
Bundle to map Doctrine entity object to and from API resource object.

0.24.8 2024-04-15 07:49 UTC


  1. Extends Symfony / Api Platform functionality by helping to map Doctrine entity objects with Api Platform resource objects and offers other helpers such as filters, JSON Functions, etc.

  2. Implements AuthorizationService which centralizes all authorization configuration and provides methods for authorizing resources in:

  • Data provider - collection get
  • Data provider - item get
  • Data persister - item post/put/patch
  • Data persister - item delete
  • Individual resource in EntityToResourceMapper


PHP 8.1+
Symfony 6.3+


The recommended way to install is via Composer:

composer require whitedigital-eu/entity-resource-mapper-bundle


ClassMapper service

You should create ClassMapper service configuration file, for example:

namespace App\Service;

use App\Dto\CustumerDto;
use App\Entity\Customer;

use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Mapper\ClassMapperConfiguratorInterface;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Mapper\ClassMapper;

class ClassMapperConfigurator implements ClassMapperConfiguratorInterface
    public function __invoke(ClassMapper $classMapper)
        $classMapper->registerMapping(CustomerResource::class, Customer::class);
        // with Callback - must return true for mapping to be active
        $classMapper->registerMapping(PublicHtmlResource::class, Html::class, callback: static fn (array $context) => !self::isAdmin($context));
        $classMapper->registerMapping(AdminHtmlResource::class, Html::class, callback: static fn (array $context) => self::isAdmin($context));
     * IsAdmin or else IsPublic.
    private static function isAdmin(array $context): bool
        return array_key_exists('request_uri', $context) && str_starts_with($context['request_uri'], '/api/admin');

and register it as configurator for ClassMapper service in your services.yaml file:

      class: App\Service\ClassMapperConfigurator

Additionally, you can use Mapping attribute to register mapping:

use App\Dto\CustumerDto;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Attribute\Mapping;

class Customer ...
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Attribute\Mapping;
use App\Entity\Customer;

class CustumerDto ...


Following filters are currently available (filters works as described in Api Platform docs, except for comments below):

  • ResourceBooleanFilter
  • ResourceDateFilter (throws exception, if value is not a valid DateTime object)
  • ResourceEnumFilter (same as SearchFilter but with explicit documentation)
  • ResourceExistsFilter
  • ResourceJsonFilter (new filter)
  • ResourceNumericFilter
  • ResourceOrderFilter (allows ordering by json values)
  • ResourceOrderCustomFilter (Order filter which will order by custom SELECT fields, which are not included in root alias nor joins)
  • ResourceRangeFilter
  • ResourceSearchFilter

JSON Functions

Following PostgreSQL functions are available in Doctrine and used in ResourceJsonFilter and ResourceOrderFilter:

  • JSONB_PATH_EXISTS(%s, %s) - PostgreSQL function jsonb_path_exists(%s::jsonb, %s)
  • JSON_GET_TEXT(%s, %s) - PostgreSQL alias for %s->>%s
  • JSON_ARRAY_LENGTH(%s) - PostgreSQL function json_array_length(%s)
  • JSON_CONTAINS(%s, %s) - PostgreSQL alias for %s::jsonb @> '%s'

DBAL Types

This bundle comes with and autoconfigures following dbal types to use UTC time zone:

  • date
  • datetime
  • date_immutable
  • datetime_immutable


Available operation types:

  • AuthorizationService::ALL Includes all of the below
  • AuthorizationService::COL_GET Collection GET
  • AuthorizationService::ITEM_GET Item GET
  • AuthorizationService::COL_POST Collection POST
  • AuthorizationService::ITEM_PATCH Item PUT + PATCH
  • AuthorizationService::ITEM_DELETE Item DELETE

Available grant types:

  • GrantType::ALL resource fully available
  • GrantType::LIMITED resource is available with limitations
  • GrantType::NONE resource not available

AuthorizationService Configurator must be implemented.

