
Simple incident logger for Laravel

Fund package maintenance!

v11.1.8 2025-02-01 07:33 UTC


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Laravel Fejlvarp is a robust incident logger tailored for Laravel applications. Designed to streamline error tracking, it ensures that you're always in the loop about runtime errors, allowing for swift resolution.

Why Choose Laravel Fejlvarp?

  • Instant Notifications: Get notified immediately when an incident occurs or is reopened via email or
  • Intuitive Interface: A user-friendly web interface lets you delve deep into debug information about each incident.
  • Seamless Integration: Designed to fit right into your Laravel application without any hassle.
Incidents overview Incident detail view


This package is an enchancement of Fejlvarp by troelskn. Thanks for letting me envolve on the idea to letting it become a package for laravel.

negoziator has also been a great help in the process of making this package.

Supported Versions

This project supports a range of PHP and Laravel versions, tested across multiple operating systems. Below are the details of the supported versions:

PHP and Laravel Compatibility

Laravel Version PHP Versions Required larastan/larastan Required orchestra/testbench Required orchestra/testbench-core
^9.47 8.0.2, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 2.4.0 7.* 7.*
10.* 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 2.4.0 8.* 8.*
11.* 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 3.* ^9.1 9.1.4

Operating Systems

The project is tested on the following operating systems:

  • Ubuntu (latest)
  • Windows (latest)

Testing Stability

The project is tested under different dependency scenarios to ensure robust compatibility:

  • Prefer Lowest: Ensuring compatibility with the oldest versions of dependencies.
  • Prefer Stable: Ensuring compatibility with the latest stable versions of dependencies.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require tvup/laravel-fejlvarp

Default route to list of incidents will be

Important! Make sure to protect this route with (admin) authentication

You can enjoy the convenience of letteing the package install itsleft

php artisan fejlvarp:install

It will also ask you if you want to create (migrate) the table that will be storing the incidents

Instead of doing the above, or just if you are curious, you publish the files manually by doing the following:

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="fejlvarp-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="fejlvarp-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'ipstack' => ['access_key' => env('INCIDENT_MANAGER_IPSTACK_ACCESS_KEY')],

    'pushover' => [
        'userkey' => env('INCIDENT_MANAGER_PUSHOVER_USER_KEY'),
        'apitoken' => env('INCIDENT_MANAGER_PUSHOVER_API_TOKEN'),

    'slack' => [
        'webhook_url' => env('INCIDENT_MANAGER_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL'),

    'mail_recipient' => env('INCIDENT_MANAGER_EMAIL_RECIPIENT'),

ipstack is used to get info about ip-addresses - you can retrieve an access key here: Results from ipstack are cached, so it won't drain the free lookups right away.

Pushover/slack/mail is used to inform about new og reopened incidents

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="fejlvarp-views"

You can replace your exception-handler Replace

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=fejlvarp-provider

remember to make sure that the serivce-provider is correctly installed

You can have other applications report to the one you install it on, get inspiration from /src/Exceptions/LaravelFejlvarpExceptionHandler.php

$hash = config('')
            . $exception->getMessage()
            . preg_replace('~revisions/[0-9]{14}/~', '--', $exception->getFile())
            . $exception->getLine();
        $user = request()->user();

        $data = [
            'hash' => md5($hash),
            'subject' => $exception->getMessage() ? $exception->getMessage() : 'Subject is empty',
            'data' => json_encode([
                'application' => config(''),
                'error' => [
                    'type' => get_class($exception),
                    'message' => $exception->getMessage(),
                    'code' => $exception->getCode(),
                    'file' => $exception->getFile(),
                    'line' => $exception->getLine(),
                    'trace' => $exception->getTraceAsString(),
                'environment' => [
                    'GET' => $_GET ?: null,
                    'POST' => $_POST ?: null,
                    'SERVER' => $_SERVER ?: null,
                    'SESSION' => request()->hasSession() ? request()->session()->all() : null,
                'application_data' => $user ? [
                    'user' => $user->toArray(),
                ] : null,
                'queries' => app(Listener::class)->queries(),
            ], JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR),
        $request = Request::create(


composer test

Local development on laravel-fejlvarp through laravel application

These instructions apply to your laravel application where laravel-fejlvarp is installed as a package

  • Add a volume to your docker-compose.yml
            - '../local-fejlvarp-folder-relative-to-laravel-folder:/var/www/packages/laravel-fejlvarp'

(right below these lines)

          - '.:/var/www/html'
  • Add repository to composer
            "type": "path",
            "url": "../packages/laravel-fejlvarp",
            "symlink": true
  • Use local package
        "tvup/laravel-fejlvarp": "@dev"
sail composer update tvup/laravel-fejlvarp

Now you don't need to run composer update each time you change something in the package. (Remember to set back yml- and composer-file before pushing anything)


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.