
A database forge library.

v4.0.4 2024-08-20 11:44 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-20 12:05:20 UTC


FyreForge is a free, open-source database forge library for PHP.

Table Of Contents


Using Composer

composer require fyre/forge


use Fyre\Forge\ForgeRegistry;

Forge Registry

Get Forge

Get the Forge for a Connection.

$forge = ForgeRegistry::getForge($connection);

Set Handler

Set a Forge handler for a Connection class.

  • $connectionClass is a string representing the Connection class name.
  • $forgeClass is a string representing the Forge class name.
ForgeRegistry::setHandler($connectionClass, $forgeClass);


Add Column

Add a column to a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $options is an array containing the column options.
    • type is a string representing the column type, and will default to "varchar".
    • length is a number representing the column length, and will default to the type default.
    • precision is a number representing the column precision, and will default to the type default.
    • nullable is a boolean indicating whether the column is nullable, and will default to false.
    • default is a string representing the column default value, and will default to null (no default).
    • autoIncrement is a boolean indicating whether the column is an an auto incrementing column, and will default to false.
$forge->addColumn($table, $column, $options);

Additional column options may be available depending on the connection handler.

Add Index

Add an index to a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $index is a string representing the index name.
  • $options is an array containing the index options.
    • columns is a string or array containing the columns to use for the index, and will default to the index name.
    • unique is a boolean indicating whether the index must be unique, and will default to false.
    • primary is a boolean indicating whether the index is a primary key, and will default to false.
$forge->addIndex($table, $index, $options);

Additional index options may be available depending on the connection handler.


Build a TableForge.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
$tableForge = $forge->build($table);

Additional table options may be available depending on the connection handler.

Create Table

Create a new table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $columns is an array containing the column definitions.
  • $options is an array containing the schema options.
    • indexes is an array containing the index definitions.
    • foreignKeys is an array containing the foreign key definitions.
    • ifNotExists is a boolean indicating whether to use an IF NOT EXISTS clause, and will default to false.
$forge->createTable($table, $columns, $options);

Additional table options may be available depending on the connection handler.

Drop Column

Drop a column from a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $options is an array containing the column options.
    • ifExists is a boolean indicating whether to use an IF EXISTS clause, and will default to false.
$forge->dropColumn($table, $column, $options);

Drop Index

Drop an index from a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $index is a string representing the index name.
$forge->dropIndex($table, $index);

Drop Table

Drop a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $options is an array containing the table options.
    • ifExists is a boolean indicating whether to use an IF EXISTS clause, and will default to false.
$forge->dropTable($table, $options);

Get Connection

Get the Connection.

$connection = $forge->getConnection();

Rename Column

Rename a column.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $newColumn is a string representing the new column name.
$forge->renameColumn($table, $column, $newColumn);

Rename Table

Rename a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $newTable is a string representing the new table name.
$forge->renameTable($table, $newTable);


The MySQL Forge extends the Forge class and provides additional methods and options specific to MySQL databases.

Add Column

Add a column to a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $options is an array containing the column options.
    • type is a string representing the column type, and will default to "varchar".
    • length is a number representing the column length, and will default to the type default.
    • precision is a number representing the column precision, and will default to the type default.
    • values is an array containing the enum/set values, and will default to null.
    • nullable is a boolean indicating whether the column is nullable, and will default to false.
    • unsigned is a boolean indicating whether the column is unsigned, and will default to false.
    • default is a string representing the column default value, and will default to null (no default).
    • charset is a string representing the column character set, and will default to the connection character set.
    • collation is a string representing the column collation, and will default to the connection collation.
    • autoIncrement is a boolean indicating whether the column is an an auto incrementing column, and will default to false.
    • comment is a string representing the column comment, and will default to "".
    • after is a string representing the column to add this column after, and will default to null.
    • first is a boolean indicating whether to add this column first in the table, and will default to false.
$forge->addColumn($table, $column, $options);

