Thumbnail
    • Templates
    • Flexible content blocks
    • Hierarchical structure (parent/child)
  • Custom "post types", configured via Blueprints and Template classes to avoid bloated models
  • SEO tools (meta title, meta description, meta tags, sitemap, structured data, SEO checks)
  • Menus
  • Settings pages
  • Users and Permissions management
  • Multilingual dashboard
  • You keep control on your models, migrations, routes, and views
  • Native front-end support for blade, livewire, inertia



You can install the package via composer:

composer require hydrat/grogu-cms

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="grogu-cms-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="grogu-cms-config"

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="grogu-cms-views"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [

In addition, to setup dependancies, you will need to run the following commands:

php artisan seo:install

If using a Javascript front-end, such as Vue or React, you will also need to install puppeteer :

npm install puppeteer

Then, of your public models you will need to enable Javascript on SEO checks :


namespace App\Models;

use App\Cms\Models\Contracts\Resourceable;
use App\Cms\Models\CmsModel;
use Vormkracht10\Seo\Facades\Seo;
use Vormkracht10\Seo\SeoScore;

class Page extends CmsModel implements Resourceable
    public function seoScore(): SeoScore
        return Seo::check(url: $this->url, useJavascript: true);

Please read the laravel-seo-scanner documentation for more details.


Defining your models

You can easily create a model using the make:cms-model command :

php artisan make:cms-model Page

Basically, this model will be a regular Eloquent model, extending the CmsModel class :


namespace App\Models;

class Page extends CmsModel
     * @var string<BlueprintContract>
    protected static string $blueprintSchema = \App\Cms\Blueprints\PageBlueprint::class;

The Blueprint is where the model configuration will happen. You can generate this file automatically by adding the --blueprint option to the make:cms-model command, or using the make:cms-blueprint command :

php artisan make:cms-blueprint PageBlueprint

Blueprints helps GroguCMS by telling how to handle your model. It will :

  • Define the front-end route to a single model (when applicable)
  • Define the front-end view to use, when using our Controller helpers
  • Enable/Disable features such as SEO, Exceprt, Content...
  • Define templates and flexible layouts
  • Define if the model is hierarchical

Rendering your models

Create the routes

First, you need to create the route to your pages. Here, we define the root path to use FrontPageController, as it will read the settings defined on the admin panel.

Route::get('/', Web\FrontPageShowController::class)->name('front-page.show');
Route::get('/{slug}', Web\PageShowController::class)->where('slug', '(.*)')->name('pages.show');

Using blade/livewire

Using inertia

When using Inertia, it is likely that you will want to filter the data sent to the browser. To do so, GroguCMS automatically convert your model to a JsonResource before sending it to the browser.

First, create a resource for your model :

php artisan make:resource PageResource

Then, add the Resourceable contract to your model, and implement the toResource method :


namespace App\Models;

use App\Cms\Contracts\Resourceable;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\JsonResource;

class Page extends Model implements Resourceable
    public function toResource(): JsonResource
        return new \App\Http\Resources\PageResource($this);

You can then configure your resource as needed.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.