
Initial setup for a typo3 project


This is the base for most TYPO3 projects of and therefore has some assumptions that are specific to us and our hosting. However: you might still find it interesting to see a possible way to set up a TYPO3 project.

Local installation

Run these commands in a folder you want to create your project in.

  • curl|tar -xzs /^[a-z0-9\-]*//
  • make serve

Setup a project

This is a checklist of what to do when creating a new project assuming the source will be on Bitbucket and the project will run on Mittwald. Other setups are possible but require modification of the deployment process or (in the case that you don't use Bitbucket) an entirely different deployment configuration altogether.

  • Start by creating a Mittwald project since that takes the longest. Use the software preset (selected by default) and enable ssh.
  • Create a domain name using (you can get the IP from the server before the project is ready)
  • Create a bitbucket repository (at best with the same name as the Mittwald project)
  • Now follow the installation steps for your local instance above
  • Configure the Mittwald user id's in bitbucket-pipelines.yml and the Makefile
  • Be sure to add the newly generated files into your git repository (composer.lock, yarn.lock and LocalConfiguration.php)
  • When Mittwald is done, enable pipelines in bitbucket and generate an ssh key. Put the public key on the Mittwald server.
  • Create a database and move your database to Mittwald this one time ~
  • Create a .env file on the Mittwald server located at html/{branch-name} with the content described below.
  • Configure your domain in Mittwald to point to html/{branch-name}/current/web.
  • Add a let's encrypt certificate to the domain.
  • You should now be able to deploy your project for the first time but don't forget the next steps
  • Add the scheduler cronjob (on Mittwald a custom call with php_cli to html/{branch-name}/vendor/bin/typo3cms with the parameter scheduler:run)
  • Ensure that Mittwald performance plus is active

.env file

Following .env configurations should be in the live enviornment


But there are more you might be interested in


Most of them are used in the AdditionalConfiguration.php so look there.

how to…

…handle docker and start the project locally

The easiest way is to use the included makefile. To see what commands are supplied run make help. Here just a quick overview:

  • make start starts the project
  • make stop stops the project
  • make cc clears all available caches and updates database schemas
  • make pull gets the current live database and fileadmin (you may need the ssh credentials)
  • make log shows all logfiles (except php error log because typo3 does not accept stderr as log_file and overrides it)

However, you can use docker directly if you know what you are doing and for debugging. Services are orchestrated using docker-compose. So the docker-compose command is your friend.

This projects brings most commands required to run it with it. (besides make and docker) These commands live within the bin folder. Here are the most important ones:

  • bin/composer runs a dockerized version of composer to handle php dependencies.
  • bin/yarn runs a dockerized version of yarn to handle css/js dependencies.
  • bin/typo3cms runs the helhum/typo3-console for things like clearing the cache or just generally run commands.

…handle extension TypoScript

If you include other extensions (as you probably will) you should add their TypoScript via TypoScriptTemplateHook::addStaticInclude (see /web/typo3conf/ext/hn_templates/ext_localconf.php). You can list all available includes using bin/typo3cms template:list.

If you want to edit some TypoScript constants in the backend, you need to setup a so called Extension Template. If you intend to use this, don't forget to move typo3/cms-tstemplate from the require-dev to the regular require block in /composer.json so it is available in the live instance.

…organize templates

We use the normal typo3 directory structure meaning templates are organized within

  • Resources/Private/Layouts
  • Resources/Private/Partials
  • Resources/Private/Templates

On top of that we use the BEM schema to name and organize templates and partials whenever possible. This means all styles and scripts are next to their template.

Let's say you want to create a partial FancyHeadline.html Your directory structure would look like this:

  • Resources/Private/Templates/Partials/FancyHeadline.html
  • Resources/Private/Templates/Partials/FancyHeadline.js
  • Resources/Private/Templates/Partials/FancyHeadline.scss

and the content would look like this:

<div class="fancy-headline">{content}</div>
import $ from 'jquery';

// i always recommend this initial loop setup.
// this way your partial is reusable but does not do anything if not used at all.
$('.fancy-headline').each(function () {
.fancy-headline {
    font-size: 20px;
    transform: translateY(-20px);
    transition: transform .2s;
    &.fancy-headline--fly-in {
        transform: translateY(0);

…handle resources like css/js

We use webpack to handle css/js output. This allows us to use powerful post processing tools like autoprefixer and babel and it also avoids some issues when deploying projects using the default frontend stack of TYPO3.

What you need to know is that all resources are processed using webpack within a docker service fittingly named webpack. This service runs the webpack-dev-server in the background and serves files though port :5002 (by default). More information may be available though the webpack integration extension.

If you have issues with css or js files not coming though to the frontend (or missing entirely) you should look into the webpack logs either though make log or docker-compose logs -f -n100 webpack.

Webpack is configured using the webpack.config.js file in the root of this project. Most important there are the entrypoints. By default web/typo3conf/ext/hn_templates/ext_index.js is included. If you create further extensions, you'll need to add your extensions as entrypoints too in the order they must be loaded.

This entrypoint file simply includes all scss and js files in the Resource/Private folder but you may add more complex logic if needed.

If you want a production build of all frontend resources simply run bin/yarn build. You can then also look at how heavy your js bundle is by opening the url /build/report.html.