Add Foreign Key

Add a foreign key to a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $foreignKey is a string representing the foreign key name.
  • $options is an array containing the foreign key options.
    • columns is a string or array containing the columns to use for the foreign key, and will default to the foreign key name.
    • referencedTable is a string representing the referenced table to use.
    • referencedColumns is a string or array containing the columns to use in the referenced table.
    • update is a string containing the ON UPDATE operation, and will default to "".
    • delete is a string containing the ON DELETE operation, and will default to "".
$forge->addForeignKey($table, $foreignKey, $options);

Add Index

Add an index to a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $index is a string representing the index name.
  • $options is an array containing the index options.
    • columns is a string or array containing the columns to use for the index, and will default to the index name.
    • type is a string representing the index type, and will default to "BTREE".
    • unique is a boolean indicating whether the index must be unique, and will default to false.
    • primary is a boolean indicating whether the index is a primary key, and will default to false.
$forge->addIndex($table, $index, $options);

Alter Table

Alter a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $options is an array containing the table options.
    • engine is a string representing the table engine, and will default to "InnoDB".
    • charset is a string representing the table character set, and will default to the connection character set.
    • collation is a string representing the table collation, and will default to the connection collation.
    • comment is a string representing the table comment, and will default to "".
$forge->alterTable($table, $options);


Build a TableForge.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $options is an array containing the table options.
    • engine is a string representing the table engine, and will default to "InnoDB".
    • charset is a string representing the table character set, and will default to the connection character set.
    • collation is a string representing the table collation, and will default to the connection collation.
    • comment is a string representing the table comment, and will default to "".
$tableForge = $forge->build($table, $options);

Change Column

Change a table column.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $options is an array containing the column options.
    • name is a string representing the new column name, and will default to the column name.
    • type is a string representing the column type, and will default to "varchar".
    • length is a number representing the column length, and will default to the type default.
    • precision is a number representing the column precision, and will default to the type default.
    • values is an array containing the enum/set values, and will default to null.
    • nullable is a boolean indicating whether the column is nullable, and will default to false.
    • unsigned is a boolean indicating whether the column is unsigned, and will default to false.
    • default is a string representing the column default value, and will default to null (no default).
    • charset is a string representing the column character set, and will default to the connection character set.
    • collation is a string representing the column collation, and will default to the connection collation.
    • autoIncrement is a boolean indicating whether the column is an an auto incrementing column, and will default to false.
    • comment is a string representing the column comment, and will default to "".
    • after is a string representing the column to add this column after, and will default to null.
    • first is a boolean indicating whether to add this column first in the table, and will default to false.
$forge->changeColumn($table, $column, $options);

Create Schema

Create a new schema.

  • $schema is a string representing the schema name.
  • $options is an array containing the schema options.
    • charset is a string representing the schema character set, and will default to the connection character set.
    • collation is a string representing the schema collation, and will default to the connection collation.
    • ifNotExists is a boolean indicating whether to use an IF NOT EXISTS clause, and will default to false.
$forge->createSchema($schema, $options);

Create Table

Create a new table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $columns is an array containing the column definitions.
  • $options is an array containing the schema options.
    • indexes is an array containing the index definitions.
    • foreignKeys is an array containing the foreign key definitions.
    • engine is a string representing the table engine, and will default to "InnoDB".
    • charset is a string representing the table character set, and will default to the connection character set.
    • collation is a string representing the table collation, and will default to the connection collation.
    • comment is a string representing the table comment, and will default to "".
    • ifNotExists is a boolean indicating whether to use an IF NOT EXISTS clause, and will default to false.
$forge->createTable($table, $columns, $options);

Drop Foreign Key

Drop a foreign key from a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $foreignKey is a string representing the foreign key name.
$forge->dropForeignKey($table, $foreignKey);

Drop Primary Key

Drop a primary key from a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.

Drop Schema

Drop a schema.

