
A mail library.

v2.0.7 2024-06-29 06:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-08-29 06:58:31 UTC


FyreMail is a free, open-source email library for PHP.

Table Of Contents


Using Composer

composer require fyre/mail


use Fyre\Mail\Mail;



Clear all instances and configs.


Get Config

Get a Mailer config.

  • $key is a string representing the Mailer key.
$config = Mail::getConfig($key);

Alternatively, if the $key argument is omitted an array containing all configurations will be returned.

$config = Mail::getConfig();

Get Key

Get the key for a Mailer instance.

$key = Mail::getKey($mailer);

Has Config

Check if a Mailer config exists.

  • $key is a string representing the Mailer key, and will default to Mail::DEFAULT.
$hasConfig = Mail::hasConfig($key);

Is Loaded

Check if a Mailer instance is loaded.

  • $key is a string representing the Mailer key, and will default to Mail::DEFAULT.
$isLoaded = Mail::isLoaded($key);


Load a Mailer.

  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
$mailer = Mail::load($options);

Set Config

Set the Mailer config.

  • $key is a string representing the Mailer key.
  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
Mail::setConfig($key, $options);

Alternatively, a single array can be provided containing key/value of configuration options.



Unload a Mailer.

  • $key is a string representing the Mailer key, and will default to Mail::DEFAULT.
$unloaded = Mail::unload($key);


Load a shared Mailer instance.

  • $key is a string representing the Mailer key, and will default to Mail::DEFAULT.
$mailer = Mail::use($key);


You can load a specific mailer by specifying the className option of the $options variable above.

Custom mailers can be created by extending \Fyre\Mail\Mailer, ensuring all below methods are implemented.


Create an Email.

$email = $mailer->email();

Get Charset

Get the mailer character set.

$charset = $mailer->getCharset();

Get Client

Get the client hostname.

$client = $mailer->getCliet();


Send an Email.



The Sendmail mailer can be loaded using custom configuration.

  • $key is a string representing the mailer key.
  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
    • className must be set to \Fyre\Mail\Handlers\SendmailMailer.
    • charset is a string representing the character set, and will default to "utf-8".
    • client is a string representing the client hostname.
Mail::setConfig($key, $options);

$mailer = Mail::use($key);


The SMTP mailer can be loaded using custom configuration.

  • $key is a string representing the mailer key.
  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
    • className must be set to \Fyre\Mail\Handlers\SmtpMailer.
    • host is a string representing the SMTP host, and will default to "".
    • username is a string representing the SMTP username.
    • password is a string representing the SMTP password.
    • port is a number indicating the SMTP port, and will default to 465.
    • auth is a boolean indicating whether to authenticate, and will default to false.
    • tls is a boolean indicating whether to use TLS encryption, and will default to false.
    • dsn is a boolean indicating whether to use delivery status notification, and will default to false.
    • keepAlive is a boolean indicating whether to use a persistent connection, and will default to false.
    • charset is a string representing the character set, and will default to "utf-8".
    • client is a string representing the client hostname.
Mail::setConfig($key, $options);

$mailer = Mail::use($key);


Add Attachments

Add attachments.

  • $attachments is an array containing the attachments, where the key is the filename and the value is an array of attachment data.
    • file is a string representing a path to a file.
    • content is a string representing the file data.
    • mimeType is a string representing the MIME content type.
    • contentId is a string representing the content ID.
    • disposition is a string representing the content disposition.

For each attachment, a file or content must be supplied.

If the mimeType is omitted it will determined automatically from the file data.

If the disposition is omitted, it will default to "inline" if a contentId is provided, otherwise "attachment".

Add Bcc

Add a bcc address.

  • $email is a string representing the email address.
  • $name is a string representing the name, and will default to the email address.
$email->addBcc($email, $name);

Add Cc

Add a cc address.

  • $email is a string representing the email address.
  • $name is a string representing the name, and will default to the email address.
$email->addCc($email, $name);

Add Reply To

Add a reply to address.

