
An engine library.

v10.0.2 2024-12-11 08:39 UTC


FyreEngine is a free, open-source engine library for PHP.

Table Of Contents


Using Composer

composer require fyre/engine


use Fyre\Engine\Engine;

Basic Usage

$engine = new Engine($loader);


This class extends the Container class.


Boot the application.



Build application middleware.

$middleware = $engine->middleware($queue);

Global Functions


Get a language value.

  • $key is a string representing the key to lookup.
  • $data is an array containing data to insert into the language string.
$lang = __($key, $data);


Throw an Exception.

  • $code is a number representing the status code, and will default to 500.
  • $message is a string representing the error message, and will default to "".
abort($code, $message);


Load a shared Engine instance.

$app = app();

You can also load other shared class instances.

  • $alias is a string representing the alias.
  • $arguments is an array containing the named arguments for the class constructor.
$instance = app($alias, $arguments);


Generate a URL for an asset path.

  • $path is a string representing the asset path.
  • $options is an array containing the route options.
    • fullBase is a boolean indicating whether to use the full base URI and will default to false.
$url = asset($path);


Load a shared Auth instance.

$auth = auth();


Authorize an access rule.

  • $rule is a string representing the access rule name or Policy method.

Any additional arguments supplied will be passed to the access rule callback or Policy method.

authorize($rule, ...$args);


Load a shared Cacher instance.

  • $key is a string representing the Cacher key, and will default to Cache::DEFAULT.
$cacher = cache($key);


Check whether an access rule is allowed.

  • $rule is a string representing the access rule name or Policy method.

Any additional arguments supplied will be passed to the access rule callback or Policy method.

$result = can($rule, ...$args);

Can Any

Check whether any access rule is allowed.

  • $rules is an array containing access rule names or Policy methods.

Any additional arguments supplied will be passed to the access rule callbacks or Policy methods.

$result = can_any($rules, ...$args);

Can None

Check whether no access rule is allowed.

  • $rules is an array containing access rule names or Policy methods.

Any additional arguments supplied will be passed to the access rule callbacks or Policy methods.

$result = can_none($rule, ...$args);


Check whether an access rule is not allowed.

  • $rule is a string representing the access rule name or Policy method.

Any additional arguments supplied will be passed to the access rule callback or Policy method.

$result = cannot($rule, ...$args);


Create a new Collection.

  • $source can be either an array, a Closure that returns a Generator, or a Traversable or JsonSerializable object.
$collection = collect($source);


Load a shared Config instance.

$config = config();

You can also retrieve a value from the config using "dot" notation.

  • $key is a string representing the key to lookup.
  • $default is the default value to return, and will default to null.
$value = config($key, $default);


Load a shared Connection instance.

  • $key is a string representing the Connection key, and will default to ConnectionManager::DEFAULT.
$connection = db($key);


Dump and die.



Dump data.



Create an Email.

  • $key is a string representing the Mailer key, and will default to Mail::DEFAULT.
$email = email($key);


Load a shared Encrypter instance.

  • $key is a string representing the Encrypter key, and will default to Encryption::DEFAULT.
$encrypter = encryption($key);


Retrieve an environment variable.

  • $name is a string representing the variable name.
  • $default is the default value to return, and will default to null.
$value = env($name, $default);


Escape characters in a string for use in HTML.

  • $string is the string to escape.
$escaped = escape($string);


Create a new ClientResponse with JSON data.

  • $data is the data to send.
$response = json($data);

Log Message

Log a message.

  • $type is a string representing the log level.
  • $message is a string representing the log message.
  • $data is an array containing data to insert into the message string.
log_message($type, $message, $data);

The $type must be one of the supported log levels.

Logged In

Determine if the current user is logged in.

$loggedIn = logged_in();


Load a shared Model instance.

  • $alias is a string representing the model alias.
$model = model($alias);


Create a new DateTime set to now.

$now = now();


Push a job to a Queue.

  • $className is a string representing the job class.
  • $arguments is an array containing arguments that will be passed to the job.
  • $options is an array containing options for the Message.
    • config is a string representing the configuration key, and will default to "default".
    • queue is a string representing the Queue name, and will default to "default".
    • method is a string representing the class method, and will default to "run".
    • delay is a number representing the number of seconds before the job should run, and will default to 0.
    • expires is a number representing the number of seconds after which the job will expire, and will default to 0.
queue($className, $arguments, $options);


Create a new RedirectResponse.

  • $uri is a Uri or string representing the URI to redirect to.
  • $code is a number representing the header status code, and will default to 302.
  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
$response = redirect($uri, $code, $options);


Load a shared ServerRequest instance.

$request = request();

You can also retrieve value from the $_POST array by passing arguments to this function.

  • $key is a string representing the array key using "dot" notation.
  • $filter is a number representing the filter to apply, and will default to FILTER_DEFAULT.
  • $options is a number or array containing flags to use when filtering, and will default to 0.
$value = request($key, $filter, $options);


Create a new ClientResponse.

$response = response();


Generate a URL for a named Route.

  • $name is a string representing the route alias.
  • $arguments is an array containing the route arguments.
    • ? is an array containing route query parameters.
    • # is a string representing the fragment component of the URI.
  • $options is an array containing the route options.
    • fullBase is a boolean indicating whether to use the full base URI and will default to false.
$route = route($name, $arguments, $options);


Load a shared Session instance.

$session = session();

Retrieve a value from the session.

  • $key is a string representing the session key.
$value = session($key);

You can also set a session value by including a second argument.

session($key, $value);


Load a shared TypeParser instance.

$parser = type();

You can also get the mapped Type class for a value type.

  • $type is a string representing the value type.
$typeClass = type($type);


Get the current user.

$user = user();


Render a View template.

  • $template is a string representing the template file.
  • $data is an array containing data to pass to the template.
  • $layout is a string representing the layout file, and will default to null.
$view = view($template, $data, $layout);

If the $layout is set to null, it will use the App.defaultLayout option from the Config.