// src/Service/Configurator/AuthorizationServiceConfigurator.php

use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Resource\BaseResource;  
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Security\AuthorizationServiceConfiguratorInterface;  

final class AuthorizationServiceConfigurator implements AuthorizationServiceConfiguratorInterface
    public function __invoke(AuthorizationService $service): void
        $service->setAuthorizationOverride(static fn (BaseEntity|BaseResource|null $object = null) => 'cli' === strtolower(PHP_SAPI) && 'test' !== $_ENV['APP_ENV']);

            ActivityResource::class => [
                AuthorizationService::ALL => ['ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN' => GrantType::ALL, 'ROLE_KAM' => GrantType::ALL],
                AuthorizationService::COL_GET => [, 'ROLE_JUNIOR_KAM' => GrantType::OWN],
                AuthorizationService::ITEM_GET => [, 'ROLE_JUNIOR_KAM' => GrantType::GROUP],
                AuthorizationService::COL_POST => [],
                AuthorizationService::ITEM_PATCH => [],
                AuthorizationService::ITEM_DELETE => [],
        //either mainResource or roles key must be set
                    ['name' => 'ACTIVITIES',
                        'mainResource' => ActivityResource::class,
                    ['name' => 'REPORTS',
                        'roles' => ['ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN', 'ROLE_KAM'],

register it as service:

    class: AuthorizationServiceConfigurator

If setAuthorizationOverride closure is set, it will be called with current object (resource or entity) and if it returns true, authorization will be skipped.

Use following methods:

  • In DataProvider, getCollection:
$this->authorizationService->limitGetCollection($resourceClass, $queryBuilder); // This will affect queryBuilder object
  • In DataProvider, getItem:
$this->authorizationService->authorizeSingleObject($entity, AuthorizationService::ITEM_GET); // This will throw AccessDeniedException if not authorized
  • In DataPersister, persist:
$this->authorizationService->authorizeSingleObject($data, AuthorizationService::ITEM_PATCH); // This will throw AccessDeniedException if not authorized
// or
$this->authorizationService->authorizeSingleObject($data, AuthorizationService::COL_POST; // This will throw AccessDeniedException if not authorized
  • In DataPersister, remove:
$this->authorizationService->authorizeSingleObject($data, AuthorizationService::ITEM_DELETE); // This will throw AccessDeniedException if not authorized
  • In any Resource, if you have defined its grant as LIMITED, you must add attribute to BaseResource class, to define access resolver configurations for each of the resource classes
#[AuthorizeResource(accessResolvers: [
    new AccessResolverConfiguration(className: OwnerPropertyAccessResolver::class, config: ['ownerPropertyPath' => 'supervisor']),

Same class must also set following property with correct normalization group:

    #[ApiProperty(attributes: ["openapi_context" => ["description" => "If Authorization GrantType::OWN or GROUP is calculated, resource can be restricted."]])]
    public bool $isRestricted = false;

Property visibility check

Sometimes you want to return all items in endpoint but want to limit properties returned based on user roles. To do so, you need to set GrantType::LIMITED to role and operation you want to have this visibility check and add #[VisibleProperty] attribute to resource where this check should be done. #[VisibleProperty] attribute takes 2 parameters: ownerProperty and properties. properties is an array of all properties you want to SHOW. ownerProperty is the name of property which to check against current logged in user.

IMPORTANT: If resource has GrantType::LIMITED to some role for get or get_collection operations, at least one access resolver or #[VisibleProperty] must be set!

Explicit check if all roles are configured in authorization service

If you want explicitly check if all project defined roles are fully configured in authorization service, you can configure this check by passing BackedEnum containing all needed roles to configuration.

Default value is [], so without this configuration check will not be triggered.

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

use App\Constants\Enum\Roles;
use Symfony\Config\EntityResourceMapperConfig;

return static function (EntityResourceMapperConfig $config): void {


    roles_enum: App\Constants\Enum\Roles

This enum must be backed and contain all needed roles with ROLE_ prefix like this:

<?php declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace App\Constants\Enum;

enum Roles: string
    case ROLE_USER = 'ROLE_USER';

Now if you don't have ROLE_USER or ROLE_ADMIN grants configured for any resource operation you passed in AuthorizationService->setServices(), exception will be thrown.

Public resource access

If it is required to access any resource without authorization (by default this is forbidden), you can use AuthorizationServiceConfigurator to allow specific operations for AuthenticatedVoter::PUBLIC_ACCESS. To do so, configure needed operations using GrantType::ALL. Only GrantType::ALL is allowed to be used (no option for GrantType::LIMITED) and you do not need to set GrantType::NONE for public access. Example:

