
A cache library.

v5.1.0 2024-11-17 00:46 UTC


FyreCache is a free, open-source cache library for PHP.

Table Of Contents


Using Composer

composer require fyre/cache


use Fyre\Cache\CacheManager;

Basic Usage

$cacheManager = new CacheManager($container);

Default configuration options will be resolved from the "Cache" key in the Config.

The cache will be disabled by default if the `"App.debug" key is set in the Config.


It is recommended to bind the CacheManager to the Container as a singleton.


Any dependencies will be injected automatically when loading from the Container.

$cacheManager = $container->use(CacheManager::class);



Build a Cacher.

  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
$cacher = $cacheManager->build($options);

Cacher dependencies will be resolved automatically from the Container.


Clear all instances and configs.



Disable the cache.


If the cache is disabled, the use method will always return a NullCacher.


Enable the cache.


Get Config

Get a Cacher config.

  • $key is a string representing the Cacher key.
$config = $cacheManager->getConfig($key);

Alternatively, if the $key argument is omitted an array containing all configurations will be returned.

$config = $cacheManager->getConfig();

Has Config

Determine whether a Cacher config exists.

  • $key is a string representing the Cacher key, and will default to CacheManager::DEFAULT.
$hasConfig = $cacheManager->hasConfig($key);

Is Enabled

Determine whether the cache is enabled.


Is Loaded

Determine whether a Cacher instance is loaded.

  • $key is a string representing the Cacher key, and will default to CacheManager::DEFAULT.
$isLoaded = $cacheManager->isLoaded($key);

Set Config

Set the Cacher config.

  • $key is a string representing the Cacher key.
  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
$cacheManager->setConfig($key, $options);


Unload a Cacher.

  • $key is a string representing the Cacher key, and will default to CacheManager::DEFAULT.


Load a shared Cacher instance.

  • $key is a string representing the Cacher key, and will default to CacheManager::DEFAULT.
$cacher = $cacheManager->use($key);

Cacher dependencies will be resolved automatically from the Container.


You can load a specific cacher by specifying the className option of the $options variable above.

Custom cachers can be created by extending \Fyre\Cache\Cacher, ensuring all below methods are implemented.


Decrement a cache value.

  • $key is a string representing the cache key.
  • $amount is a number indicating the amount to decrement by, and will default to 1.
$value = $cacher->decrement($key, $amount);


Delete an item from the cache.

  • $key is a string representing the cache key.
$deleted = $cacher->delete($key);


Empty the cache.

$emptied = $cacher->empty();


Retrieve a value from the cache.

  • $key is a string representing the cache key.
$value = $cacher->get($key);


Determine whether an item exists in the cache.

  • $key is a string representing the cache key.
$has = $cacher->has($key);


Increment a cache value.

  • $key is a string representing the cache key.
  • $amount is a number indicating the amount to increment by, and will default to 1.
$value = $cacher->increment($key, $amount);


Retrieve an item from the cache, or save a new value if it doesn't exist.

  • $key is a string representing the cache key.
  • $callback is the callback method to generate the value.
  • $expire is a number indicating the number of seconds the value will be valid, and will default to null.
$value = $cacher->remember($key, $callback, $expire);


Save an item in the cache.

  • $key is a string representing the cache key.
  • $value is the value to save in the cache.
  • $expire is a number indicating the number of seconds the value will be valid, and will default to null.
$saved = $cacher->save($key, $value, $expire);


Get the size of the cache.

$size = $cacher->size();


The File cacher can be loaded using custom configuration.

  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
    • className must be set to \Fyre\Cache\Handlers\FileCacher.
    • expire is a number indicating the default cache timeout.
    • prefix is a string representing the cache key prefix.
    • path is a string representing the directory path, and will default to "/tmp/cache".
    • mode is a number indicating the cache file permissions, and will default to 0640.
$container->use(Config::class)->set('Cache.file', $options);


The Memcached cacher can be loaded using custom configuration.

  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
    • className must be set to \Fyre\Cache\Handlers\MemcachedCacher.
    • expire is a number indicating the default cache timeout.
    • prefix is a string representing the cache key prefix.
    • host is a string representing the Memcached host, and will default to "".
    • port is a number indicating the Memcached port, and will default to 11211.
    • weight is a number indicating the server weight, and will default to 1.
$container->use(Config::class)->set('Cache.memcached', $options);


The Redis cacher can be loaded using custom configuration.

  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
    • className must be set to \Fyre\Cache\Handlers\RedisCacher.
    • expire is a number indicating the default cache timeout.
    • prefix is a string representing the cache key prefix.
    • host is a string representing the Redis host, and will default to "".
    • password is a string representing the Redis password.
    • port is a number indicating the Redis port, and will default to 6379.
    • database is a string representing the Redis database.
    • timeout is a number indicating the connection timeout.
$container->use(Config::class)->set('Cache.redis', $options);