
A logging library.

v5.1.1 2024-12-11 08:30 UTC


FyreLog is a free, open-source logging library for PHP.

Table Of Contents


Using Composer

composer require fyre/log


use Fyre\Log\LogManager;

Basic Usage

$logManager = new LogManager($container);

Default configuration options will be resolved from the "Log" key in the Config.


It is recommended to bind the LogManager to the Container as a singleton.


Any dependencies will be injected automatically when loading from the Container.

$logManager = $container->use(LogManager::class);



Build a Logger.

  • $config is an array containing configuration options.
$logger = $logManager->build($config);

Logger dependencies will be resolved automatically from the Container.


Clear instances and configs.


Get Config

Get a Logger config.

  • $key is a string representing the Logger key.
$config = $logManager->getConfig($key);

Alternatively, if the $key argument is omitted an array containing all configurations will be returned.

$config = $logManager->getConfig();


  • $type is a string representing the type of log.
  • $message is a string representing the log message.
  • $data is an array containing data to insert into the message string.
$logManager->handle($type, $message, $data);

Has Config

Determine whether a Logger config exists.

  • $key is a string representing the Logger key, and will default to LogManager::DEFAULT.
$hasConfig = $logManager->hasConfig($key);

Is Loaded

Determine whether a Logger instance is loaded.

  • $key is a string representing the Logger key, and will default to LogManager::DEFAULT.
$isLoaded = $logManager->isLoaded($key);

Set Config

Set the Logger config.

  • $key is a string representing the Logger key.
  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
$logManager->setConfig($key, $options);


Unload a Logger.

  • $key is a string representing the Logger key, and will default to LogManager::DEFAULT.


Load a shared Logger instance.

  • $key is a string representing the Logger key, and will default to LogManager::DEFAULT.
$logger = $logManager->use($key);

Logger dependencies will be resolved automatically from the Container.


You can load a specific logger by specifying the className option of the $config variable above.

Custom loggers can be created by extending \Fyre\Log\Logger, ensuring all below methods are implemented.

Can Handle

Determine whether a log level can be handled.

  • $level is a number indicating the log level.
$canHandle = $logger->canHandle($level);

By default, this method will return true if the $level is below or equal to the threshold defined in the logger config, otherwise false.


Handle a message log.

  • $type is a string representing the type of log.
  • $message is a string representing the log message.
$logger->handle($type, $message);


The File logger can be loaded using custom configuration.

  • $options is an array containing configuration options.
    • className must be set to \Fyre\Log\Handlers\FileLogger.
    • dateFormat is a string representing the date format, and will default to "Y-m-d H:i:s".
    • threshold is a number representing the log threshold, and will default to 0.
    • suffix is a string representing the filename suffix, and will default to null (or "-cli" if running from the CLI).
    • path is a string representing the directory path, and will default to "/var/log".
    • extension is a string representing the file extension, and will default to "log".
    • maxSize is a number representing the maximum file size before log rotation, and will default to 1048576.
$container->use(Config::class)->set('Log.file', $options);


Generally, logging is done by calling the handle method of a LogManager instance.

This will call the canHandle method of all defined logger configs, and if that returns true then the handle method will also be called.

The default log levels are shown below (in order of severity).

  • $message is a string representing the log message.
  • $data is an array containing data to insert into the message string.
$logManager->handle('emergency', $message, $data);   // 1
$logManager->handle('alert', $message, $data);       // 2
$logManager->handle('critical', $message, $data);    // 3
$logManager->handle('error', $message, $data);       // 4
$logManager->handle('warning', $message, $data);     // 5
$logManager->handle('notice', $message, $data);      // 6
$logManager->handle('info', $message, $data);        // 7
$logManager->handle('debug', $message, $data);       // 8

There are default placeholders that can also be used in log messages:

  • {post_vars} will be replaced with the $_POST data.
  • {get_vars} will be replaced with the $_GET data.
  • {server_vars} will be replaced with the $_SERVER data.
  • {session_vars} will be replaced with the $_SESSION data.
  • {backtrace} will be replaced with the backtrace.

See the MessageFormatter::formatMessage method for details about message formatting.