Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Import data from, and export data to, a range of file formats and media
4 046 422 583
A Symfony2 bundle for the ddeboer/data-import library
1 229 599 69
A PHP 5.3 library for working with HTTP and mail message headers
10 015 2
Object-oriented IMAP for PHP
3 286 762 918
Include the Zend Framework's LiveDocx client in your Symfony2 project
1 1
A Salesforce API mapper
34 721 28
A wrapper for the Tesseract OCR engine
130 104 22
Better encoding conversion for PHP
656 119 9
Validate VAT identification numbers
2 290 371 136
Symfony bundle for the VATIN library
689 209 28
Make your tests run faster
2 500 2
Create and restore database backups with PHP
5 406 0
Prep your app for running tests
3 799 0
Prep your app for running tests with MongoDB
3 116 0
Prep your app for running tests with Doctrine ORM
3 723 0