// src/Service/Configurator/AuthorizationServiceConfigurator.php

use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Security\AuthorizationServiceConfiguratorInterface;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Security\Enum\GrantType;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter\AuthenticatedVoter;

final class AuthorizationServiceConfigurator implements AuthorizationServiceConfiguratorInterface
    public function __invoke(AuthorizationService $service): void
            ActivityResource::class => [
                AuthorizationService::ALL => ['ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN' => GrantType::ALL, 'ROLE_KAM' => GrantType::ALL],
                AuthorizationService::COL_GET => ['ROLE_JUNIOR_KAM' => GrantType::LIMITED],
                AuthorizationService::ITEM_GET => [AuthenticatedVoter::PUBLIC_ACCESS => GrantType::ALL],
                AuthorizationService::COL_POST => [],
                AuthorizationService::ITEM_PATCH => [],
                AuthorizationService::ITEM_DELETE => [],

Menu Builder

This package ships with a menu builder functionality, that allows to define the overall menu structure and allows for dynamic menu building based on current user limitations (authorization, rules)

To use menu builder service, you must first create a configurator class for this service that implements WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Interface\MenuBuilderServiceConfiguratorInterface

use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\MenuBuilder\Interface\MenuBuilderServiceConfiguratorInterface;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\MenuBuilder\Services\MenuBuilderService;

final class MenuBuilderServiceConfigurator implements MenuBuilderServiceConfiguratorInterface
    public function __invoke(MenuBuilderService $service): void
        //either mainResource or roles key must be set
                        'name' => 'ACTIVITIES',
                        'mainResource' => ActivityResource::class,
                        'name' => 'REPORTS',
                        'roles' => ['ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN', 'ROLE_KAM'],

Register the configurator class as a service:

    class: MenuBuilderServiceConfigurator

And finally you can use the menubuilder and retrieve the filtered menu by calling the MenuBuilderService like so:

use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\MenuBuilder\Services\MenuBuilderService;

class SomeClass
    public function someFunction(MenuBuilderService $service): void
        $data = $service->getMenuForCurrentUser();

Base provider and processor

In most cases way how to read or write data to database is the same, so this package provides AbstractDataProcessor and AbstractDataProvider that implements base logic for api platform. Maker part of this package uses these clases for generation as well. Using these abstractions will take away need to duplicate code for each entity/resource. As these are abstractions, you can always override any function of them when needed.

Extended api resource

Other whitedigital-eu packages may come with api resources that with some configuration may not be suited for straight away usage in a project. This is why ExtendedApiResource is useful to override part of options defined in default attributes.

For example, take a look at WhiteDigital\Audit\ApiResource\AuditResource class. It defines api resource. If you want iri to be /api/vendor/audits, you have to do the following:

  1. Create new class that extends resource you want to override
  2. Add ExtendedApiResouce attribute insted of ApiResource attribute
  3. Pass only those options that you want to override, others will be taken from resource you are extending
namespace App\ApiResource;

use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Attribute\ExtendedApiResource;

#[ExtendedApiResource(routePrefix: '/vendor')]
class AuditResource extends WhiteDigital\Audit\ApiResource\AuditResource

ExtendedApiResouce attribute checks which resource you are extending and overrides options given in extension, keeping other options same as in parent resource.

IMPORTANT: You need to disable bundled resource using api_platform.openapi.factory decorator, otherwise you will have 2 instances of audit resource: one with /api/audits iri and one with /api/vendor/audits iri.

ApiResource maker

Default configuration options comes based on api-platform|symfony recommendations but you can override them like this (default values shown):

        api_resource: ApiResource
        class_map_configurator: Service\\Configurator # required by whitedigital-eu/entity-resource-mapper-bundle
        data_processor: DataProcessor
        data_provider: DataProvider
        entity: Entity
        root: App
        api_resource_suffix: Resource
        role_separator: ':'
        space: '_'
use Symfony\Config\EntityResourceMapperConfig;

return static function (EntityResourceMapperConfig $config): void {
    $namespaces = $config

        ->classMapConfigurator('Service\\Configurator') # required by whitedigital-eu/entity-resource-mapper-bundle
    $defaults = $config

namespaces are there to set up different directories for generated files. So, if you need to put files in different directories/namespaces, you can chnage it as such.

roleSeparator and space from defaults are added to configure separators for groups used in api resource. For example, UserRole with defaults will become user_role:read for read group.
apiResourcrSuffix defines suffix for api resource class name. For example, by default User entity will make UserResource api resource class.


Simply run make:api-resource <EntityName> where EntityName is entity you want to create api resource for. Example, make:api-resource User to make UserResource, UserDataProcessor and UserDataProvider for User entity.