  • $schema is a string representing the schema name.
  • $options is an array containing the schema options.
    • ifExists is a boolean indicating whether to use an IF EXISTS clause, and will default to false.
$forge->dropSchema($schema, $options);


The Postgres Forge extends the Forge class and provides additional methods and options specific to Postgres databases.

Add Column

Add a column to a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $options is an array containing the column options.
    • type is a string representing the column type, and will default to "varchar".
    • length is a number representing the column length, and will default to the type default.
    • precision is a number representing the column precision, and will default to the type default.
    • nullable is a boolean indicating whether the column is nullable, and will default to false.
    • default is a string representing the column default value, and will default to null (no default).
    • autoIncrement is a boolean indicating whether the column is an an auto incrementing column, and will default to false.
    • comment is a string representing the column comment, and will default to "".
$forge->addColumn($table, $column, $options);

Add Foreign Key

Add a foreign key to a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $foreignKey is a string representing the foreign key name.
  • $options is an array containing the foreign key options.
    • columns is a string or array containing the columns to use for the foreign key, and will default to the foreign key name.
    • referencedTable is a string representing the referenced table to use.
    • referencedColumns is a string or array containing the columns to use in the referenced table.
    • update is a string containing the ON UPDATE operation, and will default to "".
    • delete is a string containing the ON DELETE operation, and will default to "".
$forge->addForeignKey($table, $foreignKey, $options);

Alter Column Auto Increment

Alter a column's auto increment.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $autoIncrement is a boolean indicating whether the column is an an auto incrementing column.
$forge->alterColumnAutoIncrement($table, $column, $autoIncrement);

Alter Column Default

Alter a column's default value.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $default is a string representing the column default value.
$forge->alterColumnDefault($table, $column, $default);

Alter Column Nullable

Alter whether a column is nullable.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $nullable is a boolean indicating whether the column is nullable, and will default to false.
$forge->alterColumnNullable($table, $column, $nullable);

Alter Column Type

Alter a column's type.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $options is an array containing the column options.
    • type is a string representing the column type, and will default to "varchar".
    • length is a number representing the column length, and will default to the type default.
    • precision is a number representing the column precision, and will default to the type default.
$forge->alterColumnType($table, $column, $options);


Build a TableForge.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $options is an array containing the table options.
    • comment is a string representing the table comment, and will default to "".
$tableForge = $forge->build($table, $options);

Comment On Column

Set the comment for a column.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $comment is a string representing the table comment.
$forge->commentOnTable($table, $column, $comment);

Comment On Table

Set the comment for a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $comment is a string representing the table comment.
$forge->commentOnTable($table, $comment);

Create Schema

Create a new schema.

  • $schema is a string representing the schema name.
  • $options is an array containing the schema options.
    • ifNotExists is a boolean indicating whether to use an IF NOT EXISTS clause, and will default to false.
$forge->createSchema($schema, $options);

Create Table

Create a new table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $columns is an array containing the column definitions.
  • $options is an array containing the schema options.
    • indexes is an array containing the index definitions.
    • foreignKeys is an array containing the foreign key definitions.
    • comment is a string representing the table comment, and will default to "".
    • ifNotExists is a boolean indicating whether to use an IF NOT EXISTS clause, and will default to false.
$forge->createTable($table, $columns, $options);

Drop Constraint

Drop a constraint from a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $index is a string representing the index name.
$forge->dropConstraint($table, $index);

Drop Foreign Key

Drop a foreign key from a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.
  • $foreignKey is a string representing the foreign key name.
$forge->dropForeignKey($table, $foreignKey);

Drop Primary Key

Drop a primary key from a table.

  • $table is a string representing the table name.

Drop Schema

Drop a schema.

  • $schema is a string representing the schema name.
  • $options is an array containing the schema options.
    • ifExists is a boolean indicating whether to use an IF EXISTS clause, and will default to false.
$forge->dropSchema($schema, $options);


The Sqlite Forge extends the Forge class.

Table Forges

Add Column

Add a column to the table.

