
Training symfony app based on compo-plan app

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-28 04:25:52 UTC


Build Status buddy pipeline

Docker and docker-compose are required to be installed



Install via composer

composer create-project vladimir/compo-plan --stability dev

Install via GitHub

git clone git@github.com:comporu/compo-plan.git

install dependencies composer install

Start up containers

rights of the var/ directory must be 777 before

docker-compose up in a new terminal


docker-compose up -d in a same terminal (Detached mode: Run containers in the background)

Create DB

docker container exec compo-plan-php php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Create super user

docker container exec compo-plan-php php bin/console fos:user:create root --super-admin test@test.ru 11111111

this command will create super user with login root and password 11111111


Type http://localhost:8585/app_dev.php in browser address bar

Dashboard login/pass are as you created on previous step:

login: root

pass: 11111111



parameters.yml.dist has been configured for working with docker mysql container

Leave default database parameters while installing dependencies with composer


var/cache var/sessions var/logs folders required to have 777 rights


start up containers

docker-compose up

docker-compose up --build

shut down containers

docker-compose down

delete all containers with cache and networks

docker system prune -a

Console commands

Since we are in docker containers, we need to run console commands in php container.

So ours lovely command php bin/console <whatever> must be turned to

docker container exec compo-plan-php php bin/console <whatever>

compo-plan-php is an alias for ours php container. see docker-compose.yml