typo3/cms-install dependents (165) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    (Sudhaus7) Wizard to copy Typo3 Website Trees

  • PHP


    (Sudhaus7) Event for the B13 Container Extension

  • PHP


    (Sudhaus7) XLS Importer

  • PHP


    SzQuickfinder - Quickfinder Plugin from SUNZINET GmbH

  • t3-themes/t3-theme-diag

    Diag is a very flexible TYPO3 theme built for Digital Marketing Agency, SEO Agency, Advertising Agency related businesses. You can easily create a modern website and start promoting your services in less than minutes. It is fully responsive and easy to Customize. Detailed documentation is included on how to install the theme, import demo content, and customize it.

  • t3/cms

    Extended typo3/minimal meta package, including typo3_console.

  • PHP


    This extension contains code examples used in TYPO3 explained to describe the use of Extbase.

  • PHP


    Environment to develop and run TYPO3 in Docker containers

  • PHP


    This blog extension uses TYPO3s core concepts and elements to provide a full-blown blog that users of TYPO3 can instantly understand and use.

  • PHP


    Prototype for translatable files in TYPO3

  • t3g/google-ads

    Google Ads integration into TYPO3

  • PHP


    Sanitize SVG files on upload


  • t3graf/extended-bootstrap-package

    Extends Benjamin Kott's Bootstrap package with new, useful functions such as mega menus, an optional top bar panel, new CE's and more. Furthermore, it's a good example how you can adapt the bootstrap package to your own needs.

  • t3graf/setdefaultauthor

    Defaults the author/email fields in pages and sys_notes to the info from the currently logged in user.

  • t3graf/sis-base

    Sports information system for sports clubs to present team information, player profiles, upcoming matchdays, game results, competition or tournament tables, reports and statistics on the club website.