  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $options is an array containing the column options.
    • name is a string representing the new column name, and will default to the column name.
    • type is a string representing the column type, and will default to "varchar".
    • length is a number representing the column length, and will default to the type default.
    • precision is a number representing the column precision, and will default to the type default.
    • nullable is a boolean indicating whether the column is nullable, and will default to false.
    • default is a string representing the column default value, and will default to null (no default).
    • autoIncrement is a boolean indicating whether the column is an an auto incrementing column, and will default to false.
$tableForge->addColumn($column, $options);

Additional column options may be available depending on the connection handler.

Add Foreign Key

Add a foreign key to the table.

  • $foreignKey is a string representing the foreign key name.
  • $options is an array containing the foreign key options.
    • columns is a string or array containing the columns to use for the foreign key, and will default to the foreign key name.
    • referencedTable is a string representing the referenced table to use.
    • referencedColumns is a string or array containing the columns to use in the referenced table.
    • update is a string containing the ON UPDATE operation, and will default to "".
    • delete is a string containing the ON DELETE operation, and will default to "".
$tableForge->addForeignKey($foreignKey, $options);

Foreign keys cannot be added to an existing Sqlite table.

Add Index

Add an index to the table.

  • $index is a string representing the index name.
  • $options is an array containing the index options.
    • columns is a string or array containing the columns to use for the index, and will default to the index name.
    • unique is a boolean indicating whether the index must be unique, and will default to false.
    • primary is a boolean indicating whether the index is a primary key, and will default to false.
$tableForge->addIndex($index, $options);

Additional index options may be available depending on the connection handler.

Primary keys cannot be added to an existing Sqlite table.

Change Column

Change a table column.

  • $column is a string representing the column name.
  • $options is an array containing the column options.
    • name is a string representing the new column name, and will default to the column name.
$tableForge->changeColumn($column, $options);

Additional column options may be available depending on the connection handler.

Column definitions can not be modified for an existing Sqlite table.


Clear the column and index data.



Get the data for a table column.

  • $name is a string representing the column name.
$column = $tableForge->column($name);

Column Names

Get the names of all table columns.

$columnNames = $tableForge->columnNames();


Get the data for all table columns.

$columns = $tableForge->columns();


Drop the table.


Drop Column

Drop a column from the table.

  • $column is a string representing the column name.

Drop Foreign Key

Drop a foreign key from the table.

  • $foreignKey is a string representing the foreign key name.

Foreign keys cannot be dropped from an existing Sqlite table.

Drop Index

Drop an index from the table.

  • $index is a string representing the index name.

Primary and unique keys cannot be dropped from an existing Sqlite table.


Generate and execute the SQL queries.


Foreign Key

Get the data for a table foreign key.

  • $name is a string representing the foreign key name.
$foreignKey = $tableForge->foreignKey($name);

Foreign Keys

Get the data for all table foreign keys.

$foreignKeys = $tableForge->foreignKeys();

Get Forge

Get the Forge.

$forge = $tableForge->getForge();

Get Table Name

Get the table name.

$tableName = $tableForge->getTableName();

Has Column

Determine if the table has a column.

  • $name is a string representing the column name.
$hasColumn = $tableForge->hasColumn($name);

Has Foreign Key

Determine if the table has a foreign key.

  • $name is a string representing the foreign key name.
$hasForeignKey = $tableForge->hasForeignKey($name);

Has Index

Determine if the table has an index.

  • $name is a string representing the index name.
$hasIndex = $tableForge->hasIndex($name);


Get the data for a table index.

  • $name is a string representing the index name.
$index = $tableForge->index($name);


Get the data for all table indexes.

$indexes = $tableForge->indexes();


Rename the table.

  • $table is a string representing the new table name.

Set Primary Key

Set the primary key.

  • $columns is a string or array containing the columns to use for the primary key.

Primary keys cannot be added to an existing Sqlite table.


Generate the SQL queries.

$queries = $tableForge->sql();