
Symfony bundle for Doctrine Migrations of data using doctrine entities.

v0.9.1 2017-05-31 08:36 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 03:30:40 UTC


Symfony bundle for Doctrine Migrations of data using doctrine entities. Use this tool to describe your database data by doctrine entities. It requires to modify your entities a bit but for that price, you'll get a mighty tool that will auto-merge entities in your application with those in your database.

This is very useful when you need to keep your data up-to-date in many environments and are necessary for your application to run.

Typical use-case is a user table with your administrator, content manager and other "obligatory" users or enumerations that are used across your app.

DataApplier will never affect any data that was not created by DataApplier so your user data can live next to data applier data together in one table.

How to use

Add composer dependency: composer require tuscanicz/doctrine-data-applier:dev-develop

Modify your Entity to be useful with Data Applier

You need to add some columns to doctrine entity to make them managable by data applier.

In order to do so you'll have to implement DataApplier\Entity\DataApplicableEntityInterface that will force you to use DataApplier\Entity\DataApplicableEntityTrait and present id column with setter and getter.

This id must be your primary key in database, see a typical annotation:

 * @var int
 * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
 * @ORM\Id
 * @ORM\GeneratedValue()
private $id;

public function getId()
    return $this->id;

public function setId(int $id)
    $this->id = $id;

I expect that most of the doctrine entities have such column already defined. If you define your id with different name or consists of complex keys, you'll have to fork this repository and fix this limitation :)

Next, you'll have to decide what are the DataApplier identifier columns.

This tool will decide whether to delete the row, update the data or insert new by matching your database contents with entities in your application.

Annotate them with DataApplier\Annotation\DataApplierIdentifier:

 * @var string
 * @ORM\Column(type="string")
 * @DataApplierIdentifier()
private $key;

Then create a factory method /or factory class that will set all the necessary attributes to your entity. Don't include the primary key in database (id), these will differ on your environments.


public static function createNew($value, $key)
    $self = new self;

    return $self;

Update the database

Use doctrine:migrations to change the entities. Generating a diff will add a few columns that will help DataApplier to identify a source of data.

Create a DataApplier for your entity

Data applier consists of multiple DataAppliers that will implement DataApplier\Data\DataApplierInterface.

The only method applyData() will return an array of entities that you need to keep in your database:

class TestDataApplier1 implements DataApplierInterface
    public function applyData()
        return [
            TestEntity::createNew('value1', 'key1'),
            TestEntity::createNew('value2', 'key2'),
            TestEntity::createNew('value3', 'key3'),

You must register TestDataApplier1 as Symfony service and add doctrine.data_applier tag:

<service id="your_app.data.test_data_applier1" class="YourApp\Data\TestDataApplier1">
    <tag name="doctrine.data_applier"/>

Register DataApplier bundle

class AppKernel extends Kernel
    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = [
            new \DataApplier\DataApplierBundle()

Run DataApplier

If you managed to go thru all the previous steps - congratulations. :)

You can now run your data applier via Symfony console: php bin/console data:apply

This will update your data in your database.