Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Appertly XHP Extras: Some useful XHP tags and utilities
295 1
Appertly XHP Extras Markdown: Markdown to XHP
99 0
Command line argument and option parser for Hack
69 1
A PSR-7 compliant middleware dispatcher for Hack/HHVM
165 1
API-compatible Hack collections in PHP
345 2
An API documentation generator for Hack/HHVM and PHP
41 3
A library that helps you write web applications in Hack
286 0
A library that helps you write web applications
321 0
A shrimp of an access control library
575 0
A shrimp of an authentication library
571 0
A shrimp of a dependency injection library
628 0
A shrimp of a DAO support library
505 0
A shrimp of a PSR-15 compliant middleware dispatcher
16 2
A shrimp of an event library
876 0
A shrimp of a value sanitation library
360 0