
A command library.

v6.2.2 2024-12-31 07:47 UTC


FyreCommand is a free, open-source CLI command library for PHP.

Table Of Contents


Using Composer

composer require fyre/command


use Fyre\Command\CommandRunner;

Basic Usage

$runner = new CommandRunner($container, $inflector, $loader, $io, $eventManager);


It is recommended to bind the CommandRunner to the Container as a singleton.


Any dependencies will be injected automatically when loading from the Container.

$runner = $container->use(CommandRunner::class);


Add Namespace

Add a namespace for loading commands.

  • $namespace is a string representing the namespace.


Get all available commands.

$commands = $runner->all();


Clear all namespaces and loaded commands.


Get Namespaces

Get the namespaces.

$namespaces = $runner->getNamespaces();


Handle an argv Command.

  • $argv is an array containing the CLI arguments.
$code = $runner->handle($argv);

Has Command

Determine whether a command exists.

  • $alias is a string representing the command alias.
$hasCommand = $runner->hasCommand($alias);

Has Namespace

Determine whether a namespace exists.

  • $namespace is a string representing the namespace.
$hasNamespace = $runner->hasNamespace($namespace);

Remove Namespace

Remove a namespace.

  • $namespace is a string representing the namespace.


Run a Command.

  • $alias is a string representing the command alias.
  • $arguments is an array containing arguments for the command, and will default to [].
$code = $runner->run($alias, $arguments);

Command options will be parsed from the provided arguments.


Custom commands can be created by extending \Fyre\Command\Command, suffixing the class name with "Command", and ensuring a run method is implemented.

Any dependencies will be resolved automatically from the Container.

The run method should return an integer representing the command exit code. The class constants Command::CODE_SUCCESS and Command::CODE_ERROR can be used.


You can define $alias and $description properties on the command. If no $alias is a provided, the command class name will be used (converted to snake_case).


You can also define an $options array on your custom commands, which will be used by the CommandRunner to parse the arguments and prompt for input if required.

  • prompt is a string representing the prompt text, and will default to "".
  • values is an array containing the values, and will default to null.
  • boolean is a boolean indicating whether the option is a boolean value, and will default to false.
  • required is a boolean indicating whether a value must be provided, and will default to false.
  • default is the default value, and will default to true.
protected array $options = [
    'name' => [
        'prompt' => 'What is your name?',
        'required' => true,
    'color' => [
        'prompt' => 'What is your favorite color?',
        'values' => [
    'confirmed' => [
        'prompt' => 'Do you want to continue?',
        'boolean' => true,
        'required' => true,

public function run(string $name, string|null $color, bool $confirmed): int;

If an option is marked as required and not provided as an argument, the CommandRunner will prompt for the value, otherwise the default value will be used.