codex / core
The core package for Codex. This is the minimal requirement to get Codex up and running.
- php: >=7.0.0
- barryvdh/laravel-cors: ~0.9
- codex/composer-plugin: ~2.0
- colinodell/json5: ^2.0
- deinternetjongens/lighthouse-utils: ~0.2
- fluentdom/fluentdom: ~7.0
- fluentdom/selectors-phpcss: ~1.2
- graham-campbell/flysystem: ~5.0
- laradic/dependency-sorter: ~1.1
- laradic/service-provider: ~1.0
- laradic/support: ~1.5
- league/commonmark: ^0.17
- league/commonmark-extras: ~0.1
- league/uri: ~4.0|~5.0
- marc-mabe/php-enum: 3.1.*
- myclabs/php-enum: ~1.5
- nicmart/tree: 0.2.*
- nuwave/lighthouse: ~2.6
- radic/blade-extensions: ~7.1
- symfony/config: ~4.0
- symfony/expression-language: ~3.0|~4.0
- symfony/yaml: ~2.7|~3.0|~4.0
- webmozart/glob: ~4.1
- webuni/commonmark-attributes-extension: ~0.6
- webuni/commonmark-table-extension: ~0.9
- zendframework/zend-config: 3.2.*
- zendframework/zend-config-aggregator: 1.1.*
- zendframework/zend-config-aggregator-parameters: 1.1.*
- codex/algolia-search: Integrates algolia search into codex (~2.0)
- codex/auth: Provides authentication using oauth providers (socialite) to restrict project access (~2.0)
- codex/blog: Provides blogging capability with categories containing posts (~2.0)
- codex/comments: Adds comments to your documents like Disqus or create your own adapter (~2.0)
- codex/filesystems: Adds a collection of common filesystem adapters. These can be used by your projects. (~2.0)
- codex/git: Enables Github/Bitbucket integration & synchronisation (auto-webhook or manual) based on tags/branches. (~2.0)
- codex/packagist: Integrates Packagist information links and macros in your projects (~2.0)
- codex/phpdoc: Integrates PHPDoc documentation, links and macros in your projects (~2.0)
- codex/sitemap: Generates a sitemap.xml (~2.0)
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-10 02:01:51 UTC
title | subtitle |
Overview | Codex Documentation |
Codex Documentation
Head over to for the full documentation (starting with this document) to get started.
Codex is a file-based documentation platform built on top of Laravel. It's completely customizable and dead simple to use to create beautiful documentation.
Codex is able to do things like transforming markdown or automaticaly fetching documentation from a Bitbucket/Github repositories. Most of it's features are provided by addons. Codex is extenable, themeable, hackable and simple to setup and use.
Codex > Projects > Revisions > Documents > Processors > Output
- Codex can provide documentation for multiple Projects.
- Each Project has one or more Revisions (versions)
- Each Revision contains Documents.
- Each Document is passed trough Processors, modifying it's content before displaying.
- Laravel 5
- Markdown, Creole or custom document parsers
- Host a unlimited number of projects/manuals with accompanying versions
- Extenable, themeable, hackable
- Simple to setup and use
- Syntax Highlighting
- Easy navigation defined in YAML
- SEO Friendly URLs
- Default theme build on Laravels theme
- Multiple storage methods (local, dropbox, amazon, etc)
- Can be installed as stand-alone or sub-component in your own (Laravel) project.
- (Addon Feature) Github/Bitbucket (auto webhook) synchronisation based on tags/branches.
- (Addon Feature) Smooth working, custom PHPDoc integration
- (Addon Feature) Access restriction on projects using Github/Bitbucket login
- Much, much more!
Copyright 2019 Robin Radic - MIT Licensed