
A Queue library.

v3.0.3 2024-12-09 05:33 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-09 05:33:43 UTC


FyreQueue is a free, open-source queue library for PHP.

Table Of Contents


Using Composer

composer require fyre/queue


use Fyre\Queue\QueueManager;

Basic Usage

$queueManager = new QueueManager($container, $config);

Default configuration options will be resolved from the "Queue" key in the Config.


It is recommended to bind the QueueManager to the Container as a singleton.


Any dependencies will be injected automatically when loading from the Container.

$queueManager = $container->use(QueueManager::class);



Build a Queue.

  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
$queue = $queueManager->build($options);

Queue dependencies will be resolved automatically from the Container.


Clear all instances and configs.


Get Config

Set a Queue config.

  • $key is a string representing the Queue key.
$config = $queueManager->getConfig($key);

Alternatively, if the $key argument is omitted an array containing all configurations will be returned.

$config = $queueManager->getConfig();

Has Config

Determine whether a Queue config exists.

  • $key is a string representing the Queue key, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
$hasConfig = $queueManager->hasConfig($key);

Is Loaded

Determine whether a Queue instance is loaded.

  • $key is a string representing the Queue key, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
$isLoaded = $queueManager->isLoaded($key);


Push a job to a Queue.

  • $className is a string representing the job class.
  • $arguments is an array containing arguments that will be passed to the job.
  • $options is an array containing options for the Message.
    • config is a string representing the configuration key, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
    • queue is a string representing the queue name, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
    • method is a string representing the class method, and will default to "run".
    • delay is a number representing the number of seconds before the job should run, and will default to 0.
    • expires is a number representing the number of seconds after which the job will expire, and will default to 0.
    • retry is a boolean indicating whether the job should be retried if it fails, and will default to true.
    • maxRetries is a number indicating the maximum number of times the job should be retried, and will default to 5.
    • unique is a boolean indicating whether the job should be unique, and will default to false.
$queueManager->push($className, $arguments, $options);

Job dependencies will be resolved automatically from the Container.

Set Config

Set the Queue config.

  • $key is a string representing the Queue key.
  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
$queueManager->setConfig($key, $options);


Unload a Queue.

  • $key is a string representing the Queue key, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.


Load a shared Queue instance.

  • $key is a string representing the Queue key, and will default to "default".
$queue = $queueManager->use($key);

Queue dependencies will be resolved automatically from the Container.


You can load a specific queue by specifying the className option of the $options variable above.

Custom queues can be created by extending \Fyre\Queue\Queue, ensuring all below methods are implemented.


Clear all items from the queue.

  • $queueName is a string representing the queue name, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.


Mark a job as completed.



Mark a job as failed.


Get Listeners

Get the queue listeners.

$listeners - $queue->getListeners();


Pop the last item off the queue.

  • $queueName is a string representing the queue name.
$message = $queue->pop($queueName);


Push a job onto the queue.



Get all the active queues.

$queues = $queue->queues();


Reset the queue statistics.

  • $queueName is a string representing the queue name, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.


Get the statistics for a queue.

  • $queueName is a string representing the queue name, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
$stats = $queue->stats($queueName);


The Redis queue can be loaded using custom configuration.

  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
    • className must be set to \Fyre\Queue\Handlers\RedisQueue.
    • listeners is an array containing Listener class names or objects, and will default to [].
    • host is a string representing the Redis host, and will default to "".
    • password is a string representing the Redis password
    • port is a number indicating the Redis port, and will default to 6379.
    • database is a string representing the Redis database.
    • timeout is a number indicating the connection timeout.
$container->use(Config::class)->set('Queue.redis', $options);


Workers are long running tasks that will consume and execute jobs from the queue.

use Fyre\Queue\Worker;
  • $container is a Container.
  • $queueManager is a QueueManager.
  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
    • config is a string representing the configuration key, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
    • queue is a string representing the queue name, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
    • maxJobs is a number representing the maximum number of jobs to execute, and will default to 0.
    • maxRuntime is a number representing the maximum number of seconds the worker should run, and will default to 0.
    • rest is a number representing the number of microseconds to rest after processing a job, and will default to 10000.
    • sleep is a number representing the number of microseconds to sleep if no jobs are in the queue, and will default to 100000.
$worker = new Worker($container, $queueManager, $options);


Run the worker.



You can attach listeners to a Queue by specifying a listeners array in the $options variable above.

Listener dependencies will be resolved automatically from the Container.

Custom listener can be created and implement any of the below methods.


Handle a message exception.

  • $message is the Message.
  • $exception is the exception.`
  • $retried is a boolean indicating whether the message was retried.
$listener->exception($message, $exception, $retried);


Handle a failed message.

  • $message is the Message.
  • $retried is a boolean indicating whether the message was retried.
$listener->failure($message, $retried);


Handle an invalid message.



Handle a start message.



Handle a success message.



Messages are used internally to pass data between the Queue, Worker and Listener.

use Fyre\Queue\Message;
  • $options is an array containing options for the message.
    • className is a string representing the job class.
    • arguments is an array containing arguments that will be passed to the job.
    • config is a string representing the configuration key, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
    • queue is a string representing the queue name, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
    • method is a string representing the class method, and will default to "run".
    • delay is a number representing the number of seconds before the job should run, and will default to 0.
    • expires is a number representing the number of seconds after which the job will expire, and will default to 0.
    • retry is a boolean indicating whether the job should be retried if it fails, and will default to true.
    • maxRetries is a number indicating the maximum number of times the job should be retried, and will default to 5.
    • unique is a boolean indicating whether the job should be unique, and will default to false.
$message = new Message($options);

Get After

Get the timestamp when the message can be sent.

$after = $message->getTimestamp();

Get Config

Get the message config.

$config = $message->getConfig();

Get Hash

Get the message hash.

$hash = $message->getHash();

Get Queue

Get the message queue.

$queueName = $message->getQueue();

Is Expired

Determine whether the message has expired.

$isExpired = $message->isExpired();

Is Ready

Determine whether the message is ready.

$isReady = $message->isReady();

Is Unique

Determine whether the message is unique.

$isUnique = $message->isUnique();

Is Valid

Determine whether the message is valid.

$isValid = $message->isValid();

Should Retry

Determine whether the message should be retried.

$shouldretry = $message->shouldRetry();



Display stats for the queue.

  • --config is a the configuration key, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
  • --queue is a the queue name, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
$commandRunner->run('queue:stats', ['--config', 'default', '--queue', 'default']);


Start a background queue worker.

  • --config is a the configuration key, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
  • --queue is a the queue name, and will default to QueueManager::DEFAULT.
  • --max-jobs is the maximum number of jobs to execute, and will default to 0.
  • --max-runtime is the maximum number of seconds the worker should run, and will default to 0.
$commandRunner->run('queue:worker', ['--config', 'default', '--queue', 'default', '--max-jobs', '99', '--max-runtime', '60']);