  • $email is a string representing the email address.
  • $name is a string representing the name, and will default to the email address.
$email->addReplyTo($email, $name);

Add To

Add a to address.

  • $email is a string representing the email address.
  • $name is a string representing the name, and will default to the email address.
$email->addTo($email, $name);

Get Attachments

Get the attachments.

$attachments = $email->getAttachments();

Get Bcc

Get the bcc addresses.

$bcc = $email->getBcc();

Get Body HTML

Get the HTML body string.

$html = $email->getBodyHtml();

Get Body Text

Get the text body string.

$text = $email->getBodyText();

Get Boundary

Get the boundary.

$boundary = $email->getBoundary();

Get Cc

Get the cc addresses.

$cc = $email->getCc();

Get Charset

Get the character set.

$charset = $email->getCharset();

Get Format

Get the email format.

$format = $email->getFormat();

Get From

Get the from addresses.

$from = $email->getFrom();

Get Headers

Get the additional headers.

$headers = $email->getHeaders();

Get Message ID

Get the message ID.

$messageId = $email->getMessageId();

Get Priority

Get the priority.

$priority = $email->getPriority();

Get Read Receipt

Get the read recipient addresses.

$readReceipt = $email->getReadReceipt();

Get Recipients

Get the recipient addresses.

$recipients = $email->getRecipients();

Get Reply To

Get the reply to addresses.

$replyTo = $email->getReplyTo();

Get Return Path

Get the return path addresses.

$returnPath = $email->getReturnPath();

Get Sender

Get the sender addresses.

$sender = $email->getSender();

Get Subject

Get the subject.

$subject = $email->getSubject();

Get To

Get the to addresses.

$to = $email->getTo();


Send the email.


Set Attachments

Set the attachments.

  • $attachments is an array containing the attachments, where the key is the filename and the value is an array of attachment data.
    • file is a string representing a path to a file.
    • content is a string representing the file data.
    • mimeType is a string representing the MIME content type.
    • contentId is a string representing the content ID.
    • disposition is a string representing the content disposition.

For each attachment, a file or content must be supplied.

If the mimeType is omitted it will determined automatically from the file data.

If the disposition is omitted, it will default to "inline" if a contentId is provided, otherwise "attachment".

Set Bcc

Set the bcc addresses.

  • $emails is an array containing the email addresses, or key-value pairs of email addresses and names.

Set Body Html

Set the body HTML.

  • $html is a string representing the body HTML.

Set Body Text

Set the body text.

  • $text is a string representing the body text.

Set Cc

Set the cc addresses.

  • $emails is an array containing the email addresses, or key-value pairs of email addresses and names.

Set Charset

Set the character set.

  • $charset is a string representing the character set.

Set Format

Set the email format.

  • $format is a string representing the email format, and must be one of either "html", "text", or "both".

Set From

Set the from address.

  • $email is a string representing the email address.
  • $name is a string representing the name, and will default to the email address.
$email->setFrom($email, $name);

Set Headers

Set additional headers.

  • $headers is an array containing additional headers.

Set Priority

Set the priority.


Set Read Receipt

Set the read recipient address.

  • $email is a string representing the email address.
  • $name is a string representing the name, and will default to the email address.
$email->setReadReceipt($email, $name);

Set Reply To

Set the reply to addresses.

  • $emails is an array containing the email addresses, or key-value pairs of email addresses and names.

Set Return Path

Set the return path address.

  • $email is a string representing the email address.
  • $name is a string representing the name, and will default to the email address.
$email->setReturnPath($email, $name);

Set Sender

Set the sender address.

  • $email is a string representing the email address.
  • $name is a string representing the name, and will default to the email address.
$email->setSender($email, $name);

Set Subject

Set the subject.

  • $subject is a string representing the subject.

Set To

Set the to addresses.

  • $emails is an array containing the email addresses, or key-value pairs of email addresses and names.