Maker command generates resource properties based on entity variables. This could sometimes be incorrect or not needed, so you can pass --no-properties option to not generate properties.
By default, maker command will throw an error if you are trying to generate classes that already exist. If for some reason you want to rewrite generated classes, you can pass --delete-if-exists option.
This option comes in handy on occasion when you have 2 entities, that have relation. Because of specific logical impossibility, to generate resources for both classes automatically, you should:

  1. run make:api-resource Entity1 --no-properties
  2. run make:api-resource Entity2
  3. run make:api-resource Entity1 --delete-if-exists

This command automatically generates ApiFilters for given entity. Default value is to generate them is for first level fields. Like this:

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Filters\ResourceDateFilter;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Resource\BaseResource;

    ApiResource (
        shortName: 'User'
    ApiFilter(ResourceDateFilter::class, properties: ['createdAt', 'updatedAt', ]),
class UserResource extends BaseResource 
    public ?DateTimeImmutable $createdAt = null;

    public ?DateTimeImmutable $updatedAt = null;
    public ?UserResource $parent = null;

If you don't want to generate any filters, run command by passing level 0:

bin/console make:api-resource User --level 0

If you want generate filters for more levels for subresources, like, parent.createdAt, pass higher level:

bin/console make:api-resource User --level 2
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiFilter;
use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Filters\ResourceDateFilter;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Resource\BaseResource;

    ApiResource (
        shortName: 'User'
    ApiFilter(ResourceDateFilter::class, properties: ['createdAt', 'updatedAt', 'parent.createdAt', 'parent.updatedAt']),
class UserResource extends BaseResource 
    public ?DateTimeImmutable $createdAt = null;

    public ?DateTimeImmutable $updatedAt = null;
    public ?UserResource $parent = null;

Higher level -> deeper subresource filters.
It is obvious that you probably do not need all generated filters, but it is easier to remove than it is to add.

If you want to exclude specific type of filters, you can pass --exclude-<filter> to skip generation of those filters.

bin/console make:api-resource User --level 2 --exclude-array --exclude-numeric --exclude-range

Available filters are:

  • array: ResourceJsonFilter
  • bool: ResourceBooleanFilter
  • date: ResourceDateFilter
  • enum: ResourceEnumFilter
  • numeric: ResourceNumericFilter
  • range: ResourceRangeFilter
  • search: ResourceSearchFilter

ResourceOrderFilter is created from non-excluded numeric, search, date and array filters.

PHP CS Fixer

IMPORTANT: When running php-cs-fixer, make sure not to format files in skeleton folder. Otherwise maker command will stop working.


This library contains validators for Classifiers. These will only work if Entity/Resource have following structure (not less than this): Entity:

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\Entity;

class Classifier
    private ?int $id = null;
    private ?string $value = null;
    private ?array $data = [];
    private ?ClassifierType $type = null;


use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;

class ClassifierResource
    public mixed $id = null;
    public ?string $value = null;
    public ?array $data = [];
    public ?ClassifierType $type = null;

As seen in these examples, you need to have a Backed enum (here called ClassifierType) that you need to validate against.
Example of ClassifierType is something like this:

enum ClassifierType: string
    case ONE = 'ONE';
    case TWO = 'TWO';

Now you can use either CorrectClassifierType or ClassifierRequiredDataIsSet validator:

CorrectClassifierType: CorrectClassifierType checks if in related resource Classifier is given with correct type:

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Validator\Constraints as WDAssert;

class TestResource
    public ?ClassifierResource $one = null;

Now if you pass resource that has any other type (like ClassifierType::TWO for example) to this resource, error will be thrown.

ClassifierRequiredDataIsSet: Sometimes you may need extra data in Classifier and may be mandatory. For this ClassifierRequiredDataIsSet can be used to check if this data is passed. This is used on ClassifierResource:

use ApiPlatform\Metadata\ApiResource;
use WhiteDigital\EntityResourceMapper\Validator\Constraints as WDAssert;

#[WDAssert\ClassifierRequiredDataIsSet(ClassifierType::ONE, ['test1'])]
class ClassifierResource
    public mixed $id = null;
    public ?string $value = null;
    public ?array $data = [];
    public ?ClassifierType $type = null;

And now when creating a new Classifier with type ONE, an error will be thrown if data does not contain value with key test1


Run tests by:

$ vendor/bin/phpunit


  • performance improvements
  • explicit joins on dataprovider
  • computed properties as querybuilder methods